` D a r k B A S I C
`   C L A S S I C
` Programming Challenge:
` Gadget/Minigame Collection
` My entry:
` SPT Date,Clock Gadget and Feed the Fish Game		
` Author: Steve Paul Thomas
` Date: 14th November 2008
` Credit due to:
` NanoGamez guy - for explaining how to work
` out the angles for the clock hands :)
` Latch - for showing me the use of the DATA
` commands and giving advice on how to better
` indent my code - hope the code is easier
` to read now.
` Comments
` Hope this isnt too bad for my first entry
` in the DBC Programming Challenge.
` Writing this taught me a lot on how to use
` various DB commands and I tried to use
` quite a fair few of them.
` Game: Feed The Fish
` Aim: Use your mouse to drop food for the hungry
` fish. He might be hungry, but he's also an idiot.
` So you have to drop the foodbits so they hit
` him. You get a +1% increase in health for each
` foodbit that touches him.
` Areas for Improvement:
` If I could dedicate more time to this I would have added:
` > Fish to swim away from mouse pointer if you get too close to it
` (as the game is at the moment, its kind of easy to just click on
` the fish)
` Scenery - wobbly seaweed (using sines?) and other cool stuff found
` in fish tanks
` Maybe add some useful tools or stuff related to the fish tank.
` If anyone wants to improve on this or even make some derivative of
` it, I'd love to see it :)
` Anyway here it is...
rem All images are generated by code:
rem Image 1: Date
rem Image 2: Time
rem Image 3: Goldfish
rem Image 4: Foodbits
rem Image 5: Fish Food Pot
rem Image 6: Fish Health
rem Images 13-22 are for the buttons
rem Image 23 is for the button holder sprite,y=205
rem Sprite 1: Date
rem Sprite 2: Time
rem Sprite 3: Goldfish
rem Sprites 4-10 are reserved for the foodbits
rem Sprite 11 is the fish food pot that we attach to the mouse pointer
rem Sprite 12 is the fish health sprite
rem Sprites 13-17 are the buttons
rem Manual refresh
sync on
rem Hide the default mouse pointer
hide mouse
rem Year prefix,
yyprefix$ = "20"
rem Thanks to Latch for pointing out this way
rem to populate the array
rem The names of the calendar months
dim month_name$(12)
rem Point at the start of the months list
restore _months
rem Read the months list into the array
for i=1 to 12
 	 read month_name$(i)
next i
rem Foodbits are the bits of fish food.
rem We keep track of where they on the
rem screen using this array.
dim foodbits(7,2)
rem 7 bits of food assigned to sprites
rem 4 to 10. Since a sprite needs an
rem x coordinate and a y coordinate
rem we have two boxes inside each
rem foodbits drawer (assuming you
rem visualise arrays as drawers and boxes!)
rem X coordinate
for i = 1 to 7
	 foodbits(i,1) = 320
next i
rem Y coordinate
for i = 1 to 7
	 foodbits(i,2) = 650
next i
rem Where the goldfish actually is on the screen
fishx = 320
fishy = 240
rem How much health the fish has - if it reaches
rem zero then he dies
fish_health = 100
rem How many milliseconds pass before we remove some health from the fish
fish_diminish_rate = 1000
rem How much percent of health should be removed each
rem time the diminish_rate elapses
fish_diminish_amount = 1
rem When we last subtracted some health - this one just initalises it
last_diminish_time = timer()
rem An integer that acts like a boolean (1 = pause, 0 = do not)
pause_diminish = 0
rem Horizontal and vertical direction keepers
rem If vdirection is set to zero string then
rem the fish only moves left and right
hdirection$ = "left"
vdirection$ = ""
rem Play with these values to alter difficulty
rem Leave this at normal and use the buttons in the game to change
rem difficulty
level$ = "normal"
rem The number of pixels per move interval
speed = 8
rem How often to actually move in milliseconds
move_interval = 50
rem Last time the fish moved
last_move = timer()
rem Last time we picked a new vertical direction
rem - this makes the fish appear to move about
rem aimlessly like...well like a goldfish!
