REM ***************************************
REM Author: Phaelax
REM Challenge: Furious File Scanning
REM ***************************************
set display mode 1024,768,32
dim viewPointer(2)   : `0=viewport offset, 1=scroll amount, 2=timestamp
dim WIN_X(1)         : `File browser window location, 0=location,1=mouse offset
dim WIN_Y(1)         : `File browser window location, 0=location,1=mouse offset
dim WIN_WIDTH(1)     : `Width of file window, 0=width,1=mouse offset
dim WIN_HEIGHT(1)    : `height of file window, excluding title and status bars,0=width,1=mouse offset
dim FLAGS(4)         : `1=mouse, 2=titleMove, 3=scrollbarMove, 4=resize
dim THUMB(1)         : `scrollbar thumb position (local position)
dim MOUSE(3)         : `0=mouse click count, 1=timestamp of last click, 2=delay allowed for clicks
dim _FData(2)        : `0=file count, 1=file view offset, 2=current selected file, 3=click flag
dim TEMP#(0)         : `whatever temp value I need to hold globally
dim files$(0,3)      : `1=file name, 2=file size, 3=folder flag
dim IMAGE(1)         : `0=original width, 1=original height
dim imgExt$(3)       : `image extensions
dim sfxExt$(3)       : `sound extensions
dim musicExt$(3)     : `music extensions
dim MZFix(1)         : `fix for the mousemovez command
dim ICON_FOLDER(0)   : `image number for folder icon
dim ICON_SFX(2)      : `image number for play/pause button icons,0=play,1=pause,2=current
dim FILE_TYPE(0)     : `1=image, 2=sfx, 3=music, 4=video
dim volSlider(1)     : `volume slider, 0=drag flag, 1=value %
dim bars(10)         : `1-10 spectrum bar values, 0=timestamp for update
dim mouseHover(2)    : `0=timestamp, 1=hover delay before showing tooltips, 2=file index to show
_FData(0) = 0        : `file count
_FData(1) = 0        : `file view offset
_FData(2) = -1       : `currently selected file
THUMB(0) = 0         : `scrollbar thumb position (local position)
MOUSE(2) = 300       : `delay allowed for double clicks (milliseconds)
WIN_X(0,0) = 200     : `File browser window location
WIN_Y(0,0) = 100     : `File browser window location
WIN_WIDTH(0) = 400   : `Width of file window
WIN_HEIGHT(0) = 160  : `height of file window, excluding title and status bars
ICON_FOLDER(0)=1     : `image number for folder icon
ICON_SFX(0)=2        : `image number for play button icon
ICON_SFX(1)=3        : `image number for pause button icon
mouseHover(1)=1000   : `delay(ms) before tooltips appear
rem supported image extensions
imgExt$(1) = ".jpg" : imgExt$(2) = ".png" : imgExt$(3) = ".bmp"
rem supported sound extensions
sfxExt$(1) = ".wav" : sfxExt$(2) = ".mp3" : sfxExt$(3) = ".wma"
rem supported music extensions
musicExt$(1) = ".xm" : musicExt$(2) = ".mid" : musicExt$(3) = ".mp3"
sprite 1,1,1,99      : `create default sprite for image preview
gosub getImages
rem default directory
setDir("C:\Documents and Settings\Phaelax\My Documents")
lastFile$ = ""
sync on
set text font "Arial", 1
set text size 14
   selectedFileIndex = drawFileList(WIN_X(0),WIN_Y(0),WIN_WIDTH(0),WIN_HEIGHT(0),_FData(1))
   if selectedFileIndex > -1 then lastFile$ = files$(selectedFileIndex,1)
   ink rgb(255,255,255),0
   set cursor 1,1
   print mousemovey()
REM **************************************************
REM Set the current directory
REM **************************************************
function setDir(path$)
   rem clear current file list
   r = _FData(0)
   undim files$(r,3)
   rem set current path and get files
   set dir path$
   perform checklist for files
   _FData(0) = checklist quantity()+1 : r = _FData(0)
   _FData(1) = 0
   dim files$(r,3)
   files$(1,1) = "My Computer"
   files$(1,2) = ""
   files$(1,3) = "2"
   rem fill array with file names and dates
   find first
   for i = 2 to _FData(0)
      files$(i,1) = get file name$()
      files$(i,2) = get file date$()
      files$(i,3) = str$(get file type())
      find next
   next i
   _FData(2) = -1
REM **************************************************
REM Set the current directory to display drive listing
