rem random matrix function rem by latch rem 7/2/2008 set display mode 800,600,32 sync on sync rate 60 autocam off randomize timer() mat=1 tilex=50 tilez=50 matx#=10000 matz#=10000 make matrix mat,matx#,matz#,tilex,tilez randomize_matrix(mat,tilex,tilez,200) do gosub _move_camera sync loop end _move_camera: move camera (upkey()-downkey())*2 turn camera right (rightkey()-leftkey())*2 ht#=get ground height(mat,camera position x(),camera position z()) position camera camera position x(),ht#+25,camera position z() return function randomize_matrix(mat,tilex,tilez,maxht) for z=0 to tilez for x=0 to tilex pcnt#=(rnd(99)+1)/100.0 y#=(rnd(maxht))*pcnt# set matrix height mat,x,z,y# next x next z update matrix mat endfunction