rem DBC Challenge
rem Ballancing Challenge
rem by TheComet
rem setup screen
set display mode 1024,768,32
randomize timer()
sync on
sync rate 60
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
hide mouse
rem dimensions
dim beer(7)
rem generate everything
gosub _create_images
gosub _create_objects
rem menu
gosub _menu
rem main loop
tx1=(screen width()/4)-(screen width()/8)
tx2=(screen width()/4)+(screen width()/8)
tx3=(screen width()/4)+((screen width()/8)*3)
tx4=(screen width()/4)+((screen width()/8)*5)
rem time
inc time
if time<80 then for t=1000 to 1003:rotate object t,0,0,0:next t
if time/1000<>oldtime then inc level
rem alarm
ink rgb(0,0,255),0
line 0,40,screen width(),40
line screen width()/4,0,screen width()/4,40
line screen width()/2,0,screen width()/2,40
line screen width()/4*3,0,screen width()/4*3,40
if object angle z(1000)>1 and object angle z(1000)<180 or object angle z(1000)<359 and object angle z(1000)>180 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0:center text tx1,10,"Alarm!" else ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text tx1,10,"OK"
if object angle z(1001)>1 and object angle z(1001)<180 or object angle z(1001)<359 and object angle z(1001)>180 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0:center text tx2,10,"Alarm!" else ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text tx2,10,"OK"
if object angle z(1002)>1 and object angle z(1002)<180 or object angle z(1002)<359 and object angle z(1002)>180 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0:center text tx3,10,"Alarm!" else ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text tx3,10,"OK"
if object angle z(1003)>1 and object angle z(1003)<180 or object angle z(1003)<359 and object angle z(1003)>180 then ink rgb(255,0,0),0:center text tx4,10,"Alarm!" else ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text tx4,10,"OK"
text 20,50,"Level : "+str$(level)+"/10"
rem move
if leftkey()=1 and pushed=0
   if dx=-19 then dx=-59
   if dx=19 then dx=-19
   if dx=59 then dx=19
if rightkey()=1 and pushed=0
   if dx=19 then dx=59
   if dx=-19 then dx=19
   if dx=-59 then dx=-19
if rightkey()=0 and leftkey()=0 then pushed=0
rem control camera
position camera cx#,5,-30
rem tip boards back and forth
for t=1000 to 1003
   if object angle z(t)<1 or object angle z(t)>359 and rnd(comon)=5:if rnd(1)=0:zrotate object t,358:else:zrotate object t,2:endif:endif
   if object angle z(t)>1 and object angle z(t)<80 then zrotate object t,wrapvalue(object angle z(t)+0.1)
   if object angle z(t)<359 and object angle z(t)>280 then zrotate object t,wrapvalue(object angle z(t)-0.1)
   rem position beers
   position object beer((t-1000)*2),limb position x(t,1),limb position y(t,1),-9:zrotate object beer((t-1000)*2),object angle z(t)
   position object beer(((t-1000)*2)+1),limb position x(t,2),limb position y(t,2),-9:zrotate object beer(((t-1000)*2)+1),object angle z(t)
   rem lose
   if object angle z(t)>79 and object angle z(t)<180 then loser=1
   if object angle z(t)<281 and object angle z(t)>180 then loser=1
next t
rem rotate them back correctly
if keystate(30)=1
   if dx=-59 then zrotate object 1000,wrapvalue(object angle z(1000)+0.4)
   if dx=-19 then zrotate object 1001,wrapvalue(object angle z(1001)+0.4)