REM **************************************************
function setDirDrives()
   rem clear current file list
   r = _FData(0)
   undim files$(r,3)
   rem get list of available drives
   perform checklist for drives
   _FData(0) = checklist quantity() : r = _FData(0)
   _FData(1) = 0
   dim files$(r,3)
   rem fill array with drive names
   find first
   for i = 1 to _FData(0)
      files$(i,1) = get file name$()
      files$(i,2) = get file date$()
      files$(i,3) = str$(get file type())
      find next
   next i
   _FData(2) = -1
REM **************************************************
REM Displays and handles file list and preview window
REM Returns the index of the currently selected file
REM or -1 if no selection is made
REM **************************************************
function drawFileList(x,y,width,height,offset)
   MIN_WIDTH = 400                                          : `minimum width for window
   MIN_HEIGHT = 160                                         : `minimum height for window
   if width < MIN_WIDTH then width = MIN_WIDTH
   if height < MIN_HEIGHT then height = MIN_HEIGHT
   _titleX = x                                              : `title bar X-coord (also starting window location)
   _titleY = y                                              : `title bar Y-coord (also starting window location)
   _titleHeight = 16                                        : `title bar height
   _listX = _titleX                                         : `X location to display list at
   _listY = _titleY + _titleHeight+1                        : `Y location to display list at
   _lineHeight = 16                                         : `display height of each row
   _listWidth = width/2                                     : `display width of each row
   _listHeight = height                                     : `total display height for list view
   _listOffset = offset                                     : `file number in list to start display from
   _thumbWidth = 16                                         : `scrollbar thumb width
   _thumbHeight = (_showCount * height) / _FData(0)         : `scrollbar thumb height
   if _thumbHeight > height then _thumbHeight = height
   _thumbX = _listX + _listWidth                            : `scrollbar thumb X position
   _thumbY = _listY + THUMB(0)                              : `scrollbar thumb Y position
   _previewX = _thumbX + _thumbWidth                        : `preview window X position
   _previewY = _listY                                       : `preview window Y position
   _previewWidth = width/2 - _thumbWidth                    : `preview window width
   _previewHeight = _listHeight                             : `preview window height
   _previewSize = getMin(_previewWidth,_previewHeight)-48   : `dimension of image preview
   _showCount = height/_lineHeight                          : `number of rows to display
   _titleWidth = width                                      : `width of title bar (also width of entire window)
   _statusX = _titleX                                       : `X location of status bar
   _statusY = _listY+_listHeight                            : `Y location of status bar
   _statusWidth = _titleWidth                               : `width of status bar
   _statusHeight = 18                                       : `height of status bar
   _scrollDelay = 25                                        : `delay between scrolling steps
   _scrollStartStep = 12                                    : `initial step amount in scrolling
   _backgroundColor = rgb(177,194,207)                      : `background color for list and preview windows
   _foregroundColor = rgb(255,255,255)                      : `foreground color for list and preview windows
   _highlightBgColor1 = rgb(185,199,212)                    : `background color of highlighted row
   _highlightBgColor2 = rgb(144,165,187)                    : `background color of highlighted row
