rem -------- rem Doodles! rem For DBC Doodle Challenge rem by Irojo rem -------- `############## `=Program Info= `############## ` `Designed By Irojo `Sin and Cos teaching credit to OBese87 `Average screen fps()=1,000 `Ovals have random shape to them, radius, and location. `The lines can either be left to right, or right to left. `They start at the top, and descend to the bottom. `Random Dots are placed on the screen. `Sometimes squiggly lines will appear. `Includes 3 Functions. `2 of which have a do...loop ` `Includes 1 Main loop. `Includes 0 Gotos ` `Includes Random Ink texturing. `----------- `############### `=Main Settings= `############### sync on sync rate 0 hide mouse cls rgb(0,0,0):ink rgb(255,255,255),0 `----------- `########### `=Main Loop= `########### redo: cls do `sync inktexture=rnd(40) ink rgb(200+inktexture,200+inktexture,200+inktexture),0 `The prior two give the ink a texture. It gives a feeling of thickness. setx=rnd(609) sety=rnd(400) `These two Give a random X and Y, so the line can only be so long. l_to_rbox(setx,sety,setx+rnd(80)+20,sety+rnd(10)+50) `Makes left to right line. `sync setx=rnd(679) `Same reason as before. random=rnd(80) `helps gives random location. r_to_lbox(setx,rnd(400),setx-random-20,rnd(400)+rnd(10)+80) oval=rnd(3) if oval=1 rndoval(rnd(479),rnd(400)) endif dotchance=rnd(2) if dotchance=1 then dot rnd(679),rnd(400) inc rounds,1 if rounds=30 then exit `sync loop sync wait key rounds=0 cls gosub redo end `--------Generates Random Lines and dots and ovals. `|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| `###################### `======Functions======= `###################### `------- Left to right box == Makes a left to right line. function l_to_rbox(bx,by,tx,ty) disablex=0 disabley=0 curve=rnd(1) lx#=bx ly#=by do what=rnd(4) if curve=1 and disably=0 then inc bx#,.4 if curve=1 then dec ly#,.2 if disablex=0 and what>0 then inc lx#,.2 if disablex=0 and what=0 then inc lx#,.3 if what=4 then inc ly#,.9 if what<>4 then inc ly#,.6 if what=3 for z=1 to 10 dec ly#,.05 dot lx#,ly# `sync next z endif dot lx#,ly# if lx#>=tx-.7 then disablex=1 if ly#>=ty-.7 then disabley=1 if disabley=1 and disablex=1 then exit `sync loop endfunction `---------- `----------function right to left box ==Makes a line going right to left function r_to_lbox(bx,by,mx,ty) disablex=0 disabley=0 bx#=bx by#=by curve=rnd(1) extra_curve=rnd(4) Do dot bx#,by# direct=rnd(4) if curve=1 and disably=0 then dec by#,.4 if extra_curve=1 and disabley=0 then dec by#,2 if direct=1 then dec bx#,1 else dec bx#,.1 if direct=1 then inc by#,1 else inc by#,.1 if bx#<=mx then disablex=1 if by#>=ty# then disabley=1 if disablex=1 and disabley=1 then exit `sync Loop endfunction `---------- `----------function rndoval(x,y) ===Makes oval or circle function rndoval(x,y) r= RND(10)+3 For dg= 0 to 360 ax= sin(dg+RND(20))*r +x ay= cos(dg)*r +y `sync dot ax,ay Next dg endfunction `----------