rem Window Settings set window on set window size 550,480 a$="0" rem Main Loop do box 140,5,440,25 sync on : sync rate 0 ink rgb(0,0,0),1 set cursor 150,10 print ">";a$ if button(150,55,"1")=1 a$=a$+"1" wait 100 endif if button(250,55,"2")=1 a$=a$+"2" wait 100 endif if button(350,55,"3")=1 a$=a$+"3" wait 100 endif if button(150,155,"4")=1 a$=a$+"4" wait 100 endif if button(250,155,"5")=1 a$=a$+"5" wait 100 endif if button(350,155,"6")=1 a$=a$+"6" wait 100 endif if button(150,255,"7")=1 a$=a$+"7" wait 100 endif if button(250,255,"8")=1 a$=a$+"8" wait 100 endif if button(350,255,"9")=1 a$=a$+"9" wait 100 endif if button(250,355,"0")=1 a$=a$+"0" wait 100 endif if button(150,355,"+")=1 a$="0" wait 100 z=1 endif if button(450,55,"-")=1 a$="0" z=2 wait 100 endif if button(450,155,"/")=1 a$="0" z=3 wait 100 endif if button(450,255,"00")=1 a$=a$+"00" wait 100 endif if button(450,355,".")=1 a$=a$+"." wait 100 endif if button(550,55,"AC")=1 a$="0" endif if button(350,355,"=")=1 and z=1 d=a+b endif if keystate(79)=1 a$=a$+"1" wait 100 endif if keystate(80)=1 a$=a$+"2" wait 100 endif if keystate(81)=1 a$=a$+"3" wait 100 endif if keystate(75)=1 a$=a$+"4" wait 100 endif if keystate(76)=1 a$=a$+"5" wait 100 endif if keystate(77)=1 a$=a$+"6" wait 100 endif if keystate(71)=1 a$=a$+"7" wait 100 endif if keystate(72)=1 a$=a$+"8" wait 100 endif if keystate(73)=1 a$=a$+"9" wait 100 endif if keystate(82)=1 a$=a$+"0" wait 100 endif sync loop rem Button Function function Button(x1,y1,WORDS$) Pressed=0 x2=Text Width(WORDS$) y2=Text Height(WORDS$) if mousex()>x1 and mousex()<x1+x2 if mousey()>y1-y2 and mousey()<y1+y2 Pressed=1 endif endif if pressed=1 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0 else ink rgb(255,255,255),0 if pressed=1 Pressed=Mouseclick() else pressed = 0 endif text x1,y1,WORDS$ endfunction pressed