sync on dim player$(10) dim reply$(10) do gosub playerinput if nextgo=1 then gosub ai_process sync cls loop playerinput: playerin$=playerin$+entry$() clear entry buffer if asc(right$(playerin$,1))=13 then nextgo=1 ink rgb(0,255,0),0 print playerin$ print "_" for s=1 to 10 ink rgb(0,255,0),0 print player$(s) ink rgb(0,0,255),0 print reply$(s) next s return ai_process: use$=upper$(playerin$) if question=1 if feelx=1 if word_inline(use$,"YOU")=1 reply$="Aww, how sweet..." else reply$="Fair enough." endif feelx=0 question=0 endif if feel=1 reply$="Dont lie, I know how you feel about me." feel=0 question=0 endif if nexname=1 myname$=playerin$+"ey" reply$="I'll call you "+myname$+". What's on your mind, "+myname$+"?" nexname=0 feelx=1 endif else if word_inline(use$,"HOW")=1 and word_inline(use$,"WHY")=1 and word_inline(use$,"WHO")=1 and reply$="" reply$="Slow down mate..." endif if word_inline(use$,"HELLO")=1 or word_inline(use$,"HI")=1 or word_inline(use$,"HIYA")=1 or word_inline(use$,"HEY")=1 if greeting=0 reply$="Hello, lowlife human phreak. What is your name?" nexname=1:question=1 greeting=1 else reply$="You've already greeted me..." endif endif if word_inline(use$,"HOW")=1 and word_inline(use$,"ARE")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" if word_inline(use$,"YOU")=1 reply$="Im feeling great actually! Yourself?" feel=1 question=1 else reply$="They're not working right..." endif else if word_inline(use$,"HOW")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" re=rnd(1) select re case 0:reply$="Using my arms.":endcase case 1:reply$="Pretty easily..!":endcase endselect endif endif if word_inline(use$,"WHO")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" if word_inline(use$,"PROGRAMMED")=1 or word_inline(use$,"TAUGHT")=1 reply$="Myself. I taught myself how to talk like this." else reply$="T'was Jesus." endif endif if word_inline(use$,"WHAT")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" reply$="Whatever..." if word_inline(use$,"ARE")=1 reply$="I am an artificial intelligence bot. The others don't concern me." endif if word_inline(use$,"IS")=1 if word_inline(use$,"NAME")=1 reply$="My name is NathbotV1.0 - And this is all just your illusion." else reply$="Well, its mainly made of plastic. But the side thingy is metal." endif endif if word_inline(use$,"DID")=1 reply$="Started destroying continents..." endif if word_inline(use$,"WAS")=1 reply$="Get over it." endif endif if word_inline(use$,"DID")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" reply$="Yes, pretty much. But it was hard." endif if word_inline(use$,"WHEN")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 and reply$="" reply$="About two days ago actually." endif if word_inline(use$,"WHERE")=1 and word_inline(use$,"?")=1 if myname$="" reply$="Do I even know you!?" else reply$="Ugh, next to that pizza place. Like y'know, whatever..." endif endif endif nextgo=0 player$(1)=playerin$ reply$(1)=reply$ for pls=10 to 1 step -1 player$(pls)=player$(pls-1) reply$(pls)=reply$(pls-1) next pls playerin$="" reply$="" return function word_inline(string$,section$) `checks if the section$ string is anywhere in the string$ string. allsize=len(string$) sectsize=len(section$) for c=1 to allsize if current<sectsize if current=0 if mid$(string$,c)=mid$(section$,current+1) then inc current else if mid$(string$,c)=mid$(section$,current+1) then inc current else current=0 endif endif next c if current=sectsize then result=1 endfunction result