   _titleFontColor = rgb(22,69,110)                         : `text color for title bar
   if FLAGS(4) = 13
      H# = _listHeight - _thumbHeight
      V# = _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight
      THUMB(0) = (viewPointer(0) * H#) / V#
   rem reset mouse flag
   if mouseclick() = 0 then FLAGS(1) = 0 : MOUSE(3) = 0
   if MOUSE(1) + MOUSE(2) < timer() then MOUSE(0) = 0
   if mouseclick() = 1 and MOUSE(3) = 0
      MOUSE(3) = 1
      MOUSE(0) = MOUSE(0)+1
      MOUSE(1) = timer()
   if mousemovex() or mousemovey() then mouseHover(0) = timer()
   rem display list
   ink _backgroundColor,0
   box _listX, _listY, (_listX+_listWidth), (_listY+_listHeight)
   ink _foregroundColor,0
   rem loop through files currently displayed in view
   _listOffset = viewPointer(0)/_lineHeight
   _pixelOffset = viewPointer(0) - _listOffset*_lineHeight
   max = _listOffset + _showCount + 1
   if max > _FData(0) then max = _FData(0)
   for i = 1+_listOffset to max
      ly = _listY + (i-_listOffset-1)*_lineHeight - _pixelOffset
      rem if currently selected file
      if i = _FData(2)
         ink _highlightBackColor,0
         gradientVerticalBox(_listX, ly, _listX+_listWidth, ly+_lineHeight,_highlightBgColor1,_highlightBgColor2)
         ink _foregroundColor,0
      if files$(i,3) = "1" then paste image ICON_FOLDER(0),_listX+2,ly+3, 1
      if files$(i,3) = "2" then box _listX+2,ly+3,_listX+12,ly+13
      text 16+_listX, ly,  capLength$(files$(i,1),_listWidth)
      rem file selection
      if FLAGS(1)=0 AND mouseWithin(_listX,ly,_listX+_listWidth,ly+_lineHeight)
         rem handle tooltip trigger
         if mouseHover(0)+mouseHover(1) <= timer() and text width(files$(i,1)) > _listWidth
            mouseHover(2) = i
            mouseHover(2) = -1
         if mouseclick() = 1
            FLAGS(1) = 1
            SELECTED_FILE_INDEX = i
            rem new selection so delete any existing image preview or loaded sound files
            if SELECTED_FILE_INDEX <> _FData(2)
               FILE_TYPE(0) = -1
               if sound exist(1) = 1 then delete sound 1
               if music exist(1) = 1 then delete music 1
               if image exist(99) = 1 then delete image 99
               hide sprite 1
               rem set global currently selected file
               _FData(2) = SELECTED_FILE_INDEX
               rem check if this selected file is an image
               if isImage(files$(i,1))
                  FILE_TYPE(0) = 1
                  load image get dir$()+"\"+files$(i,1), 99
                  sprite 1, _previewX+4, _previewY+10, 99
                  set sprite 1,1,0
                  show sprite 1
                  IMAGE(0) = sprite width(1)
                  IMAGE(1) = sprite height(1)
                  scaleSprite(1, _previewSize)
               rem check if this selected file is a sound file
               if isSound(files$(i,1))
                  FILE_TYPE(0) = 2
                  sprite 1,_previewX+_previewWidth/2-5, _previewY+_previewSize/2-5, ICON_SFX(0)
                  size sprite 1, 10, 10
                  set sprite 1,1,1
                  show sprite 1
                  if sound exist(1) then delete sound 1
                  ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(0)
               rem check if this selected file is a music file
               if isMusic(files$(i,1))
                  FILE_TYPE(0) = 3
                  sprite 1, _previewX+_previewWidth/2-5, _previewY+_previewSize/2-5, ICON_SFX(0)
                  size sprite 1, 10, 10
                  set sprite 1,1,1
                  show sprite 1
                  if music exist(1) then delete music 1
                  ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(0)
         rem double click to change directories
         if MOUSE(0) > 1
            MOUSE(0) = 0
            if files$(i,3) = "1"
               setDir(get dir$()+"\"+files$(i,1))
               THUMB(0) = 1
