sync on : sync rate 200 : autocam off cls ink rgb(255,255,255),0 : box 60,110,240,390 : ink rgb(255,0,0),0 : box 360,110,540,390 get image 1,50,100,250,400 get image 2,350,100,550,400 cls ink rgb(255,0,0),0:box 2,400,638,478:ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 6,403,106,475:box 140,403,240,475:box 274,403,374,475:box 407,403,509,475:ink rgb(128,0,0),0:box 7,404,105,474:box 141,404,239,474:box 275,404,373,474:box 408,404,508,474 ink rgb(255,255,255),0:center text 54,434,"Fold":center text 190,434,"Call":center text 326,434,"Raise":center text 457,434,"Quit":center text 538,434,"Cash:" get image 3,1,399,639,479 cls ink rgb(0,0,255),0:box 1,1,638,120:ink rgb(255,255,255),0:for t=1 to 100:dot rnd(637)+1,rnd(119)+1:next t:ink rgb(0,0,128),0:box 1,121,638,240:ink rgb(128,128,128),0:for t=1 to 100:dot rnd(637)+1,rnd(119)+122:next t:ink rgb(200,200,100),0 box 1,241,638,478:ink 0,0:for t=1 to 100:dot rnd(637)+1,rnd(236)+242:next t get image 4,1,1,639,479 make object cylinder 1,100 make object cylinder 2,25 make object cylinder 3,25 make object cylinder 4,25 make object cylinder 5,25 position object 2,25,-20,25 position object 3,-25,-20,25 position object 4,-25,-20,-25 position object 5,25,-20,-25 scale object 2,20,140,20 scale object 3,20,140,20 scale object 4,20,140,20 scale object 5,20,140,20 scale object 1,100,5,100 for t=1 to 5 : color object t,rgb(50,50,0) : next t make object plain 6,13,2 lock object on 6 texture object 6,3 position object 6,0,-4,8 make object plain 7,1000,1000 position object 7,0,-100,300 texture object 7,4 for t=11 to 12 : make object box t,10,15,0 : texture object t,2 : position object 11,-15,60,-125 : next t : position object 12,15,60,-125 for t=21 to 22 : make object box t,10,15,0 : texture object t,2 : position object 21,-15,60,30 : next t : position object 22,15,60,30 for t=31 to 33 : make object box t,10,15,0 : texture object t,2 : position object 31,-30,10,-20 : next t : position object 32,-15,10,-20 : position object 33,0,10,-20 position camera 0,75,-150 point camera 0,0,0 blind=rnd(1)+1 cash=200 ocash=200 gamestart: if object exist(34)=1 then delete object 34 if object exist(35)=1 then delete object 35 cashd=0 ocashd=0 b=0 blind=blind+1 if blind=3 then blind=1 turn=blind+1 if turn=3 then turn=1 repeat ink rgb(128,128,128),0 text 568,437,str$(cash) center text 320,40,"Opponent's" center text 320,60,"Cash:" center text 320,80,str$(ocash) pot=cashd+ocashd if p31=1 or p32=1 or p33=1 else center text 320,200,"Pot" center text 320,270,str$(pot) endif yrot=yrot-2 if yrot<2 then yrot=0 for t=11 to 12 if yrot=90 texture object t+20,2 texture object 33,2 endif if yrot=70 texture object 11,2 endif if yrot=130 texture object 12,2 endif yrotate object t,yrot yrotate object t+20,yrot yrotate object 33,yrot next t sync until yrot=0 do gosub gamebegin gosub flopbet gosub 2drop gosub 2dropbet gosub 3drop gosub 3dropbet sync loop gamebegin: flop=1 do if yrot=180 gosub flopbet else yrot=yrot+2 endif for t=11 to 12 if yrot=90 texture object t+20,1 texture object 33,1 c31=rnd(12)+1 : c32=rnd(12)+1 : c33=rnd(12)+1 s31=rnd(3)+1 : s32=rnd(3)+1 : s33=rnd(3)+1 endif if yrot=70 texture object 11,1 c11=rnd(12)+1 s11=rnd(3)+1 endif if yrot=130 texture object 12,1 c12=rnd(12)+1 s12=rnd(3)+1 endif yrotate object t,yrot yrotate object t+20,yrot yrotate object 33,yrot next t gosub lose gosub clicks gosub money gosub