last_vdirection = timer()
rem Set how a random amount of time that must elapse
rem before we choose another direction. 0-10 seconds
vdirection_interval = rnd(10000)
rem Easily configurable colours of stuff...
rem If you dont like the default sidebar colour then you
rem can change it here (default is a blue-grey colour)
sidebar = rgb(100,100,180)
rem Colour of the hour hand and the hour blocks on the clock
rem Default is red
hourcolour = rgb(255,0,0)
rem Colour of the minute hand and minute blocks on the clock
rem Default is yellow
minutecolour = rgb(255,255,0)
rem Colour of the second hand on the clock
rem Default is grey
secondcolour = rgb(60,60,60)
rem Make the background
rem wipe screen with dark blue 
cls rgb(0,0,155)
rem Now make some yellow sand
ink rgb(220,180,22),0
box 0,400,639,479
rem Add some random dots to make it more interesting
ink rgb(50,50,0),0
for i=1 to 1000
dot rnd(640),400 + rnd(475)
next i
rem Grab it and put it in a stupidly high image number
get image 65000,0,0,640,480
cls 0
rem End of making the background
rem Create an offscreen drawing area
create bitmap 1,640,480
cls 0
rem Set the program up
gosub _make_date_sprite
gosub _make_clock_sprite
gosub _make_button_holder_sprite
gosub _make_goldfish_sprite
gosub _make_fishstuff
gosub _make_fish_health_sprite
gosub _make_buttons
rem Goldfish sprite
sprite 3,fishx,fishy,3
rem Boost the fish size by 10
scale sprite 3,fish_health+10
rem ------------------- Main Program Loop ----------------------------
	rem Clear the screen with black
	cls 0
	rem Paste the background, we will draw everything else after this
	paste image 65000,0,0
	rem Date box sprite
	sprite 1,512,0,1
	rem Clock box sprite
	sprite 2,512,65,2
	gosub _move_fish
	rem Goldfish sprite
	sprite 3,fishx,fishy,3
		if mydate$ <> get date$() then gosub _make_date_sprite
		if mytime$ <> get time$() then gosub _make_clock_sprite
		rem Check if its time to dimish fish's health
		if (timer() - last_diminish_time) >= fish_diminish_rate
			rem Knock health off fish
			gosub diminish_fish
	rem Health sprite
	sprite 12,10,10,6
	rem Probably could have done this better with select and case
	rem statements, maybe next time, eh?
	sprite 23,512,205,23
		rem Easy button
		if (level$ = "easy")
			sprite 13,512,205,18
			sprite 13,512,205,13
		rem Normal button
		if (level$ = "normal")
			sprite 14,512,225,19
			sprite 14,512,225,14
		rem Hard button
		if (level$ = "hard")
			sprite 15,512,245,20
			sprite 15,512,245,15
		rem New Fish button
		if ((mousex() >= 512 and mousex() <= 639) and (mousey() >= 286 and mousey() <= 302) and mouseclick()=1)
			sprite 16,512,285,21
			gosub _newgame
			sleep 250
			sprite 16,512,285,16
		rem Exit button
		if ((mousex() >= 512 and mousex() <= 639) and (mousey() >= 306 and mousey() <= 322) and mouseclick()=1)
			sprite 17,512,305,22
			sleep 500
			sprite 17,512,305,17
	rem See if any food has touched the fish sprite
	gosub _has_fish_eaten
	rem Keep the fish falling if its on the screen
	gosub _keep_food_falling
	rem Use the new foodbits x and y coordinates
	rem to update the foodbits sprites
	sprite 4,foodbits(1,1),foodbits(1,2),4
	sprite 5,foodbits(2,1),foodbits(2,2),4
	sprite 6,foodbits(3,1),foodbits(3,2),4
	sprite 7,foodbits(4,1),foodbits(4,2),4
	sprite 8,foodbits(5,1),foodbits(4,2),4
	sprite 9,foodbits(6,1),foodbits(6,2),4
	sprite 10,foodbits(7,1),foodbits(7,2),4
	rem Fish food can sprite
	sprite 11,mousex(),mousey(),5
		rem Did user toggle easy?
