rem **Wooden Hut**
rem CR 2007
rem **Setup**
gosub setup_screen:
gosub setup_variables:
gosub make_objects:
gosub texture_objects:
point camera 0,0,0
rem **Main Loop**
	inc fire_loop
	gosub animate_smoke:
	if fire_loop=2 then gosub animate_fire:
	gosub move_camera:
rem **Subroutines**
	set display mode 800,600,32
	autocam off
	sync on
	position camera -300,0,-200
	point camera -300,100,-200
	set camera range 1,10000
	rem dim carpet arrays
	dim carpet(csize,csize)
	dim oldcarpet(csize,csize)
	rem make house outside
	make object cylinder 1,100
	scale object 1,100,50,200
	set object 1,1,0,1
	rem make roof
	for a=2 to 4
		make object sphere a,120+a
		scale object a,100,100,200
		set object a,1,0,1
	next a
	rem make chimney
	make object cylinder 5,20
	position object 5,0,30,50
	scale object 5,75,350,75
	rem make ground
	make object plain 6,2000,2000
	position object 6,0,-26,0
	rotate object 6,90,0,0
	color object 6,rgb(10,20,0)
	rem make smoke
	make object plain 7,20,50
	position object 7,0,75,42+a
	ghost object on 7
	rem make bush
	for a=8 to 20
		make object sphere a,a+5
		set object a,1,0,1
		position object a,-55,-25,50
	next a
	for a=8 to 20
		make object sphere a+13,a+5
		set object a+13,1,0,1
		position object a+13,-55,-25,-50
	next a
	rem make house inside
	make object cylinder 34,-100
	scale object 34,100,50,200
	set object 34,1,0,1
	rem make carpet
	make object plain 35,40,60
	rotate object 35,90,0,30
	position object 35,0,-23,-30
	rem make fireplace
	make object box 36,5,30,30
	position object 36,-15,-15,50
	make object box 37,5,30,30
	position object 37,15,-15,50
	make object box 38,30,30,5
	position object 38,0,-15,65
	rem make fire
	for a=39 to 44
		make object triangle a,rnd(10)-5,rnd(30)-20,40+rnd(10),rnd(10)-5,rnd(30)-20,40,rnd(10)-5,rnd(30)-20,40+rnd(10)
		set object a,1,1,0
	next a
	rem make logs
	for a=45 to 48
		make object box a,4,4,rnd(5)+15
		rotate object a,rnd(10),rnd(360),rnd(90)
		position object a,0,-23,50
	next a
	rem make fire place floor
	make object box 49,30,5,30
	position object 49,0,-25,50
	rem make sky
	make object sphere 50,-9000
	set object 50,1,1,1,1,0,0
	rem make floorboards
	make object plain 51,40,20
	rotate object 51,90,0,0
	position object 51,-25,-25,50
	make object plain 52,60,20
	rotate object 52,90,0,0
	position object 52,-15,25,50
	rem make picture
	make object plain 53,15,10
	position object 53,0,5,-90
	rotate object 53,0,180,0
	rem setup backdrop and lights and fog
	fog on
	fog color rgb(5,5,5)
	fog distance 1000
	color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
	make light 1
	position light 1,0,0,40
	set spot light 1,90,180
	point light 1,0,0,0
	set ambient light 25
	rem make bitmaps
	create bitmap 1,256,256
	create bitmap 2,16,32
	rem texture building
	set current bitmap 1
	cls rgb(50,50,0)
	ink rgb(40,40,0),0
	for x=0 to 256 step 32
		for y=0 to 256 step 64
			line x,y,x,y+64
			line x,y,x+64,y
		next y
	next x
	ink rgb(0,0,0),0
	for x=59 to 69
		for y=100 to 256
			dot x,y
		next y
	next x
	get image 1,0,0,256,256
	flip bitmap 1
	mirror bitmap 1
	get image 34,0,0,256,256
	texture object 1,1
	texture object 34,34
	rem texture roof
	for a=2 to 4
		cls rgb(0,0,0)
		for x=0 to 256
			for y=0 to 100 step a-1
				ink rgb(80+rnd(30),60+rnd(40),0),0
				line x,y,x,y+rnd(1+3*a)
			next y
		next x
		blur bitmap 1,1
		get image a,0,0,256,256
		texture object a,a
		set object a,1,0,0
		if a>2 then ghost object on a
	next a
	rem texture chimney
	cls rgb(70,70,70)