               viewPointer(0) = 0
               exitfunction -1
            if files$(i,3) = "2"
               THUMB(0) = 1
               viewPointer(0) = 0
               exitfunction -1
   next i
   rem draw scrollbar track
   gradientHorizontalBox(_thumbX,_listY,_thumbX+_thumbWidth-8,_listY+_listHeight, rgb(82,112,133), _backgroundColor)
   gradientHorizontalBox(_thumbX+8,_listY,_thumbX+_thumbWidth,_listY+_listHeight, _backgroundColor,rgb(82,112,133))
   rem draw scrollbar thumb
   gradientHorizontalBox(_thumbX, _thumbY, (_thumbX+_thumbWidth)-8, _thumbY+_thumbHeight, rgb(51,63,72), rgb(89,96,101))
   gradientHorizontalBox(_thumbX+8, _thumbY, (_thumbX+_thumbWidth), _thumbY+_thumbHeight, rgb(89,96,101),rgb(51,63,72))
   rem draw preview window
   ink _backgroundColor,0
   box _previewX+1, _previewY, (_previewX+_previewWidth), (_previewY+_previewHeight)
   ink 0,0
   rem if a file is selected, display preview information
   if _FData(2) > -1
      rem if display a preview for an image
      if FILE_TYPE(0) = 1
         sx = (_previewX + _previewWidth/2) - (sprite width(1)/2)
         sy = _previewY + (_previewSize-sprite height(1))/2
         sprite 1,sx,sy,99
      rem if previewing a sound file
      if FILE_TYPE(0) = 2
         sx = _previewX+_previewWidth/2
         sy = _previewY+_previewSize/2
         gradientVerticalBox(sx-71,sy-9,sx+54,sy+8, rgb(215,229,237), rgb(164,165,171))
         sprite 1,sx-67,sy-5,ICON_SFX(2)
         if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(sprite x(1),sprite y(1),sprite x(1)+sprite width(1),sprite y(1)+sprite height(1)) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
            FLAGS(1) = 1
            if sound exist(1)
               if sound playing(1)
                  if sound paused(1)
                     resume sound 1
                     ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(1)
                     pause sound 1
                     ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(0)
               file$ =  get dir$()+"\"+files$(_FData(2),1)
               load sound file$,1
               play sound 1
               ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(1)
      rem if previewing a music file
      if FILE_TYPE(0) = 3
         sx = _previewX+_previewWidth/2
         sy = _previewY+_previewSize/2
         gradientVerticalBox(sx-62,sy-9,sx+63,sy+8, rgb(215,229,237), rgb(164,165,171))
         sprite 1,sx-58,sy-5,ICON_SFX(2)
         if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(sprite x(1),sprite y(1),sprite x(1)+sprite width(1),sprite y(1)+sprite height(1)) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
            FLAGS(1) = 1
            if music exist(1)
               if music playing(1)
                  if music paused(1)
                     resume music 1
                     ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(1)
                     pause music 1
                     ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(0)
               file$ =  get dir$()+"\"+files$(_FData(2),1)
               load music file$,1
               play music 1
               ICON_SFX(2) = ICON_SFX(1)
      rem if previewing a video file
      if FILE_TYPE(0) = 4
      rem display selected file info (name, creation date, size)
      ink 0,0
      text _previewX+4, _previewY+_previewSize+2, capLength$(files$(_FData(2),1),_previewWidth)
      text _previewX+4, _previewY+_previewSize+14, "Date: "+files$(_FData(2),2)
      fs$ =  bytesToKB$(file size(get dir$()+"\"+files$(_FData(2),1)))
      text _previewX+4, _previewY+_previewSize+26, "Size: "+fs$+"KB"
   rem draw title bar
   gradientVerticalBox(_titleX, _titleY, (_titleX+_titleWidth), (_titleY+_titleHeight),rgb(132,195,248),rgb(44,103,153))
   title$ = get dir$()+"\"+files$(_FData(2),1)
   ink _titleFontColor,0
   text _titleX+2, _titleY, capLength$(title$,_titleWidth)
   rem draw status bar
