`chracter challenge `by tone3e gosub setup `main loop do cls gosub set_bars `setting up bars gosub speed gosub strenght gosub stamina gosub intelligence `choosing bar if downkey()=1 and tag=0 place=place+1 tag=1 endif if upkey()=1 and tag=0 place=place-1 tag=1 endif if upkey()=0 and downkey()=0 then tag=0 if place=<1 then place=1 if place>4 then place=4 set text size 10 text 200,180,"<<<[Press SpaceKey To Finalize Character]>>>" if spacekey()=1 cls Print "IFORMATION" Print "Character Name: ";Name$ Print "Character Sex: ";Sex$ Print "Character Guild: ";Guild$ Print "Character Body Type:";Body$ pRINT "ATTRIBUTES" pRINT "Speed: ";z;"%" Print "Strenght: ";z2;"%" Print "Stamina: ";z3;"%" Print "Intelligence: ";z4;"%" end endif sync loop end setup: set display mode 640,480,32 sync on: sYNC rATE 0 hide mouse `set variables total_points=0:place=0 tag=0:tag2=0 z=0:z2=0:z3=0:z4=0 `collect information input "Character Name?> ";Name$ Input "Character Guild?> ";Guild$ Input "Character Sex?> ";Sex$ Input "Character Body Type?> ";Body$ return set_bars: total_points=200-(z+z2+z3+z4) if total_points<0 then total_points=0 PRINT "Total Points: ";total_points `draw bars `speed draw_bar(100,60,100,7884864,z,12582912) draw_bar(100,90,100,7884864,z2,12582912) draw_bar(100,120,100,7884864,z3,12582912) draw_bar(100,150,100,7884864,z4,12582912) return speed: `speed if place=1 draw_bar(100,60,100,884864,z,12582912) SET CURSOR 0,55 PRINT "Speed: ";Z if rightkey()=1 AND Z<100 and total_points>0 then z=z+1 if leftkey()=1 AND Z>0 then z=z-1 endif return strenght: `strenght if place=2 draw_bar(100,90,100,884864,z2,12582912) SET CURSOR 0,85 PRINT "Strenght: ";Z2 if rightkey()=1 AND Z2<100 and total_points>0 then z2=z2+1 if leftkey()=1 AND Z2>0 then z2=z2-1 endif return stamina: `stamina if place=3 draw_bar(100,120,100,884864,z3,12582912) SET CURSOR 0,115 PRINT "Stamina: ";Z3 if rightkey()=1 AND Z3<100 and total_points>0 then z3=z3+1 if leftkey()=1 AND Z3>0 then z3=z3-1 endif return return intelligence: `intelligence if place=4 draw_bar(100,150,100,884864,z4,12582912) SET CURSOR 0,145 PRINT "Intelligence: ";Z4 if rightkey()=1 AND Z4<100 and total_points>0 then z4=z4+1 if leftkey()=1 AND Z4>0 then z4=z4-1 endif return return `functions function draw_bar(x,y,width,color,fill,fillcolor) ink color,0 line x+1,y,x+width-1,y box x,y+1,x+1,y+2 box x+width-1,y+1,x+width,y+2 line x+1,y+3,x+width-1,y+3 ink 0,0 box x+2,y+1,x+width-2,y+2 draw_status(x,y,fill,fillcolor) endfunction function draw_status(x,y,width,color) ink color,0 box x+2,y+1,x+width-2,y+2 endfunction