		if (mouseclick()=1 and mousex() >= 512 and mousex() <= 639)
			if (mousey() >= 206 and mousey() <= 222)
				level$ = "easy"	
				speed = 4
				fish_diminish_amount = 1
		rem Did user toggle normal?
		if (mouseclick()=1 and mousex() >= 512 and mousex() <= 639)
			if (mousey() >= 226 and mousey() <= 242)
				level$ = "normal"
				speed = 6
				fish_diminish_amount = 1
		rem Did user toggle hard?
		if (mouseclick()=1 and mousex() >= 512 and mousex() <= 639)
			if (mousey() >= 246 and mousey() <= 262)
				level$ = "hard"	
				speed = 12
				fish_diminish_amount = 2
	if mouseclick()=1 then gosub _make_food
rem End of Main Program Loop
` (((((((((((((((((((( S U B  R O U T I N E S ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
This subroutine creates a blue box with the date
inside, formatted as:
rem Assign the DB date to mydate variable
mydate$ = get date$()
rem Extract the first two chars and assign to month
month$ = left$(mydate$,2)
	rem If less than ten then bin the leading zero
	rem to make comparison with the month name array
	rem easier
	if val(month$) < 10
		month$ = mid$(month$,2)
rem Look at the month number as a number and use it as
rem an index to what month name is. Finally assign
rem month name to month
month$ = month_name$(val(month$))
rem Just an excuse to use the upper case command
month$ = UPPER$(month$)
rem Extract the two characters from the middle and
rem assign to daynum (the date, 1-31)
daynum$ = mid$(mydate$,4)
daynum$ = daynum$ + mid$(mydate$,5)
	rem If daynum is less than ten then bin the leading zero
	rem just because I feel like it ;)
	if val(daynum$) < 10
		daynum$ = mid$(daynum$,2)
rem Extract the year part
year$ = right$(mydate$,2)
rem Turn yy into yyyy by prefixing it
year$ = yyprefix$ + year$
`print "DB Date: ";mydate$
`print "Day Number: ";daynum$
`print "Month: ";month$
`print "Year: ";year$
set current bitmap 1
rem Set pen color to sidebar colour and draw a box
ink sidebar,0
box 0,0,128,64
rem Draw a border...
rem Right and top in white
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
line 128,64,128,0
line 128,0,0,0
rem Do a basic horizontal centre by using number of characters
rem point size 10 is 10 pixels per char approx
posx = 64 - (5 * len(month$))
rem Print month name
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
set text font "arial"
set text size 10
text 2+posx,2,month$
rem Print day number of the month
set text size 32
rem Do another basic horizontal centre
posx = 64 - (13 * len(daynum$))
text posx,10,daynum$
rem Print year
set text size 10
text 50,50,year$
get image 1,0,0,128,64
set current bitmap 0
This function creates an analogue clock with digital
time underneath it.
Credit to NanoGamez guy for explaining
how to calculate the angle on the fly, rather than use
a huge list of angles for every hour, minute and second.