   gradientVerticalBox(_statusX, _statusY, (_statusX+_statusWidth), (_statusY+_statusHeight),rgb(76,94,107),_backgroundColor)
   ink 0,0
   text _statusX+8, _statusY+2, str$(_FData(0))+" objects"
   rem draw window outline
   ink rgb(34,51,66),0
   box _titleX-1,_titleY-1,_titleX+_titleWidth+1,_titleY-1
   box (_titleX-1), (_statusY+_statusHeight+1), (_titleX+_titleWidth+1), (_statusY+_statusHeight+1)
   box x-1,_titleY,x-1,_statusY+_statusHeight
   box x+_titleWidth+1,_titleY,x+_titleWidth+1,_statusY+_statusHeight
   rem draw tooltip
   if mouseHover(2) > -1
      ly = _listY + (mouseHover(2)-_listOffset-1)*_lineHeight - _pixelOffset
      ink rgb(66,148,203),0
      box 14+_listX,ly,16+_listX+text width( files$(mouseHover(2),1)),ly+_lineHeight
      ink rgb(255,255,255),0
      text 16+_listX, ly,  files$(mouseHover(2),1)
   rem ----------------------------
   rem   drag window by title bar
   rem ----------------------------
   if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(_titleX, _titleY, (_titleX+_titleWidth), (_titleY+_titleHeight)) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
      FLAGS(1) = 1
      FLAGS(2) = 1
      WIN_X(1) = WIN_X(0) - mousex()
      WIN_Y(1) = WIN_Y(0) - mousey()
   if FLAGS(2) = 1
      if mouseclick() = 0 then FLAGS(2) = 0
      WIN_X(0) = mousex() +  WIN_X(1)
      WIN_Y(0) = mousey() +  WIN_Y(1)
      if WIN_X(0) < 0 then WIN_X(0) = 0 : WIN_X(1) = WIN_X(0) - mousex()
      if WIN_Y(0) < 0 then WIN_Y(0) = 0 : WIN_Y(1) = WIN_Y(0) - mousey()
      if WIN_X(0)+_titleWidth > screen width()-1 then WIN_X(0) = screen width()-1 - _titleWidth  : WIN_X(1) = WIN_X(0) - mousex()
      h = (_statusY+_statusHeight) - _titleY
      if WIN_Y(0)+h > screen height()-1 then WIN_Y(0) = screen height()-1 - h  : WIN_Y(1) = WIN_Y(0) - mousey()
   rem ----------------------------
   rem      scrollbar control
   rem ----------------------------
   direction = getMouseScrollDirection()
   if direction > 0 then viewPointer(1) = _scrollStartStep
   if direction < 0 then viewPointer(1) = 0-_scrollStartStep
   if viewPointer(1) <> 0
      if viewPointer(2) + _scrollDelay <= timer()
         viewPointer(2) = timer()
         viewPointer(0) = viewPointer(0) + viewPointer(1)
         if viewPointer(1) > 0
            viewPointer(1) = viewPointer(1) - 1
            if viewPointer(1) < 0 then viewPointer(1) = 0
            if viewPointer(1) < 0
               viewPointer(1) = viewPointer(1) + 1
               if viewPointer(1) > 0 then viewPointer(1) = 0
         if viewPointer(0) < 0 then viewPointer(0) = 0
         if viewPointer(0) > _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight then viewPointer(0) = _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight
         rem position thumb to match view scroll
         H# = _listHeight - _thumbHeight
         V# = _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight
         if V# <= 0
            THUMB(0) = 0
            THUMB(0) = (viewPointer(0) * H#) / V#
         THUMB(0) = (viewPointer(0) * H#) / V#
   if viewPointer(0) > _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight then viewPointer(0) = _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight
   if viewPointer(0) < 0 then viewPointer(0) = 0
   if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(_thumbX, _thumbY, _thumbX+_thumbWidth,_thumbY+_thumbHeight) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
      FLAGS(1) = 1
      FLAGS(3) = 1
      THUMB(1) = _thumbY - mousey()
   if FLAGS(3) = 1
      if mouseclick() = 0 then FLAGS(3) = 0
      setThumbPos((mousey() - _listY) + THUMB(1),_listHeight, _thumbHeight)
   rem ----------------------------
   rem      resize window
   rem ----------------------------
   rem draw resize box
   a = _titleX + _titleWidth
   b = _statusY + _statusHeight
   ink 0,0
   line a-3,b+1,a+1,b-3
   line a-7,b+1,a+1,b-7
   line a-11,b+1,a+1,b-11
   if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(a-10, b-10, a, b) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
