hide mouse AutoCam Off Sync On Sync Rate 30 CLS 0 Dim DScore(2) Randomize Timer() True = 1: False = 0 gosub images Gosub Setup f#=50 repeat xrotate object 1,wrapvalue(object angle x(1)-11) xrotate object 2,wrapvalue(object angle x(2)+12) Position Object 1,0.6,f#,0 Position Object 2,-0.6,f#,0 point camera 0,f#,0 f#=f#-0.4 Sync until f#<0 wait 500 for t=0 to 4 position object 1,t,0,0 position object 2,t,0,0 position object 3,t,0,0 sync next t for t=4 to -4 step -1 position object 1,t,0,0 position object 2,t,0,0 position object 3,t,0,0 sync next t for t=-4 to 0 position object 1,t,0,0 position object 2,t,0,0 position object 3,t,0,0 sync next t wait 500 for t=0 to 120 zrotate object 3,t position object 1,tp#,0,0 position object 2,tp#,0,0 position object 3,tp#,0,0 inc tp#,0.02 sync next t gggg: rotate object 1,0,0,0 rotate object 2,0,0,0 For N=1 To 2 DScore(N)=Rnd(5)+1: Rem Random dice face chosen Select DScore(N) Case 1: Rotate Object N,0,90,0: EndCase Case 2: Rotate Object N,0,180,0: EndCase Case 3: Rotate Object N,90,0,0: EndCase Case 4: Rotate Object N,270,0,0: EndCase Case 5: Rotate Object N,0,0,0: EndCase Case 6: Rotate Object N,0,270,0: EndCase EndSelect Next N DScore1=DScore(1) DScore2=DScore(2) position object 1,-1,0,0 position object 2,0,0,0 c#=1 dh#=1 for t=0 to 40 dec c#,0.1 position object 1,c#-1,dh#,0 position object 2,c#,dh#,0 dec dh#,0.1 sync next t ink rgb(255,255,255),0 repeat set cursor 0,0 print "You got ",DScore1," and ",DScore2,". Please press space." sync until spacekey()=1 End images: ink rgb(255,0,0),0 box 0,0,300,300 ink rgb(190,0,0),0 for t=0 to 9000 a=rnd(300) b=rnd(300) box a,b,a,b next t get image 1,0,0,300,300 cls ink rgb(0,120,0),0 box 0,0,300,300 ink rgb(0,150,20),0 for t=0 to 6000 a=rnd(300) b=rnd(300) box a,b,a,b next t get image 2,0,0,300,300 cls ink rgb(255,255,255),0 for t=0 to 2000 a=rnd(500) b=rnd(400) box a,b,a,b next t get image 3,0,0,500,400 cls return Setup: MakeDice(2,1,1.0) Position Object 1,0.6,3,0 Position Object 2,-0.6,3,0 Position Camera 0,0,-10 make object cylinder 3,5 texture object 3,1 make object box 4,500,4,500 position object 4,0,-6.5,0 texture object 4,2 make object sphere 5,5000 texture object 5,3 set object 5,1,1,0 Return Function MakeDice(NumDice,StartObjNumber,DiceSize#) Create Bitmap 1,800,600 CLS RGB(85,0,0) Rem Number One Ink RGB(255,255,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 128,128,N: Circle 128,129,N Next N Get Image 1001,0,0,256,256 Rem Number Two Ink RGB(255,255,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 46,46,N: Circle 46,47,N Circle 208,208,N: Circle 208,209,N Next N Get Image 1002,0,0,256,256 Rem Number Three Ink RGB(255,255,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 46,46,N: Circle 46,47,N Circle 128,128,N: Circle 128,129,N Circle 208,208,N: Circle 208,209,N Next N Get Image 1003,0,0,256,256 Rem Number Four Ink RGB(255,255,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 46,46,N: Circle 46,47,N Circle 208,46,N: Circle 208,47,N Circle 46,208,N: Circle 46,209,N Circle 208,208,N: Circle 208,209,N Next N Get Image 1004,0,0,256,256 Rem Number Five Ink RGB(255,255,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 46,46,N: Circle 46,47,N Circle 208,46,N: Circle 208,47,N Circle 128,128,N: Circle 128,129,N Circle 46,208,N: Circle 46,209,N Circle 208,208,N: Circle 208,209,N Next N Get Image 1005,0,0,256,256 Rem Number Six Ink RGB(200,200,255),0: Box 2,2,254,254 Ink RGB(0,0,0),0 For N=1 To 24 Circle 46,46,N: Circle 46,47,N Circle 208,46,N: Circle 208,47,N Circle 46,128,N: Circle 46,129,N Circle 208,128,N: Circle 208,129,N Circle 46,208,N: Circle 46,209,N Circle 208,208,N: Circle 208,209,N Next N Get Image 1006,0,0,256,256 Set Current Bitmap 0 Delete Bitmap 1 For ObjNum = StartObjNumber To StartObjNumber+(NumDice-1) Offset#=DiceSize#/2.0: MeshNum=2000: PlainNum=2000 Make Object Cube ObjNum,DiceSize# Make Object Plain PlainNum,DiceSize#,DiceSize# Make Mesh From Object MeshNum,PlainNum ADD LIMB ObjNum,1,2000: Offset Limb ObjNum,1,0,0,0.0-Offset#: Rem Cube Side 1 (Front) ADD LIMB ObjNum,2,2000: Rotate Limb ObjNum,2,0,90,0: Offset Limb ObjNum,2,0.0-Offset#,0,0: Rem Cube Side 2 (Left) ADD LIMB ObjNum,3,2000: Rotate Limb ObjNum,3,0,180,0: Offset Limb ObjNum,3,0,0,Offset#: Rem Cube Side 3 (Back) ADD LIMB ObjNum,4,2000: Rotate Limb ObjNum,4,0,270,0: Offset Limb ObjNum,4,Offset#,0,0: Rem Cube Side 4 (Right) ADD LIMB ObjNum,5,2000: Rotate Limb ObjNum,5,270,0,0: Offset Limb ObjNum,5,0,0.0-Offset#,0: Rem Cube Side 5 (Bottom) ADD LIMB ObjNum,6,2000: Rotate Limb ObjNum,6,90,0,0: Offset Limb ObjNum,6,0,Offset#,0: Rem Cube Side 6 (Top) Delete Mesh MeshNum Delete Object PlainNum Hide Limb ObjNum,0 Texture LIMB ObjNum,1,1005: Texture LIMB ObjNum,2,1006 Texture LIMB ObjNum,3,1002: Texture LIMB ObjNum,4,1001 Texture LIMB ObjNum,5,1003: Texture LIMB ObjNum,6,1004 Next ObjNum EndFunction