   if dx=19 then zrotate object 1002,wrapvalue(object angle z(1002)+0.4)
   if dx=59 then zrotate object 1003,wrapvalue(object angle z(1003)+0.4)
if keystate(32)=1
   if dx=-59 then zrotate object 1000,wrapvalue(object angle z(1000)-0.4)
   if dx=-19 then zrotate object 1001,wrapvalue(object angle z(1001)-0.4)
   if dx=19 then zrotate object 1002,wrapvalue(object angle z(1002)-0.4)
   if dx=59 then zrotate object 1003,wrapvalue(object angle z(1003)-0.4)
rem lose
if loser=1
   for x=1 to 180
      rem beer falls to ground
      for t=1000 to 1003
         if object angle z(t)>79 and object angle z(t)<180 or object angle z(t)<281 and object angle z(t)>180
            if object position y(beer((t-1000)*2))>-4.5 then position object beer((t-1000)*2),object position x(beer((t-1000)*2)),object position y(beer((t-1000)*2))-0.1,-9
            if object position y(beer(((t-1000)*2)+1))>-4.5 then position object beer(((t-1000)*2)+1),object position x(beer(((t-1000)*2)+1)),object position y(beer(((t-1000)*2)+1))-0.1,-9
            zrotate object beer((t-1000)*2),curveangle(90,object angle z(beer((t-1000)*2)),30)
            zrotate object beer(((t-1000)*2)+1),curveangle(90,object angle z(beer(((t-1000)*2)+1)),30)
            rem position camera
            set camera to follow object position x(t),0,0,0,50,5,60,0
      next t
   next x
      set camera to follow 0,0,0,0,120,20,20,0
      inc time1
      center text screen width()/2,50,"LOOSER! Press any key to return to menu"
      center text screen width()/2,70,"Your Score : "+str$(time)
   until scancode()>0 and time1>100
   goto menu
rem refresh screen
rem end of main loop
rem make beers according to score
for x=1 to beers
   inc o
   make object plain o,0,0
   inc o
   restore beer
   read obj
   for t=1 to obj
      read x1
      read y1
      read z1
      read x2
      read y2
      read z2
      read x3
      read y3
      read z3
      read r
      read g
      read b
      inc limb
      make object triangle o,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
      make mesh from object 1,o
      delete object o
      add limb o-1,limb,1
      delete mesh 1
      color limb o-1,limb,rgb(r,g,b)
   next t
   scale object o-1,5,5,5
   position object o-1,-28+((x-1)*4),-20,40
   lock object on o-1
next x
show mouse
set text size 15
rem control camera
inc s
set camera to follow 0,0,0,wrapvalue(s#),120,10,40,0
rem sprite logo
sprite 1,screen width()/2-320,40,1
rem control menu
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
text screen width()/2-320,280,"Controls : Use Left and Right Arrow Keys to Switch between boards."
text screen width()/2-320,300,"Use <a> and <d> to re-balance the boards. Don`t let the beer fall off!"
text screen width()/2-320,320,"How many beers can you earn?Have Fun! TheComet"
center text screen width()/2,350,"Play"
center text screen width()/2,370,"Exit"
if mousey()>340 and mousey()<360 then ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text screen width()/2,350,"Play":if mouseclick()=1 then exit
if mousey()>360 and mousey()<380 then ink rgb(0,255,0),0:center text screen width()/2,370,"Exit":if mouseclick()=1 then end
rem last score
text 20,screen height()-200,"Your Last Score : "+str$(time)
text 20,screen height()-180,"You Have Earned "+str$(beers)+" Beers!"