text sync loop flopbet: do gosub chance1 gosub lose if movement=0 gosub turn endif gosub ai gosub clicks if call=1 or ocall=1 then gosub 2drop gosub money gosub text sync loop 2drop: 2drop=1 make object box 34,10,15,0 : texture object 34,2 : position object 34,15,10,-20 yrot=0 do if yrot=180 gosub 2dropbet else yrot=yrot+2 endif if yrot=90 texture object 34,1 c34=rnd(12)+1 s34=rnd(3)+1 endif gosub lose gosub clicks gosub money gosub text sync loop 2dropbet: do gosub chance2 gosub lose if movement=0 gosub turn endif gosub ai gosub clicks if call=1 or ocall=1 then gosub 3drop gosub money gosub text sync loop 3drop: 3drop=1 make object box 35,10,15,0 : texture object 35,2 : position object 35,30,10,-20 yrot=0 do if yrot=180 gosub 3dropbet else yrot=yrot+2 endif if yrot=90 texture object 35,1 c35=rnd(12)+1 s35=rnd(3)+1 endif gosub lose gosub clicks gosub money gosub text sync loop 3dropbet: do gosub chance2 gosub lose if movement=0 gosub turn endif gosub ai gosub clicks if call=1 or ocall=1 then gosub gamestart gosub money gosub text sync loop function cards(suite,sx,sy,card,x1,x2,y1,y2) if suite=1 ink 0,0 center text sx,sy,"Spades" endif if suite=2 ink 0,0 center text sx,sy,"Clubs" endif if suite=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text sx,sy,"Hearts" endif if suite=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text sx,sy,"Diamonds" endif if card>1 and card<11 center text x1,y1,str$(card) center text x2,y2,str$(card) endif if card=1 center text x1,y1,"A" center text x2,y2,"A" endif if card=11 center text x1,y1,"J" center text x2,y2,"J" endif if card=12 center text x1,y1,"Q" center text x2,y2,"Q" endif if card=13 center text x1,y1,"K" center text x2,y2,"K" endif endfunction text: if yrot>=70 then cards(s11,530,260,c11,590,480,190,320) if yrot>=130 then cards(s12,110,260,c12,50,160,190,320) if flop=1 if p31=1 cards(s31,320,260,c31,380,270,190,320) else if s31=1 ink 0,0 center text 238,240,"S" endif if s31=2 ink 0,0 center text 238,240,"C" endif if s31=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 238,240,"H" endif if s31=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 238,240,"D" endif if c31>1 and c31<11 center text 238,221,str$(c31) else if c31=1 then center text 238,221,"A" if c31=11 then center text 238,221,"J" if c31=12 then center text 238,221,"Q" if c31=13 then center text 238,221,"K" endif endif if p32=1 cards(s32,320,260,c32,380,270,190,320) else if p33=1 or p31=1 or p34=1 or p35=1 else if s32=1 ink 0,0 center text 280,240,"S" endif if s32=2 ink 0,0 center text 280,240,"C" endif if s32=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 280,240,"H" endif if s32=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 280,240,"D" endif if c32>1 and c32<11 center text 280,221,str$(c32) else if c32=1 then center text 280,221,"A" if c32=11 then center text 280,221,"J" if c32=12 then center text 280,221,"Q" if c32=13 then center text 280,221,"K" endif endif endif if p33=1 cards(s33,320,260,c33,380,270,190,320) else if p32=1 or p31=1 or p34=1 or p35=1 else if s33=1 ink 0,0 center text 320,240,"S" endif if s33=2 ink 0,0 center text 320,240,"C" endif if s33=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 320,240,"H" endif if s33=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 320,240,"D" endif if c33>1 and c33<11 center text 320,221,str$(c33) else if c33=1 then center text 