rem Assign DB time to mytime variable
mytime$ = get time$()
set current bitmap 1
rem Clear the screen with the sidebar colour
cls sidebar
rem This bunch of code puts yellow blocks at 6degree
rem points around the face, then you get one block for
rem each minute of the clock face
minutesradius = 50
minutesangle# = 0.0
minutes_step# = 6.0
rem Switch to minutecolour pen
ink minutecolour,0
	rem Draw the minute blocks
   for i = 0 to 60
   	minutesx = minutesradius * cos(minutesangle#)
   	minutesy = minutesradius * sin(minutesangle#)
   	box (minutesx + 320)-1,(minutesy + 240)-1,minutesx+320+2,minutesy+240+2
   	minutesangle# = wrapvalue(minutesangle# + minutes_step#)
   next i
	rem End of minute block drawing
rem Extract the minute from mytime
myminute$ = mid$(mytime$,4)
myminute$ = myminute$ + mid$(mytime$,5)
rem The angle of a minute is: (minute / 60) * 360 -90
anglem = (((val(myminute$) / 60) * 360) -90)
line 320,240,(40 * cos(anglem))+320,(40 * sin(anglem))+240
rem Switch to secondhand pen
ink secondcolour,0
rem Extract the seconds from mytime
myseconds$ = right$(mytime$,2)
rem The angle of a second is: (second / 60) * 360 -90
angles = (((val(myseconds$) / 60) * 360) -90)
line 320,240,(40 * cos(angles))+320,(40 * sin(angles))+240
rem This bunch of code puts red blocks at 30 degree
rem points around the face, then you get one block for
rem each hour of the clock face
hoursradius = 50
hoursangle# = 0.0
hours_step# = 30.0
rem Switch to hourhand pen
ink hourcolour,0
   for i = 1 to 12
   	hoursx = hoursradius * cos(hoursangle#)
   	hoursy = hoursradius * sin(hoursangle#)
   	box (hoursx + 320)-1,(hoursy + 240)-1,hoursx+320+2,hoursy+240+2
   	hoursangle# = wrapvalue(hoursangle# + hours_step#)
   next i
	rem End of block drawing
rem Extract the hour from mytime
myhours$ = left$(mytime$,2)
rem The angle of an hour is: (hour / 12) * 360 -90
angleh = (((val(myhours$) / 12) * 360) -90)
rem Just to add some inbetweening
   rem If its quarter past the hour to just before half past
   if (val(myminute$) >= 15) and (val(myminute$) < 30)
   	angleh = wrapvalue(angleh +6)
   rem If its half past the hour to just before quarter to
   if (val(myminute$) >= 30) and (val(myminute$) < 45)
   	angleh = wrapvalue(angleh +12)
   rem If its quarter to the hour to just before hour
   if (val(myminute$) >= 45) and (val(myminute$) <= 59)
  		angleh = wrapvalue(angleh +18)
rem Draw hour hand
line 320,240,(30 * cos(angleh))+320,(30 * sin(angleh))+240
rem Set pen colour to white and draw a big circle for the clock face
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
clockradius = 55
clockangle# = 0.0
clock_step# = 1.0
	rem Draw outer circle of clock face
   for i = 0 to 360
   	clockx = clockradius * cos(clockangle#)
   	clocky = clockradius * sin(clockangle#)
   	box (clockx + 320)-1,(clocky + 240)-1,clockx+320+2,clocky+240+2
   	clockangle# = wrapvalue(clockangle# + clock_step#)
   next i
   rem End of block drawing
rem Draw a border...
rem Right and top in white
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
line 384,320,384,180
line 384,180,256,180
rem Set pen to white
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
set text font "arial"
set text size 10
rem Write out the full time in digital form
center text 320,300,mytime$
rem Capture the image and place in image slot 2
get image 2,256,180,384,320
rem Switch canvas back to the screen
set current bitmap 0
rem Return to Main Program Loop
set current bitmap 1
rem Clear the screen with a pale blueish colour
cls sidebar
rem Get image for use as the button holder
get image 23,0,0,128,275
set current bitmap 0
rem Quite simply this sub does some drawing
rem to create a crude goldfish. I was kind
rem of lazy with this as wanted a quick result
set current bitmap 1
cls 0
rem Set pen to orange
ink rgb(239,84,0),0
fishh = 1
	rem Quick way of drawing a filled ellipse