for t=1 to beers
   yrotate object obj,wrapvalue(object angle y(obj)+2)
next t
rotate camera 0,0,0
hide mouse
delete sprite 1
rem delete beers
for t=1 to beers
   delete object obj
next t
rem balancing logo
create bitmap 1,640,100
ink 0,0
box 0,0,319,99
ink rgb(255,120,10),0
set text size 60
set text font "arial"
center text 320,10,"Beer Balancing"
get image 1,0,0,640,100
delete bitmap 1
rem make level
restore level
read obj
for t=1 to obj
   read x1
   read y1
   read z1
   read x2
   read y2
   read z2
   read x3
   read y3
   read z3
   read r
   read g
   read b
   inc o
   make object triangle o,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
   color object o,rgb(r,g,b)
next t
rem make 8 beers
for x=0 to 7
   inc o
   make object plain o,0,0
   inc o
   restore beer
   read obj
   for t=1 to obj
      read x1
      read y1
      read z1
      read x2
      read y2
      read z2
      read x3
      read y3
      read z3
      read r
      read g
      read b
      inc limb
      make object triangle o,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3
      make mesh from object 1,o
      delete object o
      add limb o-1,limb,1
      delete mesh 1
      color limb o-1,limb,rgb(r,g,b)
   next t
   scale object o-1,5,5,5
next x
rem create 4 boards
for t=1000 to 1003
   make object box t,12,1,2
   color object t,rgb(40,0,0)
next t
rem make two dummy objects at each end of board
for t=1000 to 1003
   make object plain 1004,0,0
   make mesh from object 1,1004
   delete object 1004
   make object plain 1004,0,0
   make mesh from object 2,1004
   delete object 1004
   add limb t,1,1
   add limb t,2,2
   offset limb t,1,-5,0.5,0
   offset limb t,2,5,0.5,0
   delete mesh 1
   delete mesh 2
next t
rem position boards
position object 1000,-59,7,-9
position object 1001,-19,7,-9
position object 1002,19,7,-9
position object 1003,59,7,-9
rem Data Statements ------------------------------
data 68,-60,-5,5,-60,-5,-5,-60,5,-5,50,0,0,-60,-5,5,-60,5,5,-60,5,-5,50,0,0,-60,5,5,-60,5,-5
data 60,5,-5,80,0,0,-60,5,5,60,5,-5,60,5,5,80,0,0,-60,-5,-5,-60,5,-5,60,5,-5,100,0,0,-60,-5
data -5,60,-5,-5,60,5,-5,100,0,0,60,-5,5,60,-5,-5,60,5,-5,110,0,0,60,-5,5,60,5,5,60,5,-5,110
data 0,0,-60,5,-5,-60,3,-5,-60,3,-10,120,0,0,-60,5,-5,-60,5,-10,-60,3,-10,120,0,0,-60,3,-5,-60
data 3,-10,-58,3,-10,120,0,0,-60,3,-5,-58,3,-5,-58,3,-10,120,0,0,-58,3,-5,-58,5,-5,-58,5,-10
data 160,0,0,-58,3,-5,-58,3,-10,-58,5,-10,160,0,0,-60,5,-10,-60,3,-10,-58,3,-10,150,0,0,-60,5
data -10,-58,5,-10,-58,3,-10,150,0,0,-60,5,-5,-60,5,-10,-59,7,-10,130,0,0,-60,5,-5,-59,7,-5
data -59,7,-10,130,0,0,-58,5,-5,-58,5,-10,-59,7,-10,160,0,0,-58,5,-5,-59,7,-5,-59,7,-10,160,0
data 0,-60,5,-10,-59,7,-10,-58,5,-10,170,0,0,-20,5,-5,-20,3,-5,-20,3,-10,120,0,0,-20,5,-5,-20
data 5,-10,-20,3,-10,120,0,0,-20,3,-5,-20,3,-10,-18,3,-10,120,0,0,-20,3,-5,-18,3,-5,-18,3,-10
data 120,0,0,-18,3,-5,-18,5,-5,-18,5,-10,160,0,0,-18,3,-5,-18,3,-10,-18,5,-10,160,0,0,-20,5,-10