320,221,"A" if c33=11 then center text 320,221,"J" if c33=12 then center text 320,221,"Q" if c33=13 then center text 320,221,"K" endif endif endif endif if 2drop=1 if p34=1 cards(s34,320,260,c34,380,270,190,320) else if p32=1 or p31=1 or p33=1 or p35=1 else if s34=1 ink 0,0 center text 360,240,"S" endif if s34=2 ink 0,0 center text 360,240,"C" endif if s34=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 360,240,"H" endif if s34=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 360,240,"D" endif if c34>1 and c34<11 center text 360,221,str$(c34) else if c34=1 then center text 360,221,"A" if c34=11 then center text 360,221,"J" if c34=12 then center text 360,221,"Q" if c34=13 then center text 360,221,"K" endif endif endif endif if 3drop=1 if p35=1 cards(s35,320,260,c35,380,270,190,320) else if s35=1 ink 0,0 center text 402,240,"S" endif if s35=2 ink 0,0 center text 402,240,"C" endif if s35=3 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 402,240,"H" endif if s35=4 ink rgb(255,0,0),0 center text 402,240,"D" endif if c35>1 and c35<11 center text 402,221,str$(c35) else if c35=1 then center text 402,221,"A" if c35=11 then center text 402,221,"J" if c35=12 then center text 402,221,"Q" if c35=13 then center text 402,221,"K" endif endif endif ink rgb(128,128,128),0 text 568,437,str$(cash) center text 320,40,"Opponent's" center text 320,60,"Cash:" center text 320,80,str$(ocash) pot=cashd+ocashd if p31=1 or p32=1 or p33=1 or p34=1 or p35=1 else center text 320,200,"Pot" center text 320,270,str$(pot) endif return clicks: if turn=1 if mx>0 and my>396 and mx<103 and my<479 if mouseclick()=1 fold=1 movement=0 endif endif if mx>138 and my>396 and mx<240 and my<479 if mouseclick()=1 call=1 movement=0 endif endif if mx>274 and my>396 and mx<376 and my<479 if mouseclick()=1 raise=1 input "";raised movement=0 endif endif endif if mx>410 and my>396 and mx<514 and my<479 if mouseclick()=1 end endif endif mx=mousex() my=mousey() if mousex()>object screen x(31)-15 and mousex()<object screen x(31)+15 and mousey()>object screen y(31)-15 and mousey()<object screen y(31)+15 if mouseclick()=1 p31=p31+1 if p31=3 then p31=1 if p31=1 position object 31,0,60,-125 else position object 31,-30,10,-20 endif endif endif if mousex()>object screen x(32)-15 and mousex()<object screen x(32)+15 and mousey()>object screen y(32)-15 and mousey()<object screen y(32)+15 if mouseclick()=1 p32=p32+1 if p32=3 then p32=1 if p32=1 position object 32,0,60,-125 else position object 32,-15,10,-20 endif endif endif if mousex()>object screen x(33)-15 and mousex()<object screen x(33)+15 and mousey()>object screen y(33)-15 and mousey()<object screen y(33)+15 if mouseclick()=1 p33=p33+1 if p33=3 then p33=1 if p33=1 position object 33,0,60,-125 else position object 33,0,10,-20 endif endif endif if object exist(34)=1 if mousex()>object screen x(34)-15 and mousex()<object screen x(34)+15 and mousey()>object screen y(34)-15 and mousey()<object screen y(34)+15 if mouseclick()=1 p34=p34+1 if p34=3 then p34=1 if p34=1 position object 34,0,60,-125 else position object 34,15,10,-20 endif endif endif endif if object exist(35)=1 if mousex()>object screen x(35)-15 and mousex()<object screen x(35)+15 and mousey()>object screen y(35)-15 and mousey()<object screen y(35)+15 if mouseclick()=1 p35=p35+1 if p35=3 then p35=1 if p35=1 position object 35,0,60,-125 else position object 35,30,10,-20 