	for fishw = 1 to  25
		 ellipse 25,10,fishw,fishh
			if fishh < 10 then inc fishh
	next fishw
	rem End of drawing filled ellipse
rem Cover over the dots
box 18,4,34,18
	rem Now to draw the tail
	for i=4 to 14
		line 50,10,65,i
	next i
rem The back line of the tail
line 65,4,65,14
rem Make an eyeball
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
	for i = 0 to 4
		circle 16,8,i
	next i
rem Make a green pupil
ink rgb(0,128,0),0
	for i = 0 to 2
		circle 14,8,i
	next i
rem Grab image of fish
get image 3,0,0,66,22
rem Return drawing to screen
set current bitmap 0
set current bitmap 1
cls 0
rem Make orange fish food piece and grab image
ink rgb(255,164,33),0
box 0,0,2,2
get image 4,0,0,2,2
cls 0
rem Set pen colour to yellow
ink rgb(255,255,0),0
rem Draw a pot of fish food
rem this will track the mousex and mousey
rem and food will appear to fall out of it
rem when the mouse is clicked
line 12,0,17,5
line 10,0,17,7
line 10,1,16,7
line 9,1,16,8
line 9,2,15,8
line 8,2,15,9
line 8,3,14,9
line 7,3,14,10
line 7,4,13,10
line 6,4,13,11
line 6,5,12,11
line 5,5,12,12
line 5,6,11,12
line 4,6,11,13
line 4,7,10,13
line 3,7,10,14
line 3,8,9,14
line 2,8,9,15
line 2,9,8,15
line 1,9,8,16
line 1,10,7,16
line 10,10,7,17
rem Set pen colour to blue
ink rgb(0,0,255),0
rem Draw an F at an angle
line 4,10,10,4
line 7,7,9,9
line 10,4,13,7
rem Extract image and put food pot into image 5
get image 5,0,0,18,18
cls 0
	rem Place the sprites offscreen
	for i = 4 to 10
		 sprite i,320,650,4
	next i
rem Set canvas to screen
set current bitmap 0
rem Return to Main Program Loop
rem This sub grabs the mouse pointers x and y coordinates
rem then creates a random (but small) offset from them
rem this gives the appearance of sprinkles of food falling
rem out of the pot. 
mx = mousex()
my = mousey()
	rem For all 7 foodbits
	for i = 1 to 7
		rem Check foodbits i is offscreen and mouse isnt over sidebar
		rem if we meet both these conditions then its OK to render
		rem foodbits i on screen 
		if foodbits(i,2) >= 400 and mousex() < 482
			foodbits(i,2) = my + rnd(4) + 2
			foodbits(i,1 = mx + rnd(10) + 18
	next i
rem If foodbits i y coordinate is less than screen (plus 10)
rem then increment its y coordinate to make it appear to fall.
rem Repeat for all 7 foodbits.
curvalue = 0
	for i = 1 to 7
		if foodbits(i,2) < 400
			curvalue = foodbits(i,2)
			inc curvalue,2
			foodbits(i,2) = curvalue
	next i
rem This is simply a text indication of how
rem much health the fish has left
set current bitmap 1
cls 0
rem Set pen to orange
ink rgb(239,84,0),0
set text font "arial"
set text size 16
rem Convert the fish_health value to a string and append to Health literal
healthstring$ = "Health: " + str$(fish_health) + "%"
rem Render text
text 0,0,healthstring$
rem Grab an image ready for use as a sprite
get image 6,0,0,128,22
rem Switch canvas back to screen
set current bitmap 0
rem Back to the Main Program Loop
rem This slowly diminishes the fish's health over time
	if fish_health >0 and pause_diminish = 0
		rem Decrease health by 1%
		dec fish_health,fish_diminish_amount
		rem Update the Fish Health Sprite
		gosub _make_fish_health_sprite
		rem Shrink the fish everytime it loses health
		rem Scale by health, plus another 10 or the fish would get
		rem small to quickly
		scale sprite 3,fish_health+10
		rem When we last subtracted some health - this one just initalises it
		last_diminish_time = timer()
	if fish_health >0 and pause_diminish = 1
		rem Update the Fish Health Sprite
		gosub _make_fish_health_sprite
		rem Shrink the fish everytime it loses health
		rem Scale by health, plus another 10 or the fish would get
		rem small to quickly
		scale sprite 3,fish_health+10
		rem Add a 2 second pause
		last_diminish_time = timer() + 2000
		rem Reset pause diminish now we are done with it
		pause_diminish = 0
makebutton("New Fish",16)