      FLAGS(1) = 1
      FLAGS(4) = 1
      WIN_WIDTH(1) = _titleX + _titleWidth - mousex()
      WIN_HEIGHT(1) = _titleY + _listHeight - mousey()
      TEMP#(0) = (0.0 + THUMB(0))/_listHeight
   if FLAGS(4) = 1
      if mouseclick() = 0 then FLAGS(4) = 0
      rem window dimensions
      WIN_WIDTH(0) = (mousex() - _titleX) + WIN_WIDTH(1)
      WIN_HEIGHT(0) = (mousey() - _titleY) + WIN_HEIGHT(1)
      rem position thumb
      H# = _listHeight - _thumbHeight
      V# = _FData(0)*_lineHeight - _listHeight
      if V# <= 0
         THUMB(0) = 0
         THUMB(0) = (viewPointer(0) * H#) / V#
      rem scale image preview, if available
      if _FData(2) > -1 and FILE_TYPE(0) = 1
         scaleSprite(1, _previewSize)
REM **************************************************
REM handles rendering and events of the volume slider
REM **************************************************
function _handleVolumeSlider(sliderNo, x, y)
   ink rgb(82,82,82),0
   box x+volSlider(1),y,x+volSlider(1)+4,y+9
   if mouseclick() = 1 AND mouseWithin(x+volSlider(1),y,x+volSlider(1)+4,y+9) AND FLAGS(1) = 0
      FLAGS(1) = 1
      volSlider(0) = mousex() - (x+volSlider(1))
   if volSlider(0) > -1
      volSlider(1) = (mousex() - volSlider(0)) - x
      if volSlider(1) < 0 then volSlider(1) = 0
      if volSlider(1) > 100 then volSlider(1) = 100
      if mouseclick() = 0 then volSlider(0) = -1
REM **************************************************
REM Get direction of mouse wheel scroll
REM **************************************************
function getMouseScrollDirection()
   z = mousemovez()
   if z < MZFix(1) then MZFix(1) = z : exitfunction 1
   if z > MZFix(1) then MZFix(1) = z : exitfunction -1
endfunction 0
REM **************************************************
REM Safely sets the scrollbar thumb position
REM **************************************************
function setThumbPos(pos, _listHeight, _thumbHeight)
   if pos < 0 then pos = 0
   H# = _listHeight - _thumbHeight
   if H# = 0 then exitfunction
   if pos > H# then pos = H#
   THUMB(0) = pos
   V# = _FData(0)*16 - _listHeight
   viewPointer(0) = (pos*V#) / H#
REM **************************************************
REM Scales a sprite so the largest dimension matches
REM 'size' while maintaining the correct aspect ratio
REM **************************************************
function scaleSprite(sprNo, size)
   if IMAGE(0) = 0 then exitfunction
   ratio# = IMAGE(1) / (0.0+IMAGE(0))
   rem if width is greater than height
   if IMAGE(0) > IMAGE(1)
      size sprite sprNo, size, size*ratio#
      size sprite sprNo, size/ratio#, size
REM **************************************************
REM Returns true if file name has an image extension
REM **************************************************
function isImage(file$)
   for j = 1 to 3
      if endsWith(file$, imgExt$(j)) = 1 then exitfunction 1
   next j
endfunction 0
REM **************************************************
REM Returns true if file name has a sound extension
REM **************************************************
function isSound(file$)
   for j = 1 to 3
      if endsWith(file$, sfxExt$(j)) = 1 then exitfunction 1
   next j
REM **************************************************
REM Returns true if file name has a music extension
REM **************************************************
function isMusic(file$)
   for j = 1 to 3
      if endsWith(file$, musicExt$(j)) = 1 then exitfunction 1
   next j
REM **************************************************
REM Returns true if string$ ends with suffix$
REM **************************************************
function endsWith(string$, suffix$)
   if len(suffix$) > len(string$) then exitfunction 0
   L = len(string$)
   for k = len(suffix$) to 1 step -1
      if mid$(suffix$,k) <> mid$(string$,L) then exitfunction 0
      dec L
   next k
endfunction 1
REM **************************************************
REM Returns the string truncated to a specified width
REM in pixels.