data -20,3,-10,-18,3,-10,150,0,0,-20,5,-10,-18,5,-10,-18,3,-10,150,0,0,-20,5,-5,-20,5,-10,-19,7
data -10,130,0,0,-20,5,-5,-19,7,-5,-19,7,-10,130,0,0,-18,5,-5,-18,5,-10,-19,7,-10,160,0,0,-18,5
data -5,-19,7,-5,-19,7,-10,160,0,0,-20,5,-10,-19,7,-10,-18,5,-10,170,0,0,20,5,-5,20,3,-5,20,3
data -10,120,0,0,20,5,-5,20,5,-10,20,3,-10,120,0,0,20,3,-5,20,3,-10,18,3,-10,120,0,0,20,3,-5,18
data 3,-5,18,3,-10,120,0,0,18,3,-5,18,5,-5,18,5,-10,160,0,0,18,3,-5,18,3,-10,18,5,-10,160,0,0
data 20,5,-10,20,3,-10,18,3,-10,150,0,0,20,5,-10,18,5,-10,18,3,-10,150,0,0,20,5,-5,20,5,-10,19
data 7,-10,130,0,0,20,5,-5,19,7,-5,19,7,-10,130,0,0,18,5,-5,18,5,-10,19,7,-10,160,0,0,18,5
data -5,19,7,-5,19,7,-10,160,0,0,20,5,-10,19,7,-10,18,5,-10,170,0,0,60,5,-5,60,3,-5,60,3
data -10,120,0,0,60,5,-5,60,5,-10,60,3,-10,120,0,0,60,3,-5,60,3,-10,58,3,-10,120,0,0,60
data 3,-5,58,3,-5,58,3,-10,120,0,0,58,3,-5,58,5,-5,58,5,-10,160,0,0,58,3,-5,58,3,-10,58
data 5,-10,160,0,0,60,5,-10,60,3,-10,58,3,-10,150,0,0,60,5,-10,58,5,-10,58,3,-10,150,0,0
data 60,5,-5,60,5,-10,59,7,-10,130,0,0,60,5,-5,59,7,-5,59,7,-10,130,0,0,58,5,-5,58,5
data -10,59,7,-10,160,0,0,58,5,-5,59,7,-5,59,7,-10,160,0,0,60,5,-10,59,7,-10,58,5,-10
data 170,0,0,-200,-5,-200,200,-5,-200,200,-5,200,0,0,50,-200,-5,-200,-200,-5,200,200,-5,200
data 0,0,50,-200,-5,-200,-200,-5,200,-200,200,200,0,0,70,-200,-5,-200,-200,200,-200,-200
data 200,200,0,0,70,200,-5,-200,200,-5,200,200,200,200,0,0,70,200,-5,-200,200,200,-200,200
data 200,200,0,0,70,-200,-5,200,200,-5,200,200,200,200,0,0,30,-200,-5,200,-200,200,200,200,200,200,0,0,30
data 36,-20,0,0,0,0,20,0,10,0,200,200,200,0,0,20,20,0,0,0,10,0,190,190,190,20,0,0,0,0,-20
data 0,10,0,200,200,200,0,0,-20,-20,0,0,0,10,0,210,210,210,-2,0,-2,2,0,-2,2,20,-2,190,190
data 190,-2,0,-2,-2,20,-2,2,20,-2,190,190,190,-2,0,-2,-2,0,2,-2,20,2,200,200,200,-2,0,-2
data -2,20,-2,-2,20,2,200,200,200,-2,0,2,2,0,2,2,20,2,210,210,210,-2,0,2,-2,20,2,2,20,2
data 210,210,210,2,0,-2,2,0,2,2,20,2,200,200,200,2,0,-2,2,20,-2,2,20,2,200,200,200,-2,20
data -2,2,20,-2,8,40,-8,239,139,3,-2,20,-2,-8,40,-8,8,40,-8,239,139,3,-2,20,-2,-2,20,2,-8
data 40,8,249,149,3,-2,20,-2,-8,40,-8,-8,40,8,249,149,3,-2,20,2,2,20,2,8,40,8,239,139,3
data -2,20,2,-8,40,8,8,40,8,239,139,3,2,20,-2,2,20,2,8,40,8,229,129,3,2,20,-2,8,40,-8,8
data 40,8,229,129,3,-8,40,-8,8,40,-8,10,60,-10,239,139,3,-8,40,-8,-10,60,-10,10,60,-10,239,139,3,-8
data 40,-8,-8,40,8,-10,60,10,249,149,3,-8,40,-8,-10,60,-10,-10,60,10,249,149,3,-8,40,8,8,40,8,10,60,10
data 239,139,3,-8,40,8,-10,60,10,10,60,10,239,139,3,8,40,-8,8,40,8,10,60,10,229,129,3,8,40,-8
data 10,60,-10,10,60,10,229,129,3,-10,60,-10,10,60,-10,9,70,-9,190,190,190,-10,60,-10,-9,70,-9,9,70,-9,190,190
data 190,-10,60,-10,-10,60,10,-9,70,9,200,200,200,-10,60,-10,-9,70,-9,-9,70,9,200,200,200,-10,60,10,10
data 60,10,9,70,9,210,210,210,-10,60,10,-9,70,9,9,70,9,210,210,210,10,60,-10,10,60,10,9,70,9,200,200
data 200,10,60,-10,9,70,-9,9,70,9,200,200,200