endif endif endif endif return money: if b=0 if blind=1 cashd=5 cash=cash-cashd endif if blind=2 ocashd=5 ocash=ocash-ocashd endif b=1 endif if raise=1 if raised>cash then raised=cash cashd=cashd+raised cash=cash-raised raised=0 endif if oraise=1 if oraised>ocash then oraised=ocash ocashd=ocashd+oraised ocash=ocash-oraised oraised=0 endif if call=1 if cashd=0 and pot<6 called=pot else called=oraised endif if called>cash then called=cash cashd=cashd+called cash=cash-called call=0 endif if ocall=1 if ocashd=0 and pot<6 ocalled=pot else ocalled=raised endif if ocalled>ocash then ocalled=ocash ocashd=ocashd+ocalled ocash=ocash-ocalled ocall=0 endif if fold=1 ocash=ocash+pot fold=2 endif if ofold=1 cash=cash+pot ofold=2 endif return lose: if fold=2 fold=0 gosub gamestart endif if ofold=2 ofold=0 gosub gamestart endif return ai: if turn=2 if chance<2 and raised>0 ofold=1 movement=0 endif if chance<15 and raised>50 ofold=1 movement=0 endif if chance<20 and raised>75 ofold=1 movement=0 endif if chance<35 and raised>100 ofold=1 movement=0 endif if chance>10 and raised<0 oraised=chance+50 movement=0 endif if chance>20 and raised<0 oraised=chance+75 movement=0 endif if chance>35 and raised<0 oraised=chance+100 movement=0 endif if chance>35 and raised<50 oraise=1 movement=0 endif if chance>10 and raised<0 oraise=1 movement=0 endif if chance>20 and raised<0 oraise=1 movement=0 endif if chance>35 and raised<0 oraise=1 movement=0 endif if chance>35 and raised<50 oraised=raised+25 movement=0 endif if chance<20 and raised<50 ocall=1 movement=0 endif if chance<10 and raised<25 ocall=1 movement=0 endif endif return Matches: if c31=c32 or c31=c33 or c32=c33 then pairs=1 if c11=c12 or c11=c31 or c11=c32 or c11=c33 or c12=c31 or c12=c32 or c12=c33 then mpairs=1 if c21=c22 or c21=c31 or c21=c32 or c21=c33 or c22=c31 or c22=c32 or c22=c33 then opairs=1 if c11=c12 and c31=c32 or c11=c12 and c31=c33 or c11=c12 and c32=c33 or c11=c31 and c12=c32 or c11=c31 and c12=c33 or c11=c31 and c32=c33 then mtwopairs=1 if c11=c32 and c12=c31 or c11=c32 and c12=c33 or c11=c32 and c31=c32 or c11=c33 and c12=c31 or c11=c33 and c12=c32 or c11=c33 and c31=c32 then mtwopairs=1 if c12=c31 and c32=c33 or c12=c32 and c31=c33 or c12=c33 and c31=c32 then mtwopairs=1 if c21=c22 and c31=c32 or c21=c22 and c31=c33 or c21=c22 and c32=c33 or c21=c31 and c22=c32 or c21=c31 and c22=c33 or c21=c31 and c32=c33 then otwopairs=1 if c21=c32 and c22=c31 or c21=c32 and c22=c33 or c21=c32 and c31=c32 or c21=c33 and c22=c31 or c21=c33 and c22=c32 or c21=c33 and c31=c32 then otwopairs=1 if c22=c31 and c32=c33 or c22=c32 and c31=c33 or c22=c33 and c31=c32 then otwopairs=1 if c31=c32 and c32=c33 then threeofakind=1 if c11=c12 and c12=c31 or c11=c12 and c12=c32 or c11=c12 and c12=c33 or c11=c31 and c31=c32 or c11=c31 and c31=c33 or c11=c32 and c32=c33 then mthreeofakind=1 if c12=c31 and c31=c32 or c12=c31 and c31=c33 or c12=c32 and c32=c33 then mthreeofakind=1 if c21=c22 and c22=c31 or c21=c22 and c22=c32 or c21=c22 and c22=c33 or c21=c31 and c31=c32 or c21=c31 and c31=c33 or c21=c32 and c32=c33 then othreeofakind=1 if c22=c31 and c31=c32 or c22=c31 and c31=c33 or c22=c32 and c32=c33 then othreeofakind=1 if c11=c12 and c12=c31 and c31=c32 or c11=c12 and c12=c31 and c31=c33 or c12=c31 and c31=c32 and c32=c33 then mfourofakind=1 if c21=c22 and c22=c31 and c31=c32 or c21=c22 and c22=c31 and