makebuttonpressed("New Fish",21)
rem If fish has got more than 0% health then he can move
	rem Decide if its time to move
	if ((timer() - last_move) > move_interval) and fish_health > 0
		rem If fish is not touching left of screen and is
		rem looking left then move him left a bit
		if (fishx > 20) and hdirection$ = "left"
			dec fishx,speed			
		rem If fish has reached left edge of tank (screen)
		if (fishx <= 20)
			mirror sprite 3
			hdirection$ = "right"
		rem If fish is not touching right of screen and is
		rem looking right then move him right a bit
		if (fishx < 446) and hdirection$ = "right"
			inc fishx,speed			
		rem If fish has reached right edge of tank (screen)
		rem (marked by sidebar)
		if (fishx >= 446)
			mirror sprite 3
			hdirection$ = "left"
		rem Choose a new vertical direction only if its time to (determined by
		rem a random interval - which is set on each direction change)
		if (timer() - last_vdirection) > vdirection_interval
			gosub _up_down_none
			rem Make this event happen in a random 1-10 seconds time
			vdirection_interval = rnd(10000)
			rem Make a note of the timer to compare with random interval
			last_vdirection = timer()
		rem If looking up and still not touched top of screen
		if (vdirection$ = "up") and fishy > 40
			dec fishy,2
		rem If looking down and still not touched bottom
		if (vdirection$ = "down") and fishy < 370
			inc fishy,2
	rem Since we just moved, make a note of what the timer
	rem reading is.
	last_move = timer()	
rem Direction chooser subroutine
rem Randomly choose a direction 0,1 or 2
chosendir = rnd(2)
		select chosendir
		case 0: vdirection$ = "" : endcase
		case 1: vdirection$ = "up" : endcase
		case 2: vdirection$ = "down" : endcase
	rem For all 7 foodbits
	for i = 1 to 7
		rem Are the food bits vertically colliding with fish?
		if foodbits(i,2) >= fishy and foodbits(i,2) <= fishy + sprite height(3)
			rem Now check horizontally - if so then the food has touched the fish sprite
			if foodbits(i,1) >= fishx and foodbits(i,1) <= fishx + sprite width(3)
			 rem Reset the foodbit to offscreen
			 foodbits(i,2) = 650
			 rem Increase health a bit
			 inc fish_health
			 pause_diminish = 1
	next i
rem Correct fish health if it is too big
if fish_health > 100 then fish_health = 100
rem Restore health to 100
fish_health = 100
rem Boost the fish size by 10
scale sprite 3,fish_health+10
rem Set diminish time to now
last_diminish_time = timer()
rem Ensure diminish is active
pause_diminish = 0
fishx = 320
fishy = 240
` (((((((((((((((((((( F U N C T I O N S ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
function makebutton(caption$,buttonnum)
set current bitmap 1
cls 0
rem The purple body of the button
ink rgb(83,30,120),0
box 0,0,128,16
rem The pink highlight of the button
ink rgb(187,123,237),0
box 0,0,128,1
box 0,0,1,16
rem The dark purple shadow of the button
ink rgb(56,9,93),0
box 0,15,128,16
box 128,16,128,0
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
set text font "arial"
set text size 10
posx = 64 - (4 * len(caption$))
text posx,1,caption$
get image buttonnum,0,0,129,17
set current bitmap 0
function makebuttonpressed(caption$,buttonnum)
set current bitmap 1
cls 0
rem The light purple body of the button
ink rgb(127,22,208),0
box 0,0,128,16
rem The pink highlight of the button
ink rgb(187,123,237),0
box 0,15,128,16
box 128,16,128,0
rem The dark purple shadow of the button
ink rgb(56,9,93),0
box 0,0,128,1
box 0,0,1,16
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
set text font "arial"
set text size 10
posx = 64 - (4 * len(caption$))
text posx,1,caption$
get image buttonnum,0,0,129,17
cls 0
set current bitmap 0
` (((((((((((((((((((((((( D A T A ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
   data "January","February","March","April","May","June"
   data "July","August","September","October","November","December"