REM **************************************************
function capLength$(string$, width)
   L = len(string$)
   min = width / text width("A")
   for j = min to L
      if text width(left$(string$,j)) > width then exitfunction left$(string$,j-1)
   next j
endfunction string$
REM **************************************************
REM Converts bytes into KB limited to 2 decimals
REM **************************************************
function bytesToKB$(b)
   k$ = str$( b/1024.0)
   for j = len(k$) to 1 step -1
      if mid$(k$,j) = "."
         k$ = left$(k$,j+2)
         exitfunction k$
   next j
endfunction k$
REM **************************************************
REM Draws a spectrum meter from (X,Y) to (X+125,Y+40)
REM **************************************************
function _handleSpectrum(x,y)
   for j = 0 to 9
   next j
   if bars(0) + 100 <= timer()
      for j = 1 to 10
         bars(j) = rnd(17)
      next j
      bars(0) = timer()
REM **************************************************
REM Draws a spectrum bar from (X,Y) to (X+10,Y-40)
REM **************************************************
function drawMeter(x,y,value)
   for k = 0 to 17
      if k <= value : ink rgb(17,21,26),0 : else : ink rgb(152,164,178),0 : endif
      box x,y-k*2,x+10,y-k*2
   next k
REM **************************************************
REM Resets all spectrum values
REM **************************************************
function resetSpectrum()
   for j = 1 to 10
      bars(j) = -1
   next j
REM **************************************************
REM Pauses the spectrum
REM **************************************************
function pauseSpectrum()
   bars(0) = timer()+65535
REM **************************************************
REM Resumes the spectrum
REM **************************************************
function resumeSpectrum()
   bars(0) = 0
REM **************************************************
REM Draws a box with a horizontal gradient
REM **************************************************
function gradientHorizontalBox(left,top,right,bottom,color1,color2)
   for x=left to right-1
      t# = (x-left) / width#
      ink getTransitionalColor(color1,color2,t#),0
      box x,top,x+1,bottom
   next x
REM **************************************************
REM Draws a box with a vertical gradient
REM **************************************************
function gradientVerticalBox(left,top,right,bottom,color1,color2)
   for y=top to bottom-1
      t# = (y-top) / height#
      ink getTransitionalColor(color1,color2,t#),0
      box left,y,right,y+1
   next y
REM **************************************************
REM Returns a linear interpolated color between base
REM color and target color. Percent ranges from 0 to 1
REM **************************************************
function getTransitionalColor(base, target, percent#)
   br = rgbr(base)
   bg = rgbg(base)
   bb = rgbb(base)
   tr = rgbr(target)
   tg = rgbg(target)
   tb = rgbb(target)
   tr = br + (tr-br)*percent#
   tg = bg + (tg-bg)*percent#
   tb = bb + (tb-bb)*percent#
   color = rgb(tr,tg,tb)
endfunction color
REM **************************************************
REM Checks to see if mouse is within the specified
REM coordinates
REM **************************************************
function mouseWithin(x1,y1,x2,y2)
   if mousex() > x1 and mousex() < x2 and mousey() > y1 and mousey() < y2 then exitfunction 1
endfunction 0
REM **************************************************
REM Get largest of two values
REM **************************************************
function getMax(x,y)
   if x > y then exitfunction x
endfunction y
REM **************************************************
REM Get smallest of two values
REM **************************************************
function getMin(x,y)
   if x > y then exitfunction y
endfunction x
   rem -------- draw folder icon --------
   ink rgb(175,171,104),0
   restore Folder
   for y = 1 to 10
      for x = 1 to 12
         read z
         if z = 1 then dot x,y
      next x
   next y
   get image ICON_FOLDER(0),1,1,12,10,1
   rem -------- draw play button icon --------
   ink rgb(9,92,137),0
   restore PlayButton
   for y = 1 to 11
      for x = 1 to 12
         read z
         if z = 1 then dot x,y
      next x
   next y
   get image ICON_SFX(0),1,1,12,12,1
   rem -------- pause button icon --------
   ink rgb(9,92,137),0
   box 1,1,3,12
   box 8,1,10,12
   get image ICON_SFX(1),1,1,12,12
data 0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0
data 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
data 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0