	get image 5,0,0,2,2
	texture object 5,5
	rem texture bush
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	ink rgb(0,50,0),0
	for b=20 to 8 step -1
		for a=0 to 800
			dot rnd(128),rnd(128)
		next a
		ink rgb(0,75,0),0
		for a=0 to 800
			dot rnd(128),rnd(128)
		next a
		get image b,0,0,128,128
	next b
	for a=8 to 20
		texture object a,a
	next a
	for a=8 to 20
		texture object a+13,a
	next a
	rem texture carpet
	for a=0 to 200
		for x=2 to csize-2
			for y=2 to csize-2
				if sum>0 and sum<4 then carpet(x,y)=0			
				if sum=0 or sum=4 then carpet(x,y)=1
			next y
		next x
		for x=1 to csize-1
			for y=1 to csize-1
			next y
		next x
	next a
	cls rgb(50,0,0)
	for x=0 to csize
		for y=0 to csize
			if x>csize-(csize/10) or x<csize/10 then border=1
			if y>csize-(csize/10) or y<csize/10 then border=1
			if border=1 then ink rgb(0,0,50),0 else ink rgb(0,20,0),0
			if carpet(x,y)=1 then dot x,y
		next y
	next x
	get image 35,0,0,csize,csize
	texture object 35,35
	rem texture fireplace
	cls rgb(70,70,70)
	get image 36,0,0,1,1
	texture object 36,36
	texture object 37,36
	texture object 38,36
	texture object 49,36
	rem texture logs
	cls rgb(20,20,0)
	get image 45,0,0,2,2
	for a=45 to 48
		texture object a,45
	next a
	rem texture sky
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	ink rgb(200,200,200),0
	for a=0 to 25
		dot rnd(128),rnd(128)
	next a
	get image 50,0,0,128,128
	texture object 50,50
	scale object texture 50,10,10
	rem texture floorboard
	cls rgb(50,50,0)
	get image 51,0,0,2,2
	texture object 51,51
	cls rgb(15,15,0)
	get image 52,0,0,2,2
	texture object 52,52
	rem texture picture
	cls rgb(100,75,0)
	text 5,5,"Home Sweet"
	text 25,20,"Home"
	get image 53,0,0,95,45
	texture object 53,53
	set current bitmap 0
	inc rise,3
	set current bitmap 2
	cls rgb(0,0,0)
	ink rgb(100,100,100),0
	for x=0 to 16
		for y=0 to 32
			dec smoke, ABS(8-x)*20
			dec smoke, (32-y)*5
			if smoke<0 then smoke=0
			if smoke>255 then smoke=255
			ink rgb(smoke,smoke,smoke),0
			dot x,y
		next y
	next x
	get image 7,0,0,16,32
	texture object 7,7
	point object 7,camera position x(),object position y(7),camera position z()
	color light 1,rgb(rnd(100)+155,rnd(150),0)
	set current bitmap 1
	rem texture fire
	for a=39 to 44
		cls rgb(rnd(100)+155,rnd(150),0)
		get image a,0,0,2,2
		texture object a,a
		scale object a,125-rnd(50),150-rnd(100),125-rnd(50)
		position object a,rnd(10)-5,-17,rnd(4)+2
	next a
set current bitmap 0
	for a=8 to 33
		hide object a
	next a
	for a=8 to 33
		show object a
	next a
	if camera position x()>0 then gosub hide_bush:
	if object visible(8)=0 and camera position x()<0 then gosub show_bush:
	if leftkey()=1 or mousex()<screen width()/10 then yrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle y()-3)
	if rightkey()=1 or mousex()>screen width()-screen width()/10 then yrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle y()+3)
	if upkey()=1 then move camera 4
	if downkey()=1 then move camera -4
	if mousey()>screen height()-screen height()/10 and wrapvalue(camera angle x()+90)<170 then xrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle x()+2)
	if mousey()<screen height()/10 and wrapvalue(camera angle x()+90)>0 then xrotate camera wrapvalue(camera angle x()-2)
	position camera camera position x(),0,camera position z()
	rem move earth and sky
	position object 50,camera position x(),camera position y(), camera position z()
	position object 6,camera position x(),camera position y()-26, camera position z()