c31=c33 or c22=c31 and c31=c32 and c32=c33 then ofourofakind=1 if c11=c12 and c31=c32 and c32=c33 or c11=c31 and c12=c32 and c32=c33 or c11=c32 and c12=c31 and c31=c33 or c11=c33 and c12=c32 and c32=c33 then mfullhouse=1 if c12=c31 and c11=c32 and c32=c33 or c12=c32 and c11=c31 and c31=c33 or c12=c33 and c11=c31 and c31=c32 or c31=c32 and c11=c12 and c12=c33 then mfullhouse=1 if c31=c33 and c11=c12 and c12=c32 or c32=c33 and c11=c12 and c12=c31 then mfullhouse=1 if c21=c22 and c31=c32 and c32=c33 or c21=c31 and c22=c32 and c32=c33 or c21=c32 and c22=c31 and c31=c33 or c21=c33 and c22=c32 and c32=c33 then ofullhouse=1 if c22=c31 and c21=c32 and c32=c33 or c22=c32 and c21=c31 and c31=c33 or c22=c33 and c21=c31 and c31=c32 or c31=c32 and c21=c22 and c22=c33 then ofullhouse=1 if c31=c33 and c21=c22 and c22=c32 or c32=c33 and c21=c12 and c22=c31 then ofullhouse=1 for a=1 to 7 for b=1 to 7 for c=1 to 7 for d=1 to 7 for e=1 to 7 if a=1 then a=c11 if a=2 then a=c12 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c11 if b=2 then b=c12 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c11 if c=2 then c=c12 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c11 if d=2 then d=c12 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c11 if e=2 then e=c12 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=b-1 and b=c-1 and c=d-1 and d=e-1 then mstraight=1 next e next d next c next b next a for a=1 to 5 for b=1 to 5 for c=1 to 5 for d=1 to 5 for e=1 to 5 if a=1 then a=c21 if a=2 then a=c22 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c21 if b=2 then b=c22 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c21 if c=2 then c=c22 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c21 if d=2 then d=c22 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c21 if e=2 then e=c22 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=b-1 and b=c-1 and c=d-1 and d=e-1 then ostraight=1 next e next d next c next b next a if s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mflush=1 if s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oflush=1 for a=1 to 5 for b=1 to 5 for c=1 to 5 for d=1 to 5 for e=1 to 5 if a=1 then a=c11 if a=2 then a=c12 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c11 if b=2 then b=c12 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c11 if c=2 then c=c12 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c11 if d=2 then d=c12 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c11 if e=2 then e=c12 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=b-1 and b=c-1 and c=d-1 and d=e-1 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mstraightflush=1 next e next d next c next b next a for a=1 to 5 for b=1 to 5 for c=1 to 5 for d=1 to 5 for e=1 to 5 if a=1 then a=c21 if a=2 then a=c22 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c21 if b=2 then b=c22 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c21 if c=2 then c=c22 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c21 if d=2 then d=c22 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c21 if e=2 then e=c22 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=b-1 and b=c-1 and c=d-1 and d=e-1 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then ostraightflush=1 next e next d next c next b next a for a=1 to 5 for b=1 to 5 for c=1 to 5 for d=1 to 5 for e=1 to 5 if a=1 then a=c11 if a=2 then a=c12 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c11 if b=2 then b=c12 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c11 if c=2 then c=c12 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c11 if d=2 then d=c12 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c11 if e=2 then e=c12 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=1 and b=10 and c=11 and d=12 and e=13 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mRoyalflush=1 if a=10 and b=11 and c=12 and d=13 and e=1 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mRoyalflush=1 if a=11 and b=12 and c=13 and d=1 and e=10 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mRoyalflush=1 if a=12 and b=13 and c=1 and d=10 and e=11 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mRoyalflush=1 if a=13 and b=1 and c=10 and d=11 and e=12 and s11=s12 and s12=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then mRoyalflush=1 next e next d next c next b next a for a=1 to 5 for b=1 to 5 for c=1 to 5 for d=1 to 5 for e=1 to 5 if a=1 then a=c21 if a=2 then a=c22 if a=3 then a=c31 if a=4 then a=c32 if a=5 then a=c33 if b=1 then b=c21 if b=2 then b=c22 if b=3 then b=c31 if b=4 then b=c32 if b=5 then b=c33 if c=1 then c=c21 if c=2 then c=c22 if c=3 then c=c31 if c=4 then c=c32 if c=5 then c=c33 if d=1 then d=c21 if d=2 then d=c22 if d=3 then d=c31 if d=4 then d=c32 if d=5 then d=c33 if e=1 then e=c21 if e=2 then e=c22 if e=3 then e=c31 if e=4 then e=c32 if e=5 then e=c33 if a=1 and b=10 and c=11 and d=12 and e=13 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oRoyalflush=1 if a=10 and b=11 and c=12 and d=13 and e=1 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oRoyalflush=1 if a=11 and b=12 and c=13 and d=1 and e=10 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oRoyalflush=1 if a=12 and b=13 and c=1 and d=10 and e=11 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oRoyalflush=1 if a=13 and b=1 and c=10 and d=11 and e=12 and s21=s22 and s22=s31 and s31=s32 and s32=s33 then oRoyalflush=1 next e next d next c next b next a return chance1: if chance<45 if pairs=0 or opairs=0 then chance=45 endif if chance<42 if pairs=1 and twopairs=0 or opairs=1 and otwopairs=0 then chance=42 endif if chance<4 if pairs=1 and threeofakind=0 or opairs=1 and othreeofakind=0 then chance=4 endif if chance<1 if threeofakind=1 and ofourofakind=0 or othreeofakind=1 and ofourofakind=0 then chance=1 endif if chance<12 if threeofakind=1 and ofullhouse=0 or othreeofakind=1 and ofullhouse=0 then chance=12 endif if chance<9 if otwopairs=1 and ofullhouse=0 then chance=9 endif if chance<6 if ostraight=2 then chance=6 endif if chance<20 if oflush=1 then chance=20 endif if chance<1 if oflush=1 and ostraight=0 then chance=1 endif if chance<1 if oflush=0 and ostraight=1 then chance=1 endif if chance<1 if oflush=1 and ostraight=1 and oroyalflush=0 then chance=1 endif return chance2: if chance<40 if pairs=0 or opairs=0 then chance=40 endif if chance<35 if pairs=1 and twopairs=0 or opairs=1 and otwopairs=0 then chance=35 endif if chance<5 if pairs=1 and threeofakind=0 or opairs=1 and othreeofakind=0 then chance=5 endif if chance<1 if threeofakind=1 and ofourofakind=0 or othreeofakind=1 and ofourofakind=0 then chance=1 endif if chance<13 if threeofakind=1 and ofullhouse=0 or othreeofakind=1 and ofullhouse=0 then chance=13 endif if chance<14 if otwopairs=1 and ofullhouse=0 then chance=14 endif if chance<7 if ostraight=2 then chance=7 endif if chance<22 if oflush=1 then chance=22 endif if chance<1 if oflush=1 and ostraight=0 then chance=1 endif if chance<1 if oflush=0 and ostraight=1 then chance=1 endif if chance<1 if oflush=1 and ostraight=1 and oroyalflush=0 then chance=1 endif return turn: turn=turn+1 if turn=3 then turn=1 movement=1 return win: if mtwopairs=0 and otwopairs=0 and threeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=0 and othreeofakind=0 and mfourofakind=0 and ofourofakind=0 and mfullhouse=0 and ofullhouse=0mstraight=0 and ostraight=0 if opairs=0 and mpairs=0 and pairs=0 and mflush=0 and oflush=0 and mstraightflush=0 and ostraightflush=0 and mroyalflush=0 and oroyalflush=0 and mstraight=0 and ostraight=0 if c11>c21 and c11>c22 and c11>c31 and c11>c32 and c11>33 or c12>c21 and c12>c22 and c12>c31 and c12>32 and c12>c33 then mwin=1 if c21>c21 and c21>c22 and c21>c31 and c21>c32 and c21>33 or c22>c21 and c22>c22 and c22>c31 and c22>32 and c22>c33 then owin=1 if c31>c11 and c31>c12 and c31>c21 and c31>c22 or c32>c11 and c32>c12 and c32>c21 and c32>c22 or c33>c11 and c33>c12 and c33>c21 and c33>c22 then tie=1 endif endif if mtwopairs=0 and otwopairs=0 and threeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=0 and othreeofakind=0 and mfourofakind=0 and ofourofakind=0 and mfullhouse=0 and ofullhouse=0 if mflush=0 and oflush=0 and mstraightflush=0 and ostraightflush=0 and mroyalflush=0 and oroyalflush=0 and mstraight=0 and ostraight=0 if opairs=1 and mpairs=0 and pairs=0 then owin=1 if opairs=0 and mpairs=1 and pairs=0 then mwin=1 if opairs=1 and mpairs=1 and pairs=0 or opairs=1 and mpairs=0 and pairs=1 or opairs=0 and mpairs=1 and pairs=1 then tie=1 endif endif if threeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=0 and othreeofakind=0 and mfourofakind=0 and ofourofakind=0 and mfullhouse=0 and ofullhouse=0 and mstraight=0 and ostraight=0 if mflush=0 and oflush=0 and mstraightflush=0 and ostraightflush=0 and mroyalflush=0 and oroyalflush=0 if otwopairs=1 and mtwopairs=0 then owin=1 if otwopairs=0 and mtwopairs=1 then mwin=1 if otwopairs=1 and mtwopairs=1 or mtwopairs=0 and otwopairs=0 then tie=1 endif endif if mfourofakind=0 and ofourofakind=0 and mfullhouse=0 and ofullhouse=0 and mstraight=0 and ostraight=0 if mflush=0 and oflush=0 and mstraightflush=0 and ostraightflush=0 and mroyalflush=0 and oroyalflush=0 if othreeofakind=1 and mthreeofakind=0 and threeofakind=0 then owin=1 if othreeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=1 and threeofakind=0 then mwin=1 if othreeofakind=1 and mthreeofakind=1 and threeofakind=0 or threeofakind=1 and mthreeofakind=0 and othreeofakind=1 or othreeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=1 and threeofakind=1 then tie=1 endif endif if mfourofakind=0 and ofourofakind=0 and mfullhouse=0 and ofullhouse=0 if mflush=0 and oflush=0 and mstraightflush=0 and ostraightflush=0 and mroyalflush=0 and oroyalflush=0 if ostraight=1 and mstraight=0 then owin=1 if ostraight=0 and mstraightd=1 then mwin=1 if ostraight=1 and mstraight=1 or mthreeofakind=0 and othreeofakind=1 or othreeofakind=0 and mthreeofakind=1 and threeofakind=1 then tie=1 endif endif if mwin=1 cash=cash+pot gosub gamestart endif if owin=1 ocash=ocash+pot gosub gamestart endif if tie=1 pot=pot/2 cash=cash+pot ocash=ocash+pot gosub gamestart endif return