`-------Aquarium Project--------------------------- `-------CREATED BY:NICHOLAS------------------------ `-------horlocker@yahoo.com------------------------ `-------imthecoolest111@hotmail.com---------------- `-------April 2,2005------------------------------- `-------Dont steal my code------------------------- `-------Just the bones of the code----------------- `-------Right click menu buttons to close---------- `-------Can't buy anything yet--------------------- `-------Showcase for fish in right corner of cam--- `-------If you can help with medicine please do---- set display mode 1024,768,32 hide mouse Sync On Sync Rate 60 Randomize Timer() Autocam Off draw sprites first Type Coordinates x as Float y as Float z as Float Endtype Global Object as Coordinates Global Target as Coordinates Global Total as Coordinates Global Count as Float `number of fish with disease Global disease as Float disease=0 `plant growth progress Global plant as Float plant=1 `lighting level Global light as Float light=1 `ph level (acidity or alkaliness of water) Global ph as Float ph=6.5 `dh level(the hardness of the water) Global dh as Float dh=9.0 `bacteria in water Global bacteria as Float bacteria=.5 `temperature °F and °C Global temp as Float Global tempc as Float temp=55 tempc=int((temp-32)*(5.0/9.0)) `time variables Global oldtime as Float Global newtime as Float newhr=0:time=1:ampm=1:pm=0:am=1:day=1:week=1:month=1:year=1 `money variables Global money as Float money=200.00 `variables for the inventory Global nextitem as Float:nextitem=1 `variables for if buttons are clicked Global clickaqua as Float:clickaqua=0 Global clicklight as Float:clicklight=0 Global clickfood as Float:clickfood=0 Global clickfilt as Float:clickfilt=0 Global clickheat as Float:clickheat=0 Global clickph as Float:clickph=0 Global clickfish as Float:clickfish=0 Global clickmeds as Float:clickmeds=0 `variable for rotating showcase fish Global rotate as Float:rotate=0 `variables for current fish data Global crntfish as Float:crntfish=0 `wait some time b4 being able to click button again Global wait1 as Float:wait1=0 Global wait2 as Float:wait2=0 `variables for current tank size Global tanksize as Float:tanksize=10 Global newtank as Float:newtank=1 Global crnttank as Float:crnttank=10 Global tank10 as Float:tank10=1 Global tank20 as Float:tank20=0 Global tank40 as Float:tank40=0 Global tank60 as Float:tank60=0 Global tank100 as Float:tank100=0 `variables for current light Global lightsize as Float:lightsize=15 Global crntlight as Float:crntlight=15 Global newlight as Float:newlight=1 Global light15 as Float:light15=0 Global light25 as Float:light25=0 Global light40 as Float:light40=0 Global light20 as Float:light20=0 Global light35 as Float:light35=0 Global light45 as Float:light45=0 `make the aquarium camera set camera to image 0,1,512,512 set camera aspect 800/600 color backdrop RGB(150,150,220) sprite 1,0,0,1 set sprite 1,0,1 set sprite alpha 1,100 size sprite 1,800,600 Create Bitmap 1,100,100 Set Current Bitmap 1 Box 0,0,99,99,RGB(255,128,0),RGB(164,169,213),RGB(233,235,169),RGB(89,91,0) Get Image 2,0,0,99,99 Set Current Bitmap 0 Delete Bitmap 1 `store stuff controlling fish movement Dim m(1000) as Float R# = 50 :` resting length K# = 2 :` spring coefficient v# = 0.0 :` velocity f# = 0.9 :` friction Dim dots(400) as Coordinates Dim vels(400) as Coordinates `amount of fish Global Fish as Float Fish = 9 `make the fish For i = 1 to Fish Fish(i) Position Object i,10,10,22 Turn Object Right i,90 Hide object i Next i `make different fish to buy and reference of which they are color object 1,rgb(211,206,1)`--Madagascar color object 2,rgb(216,169,176)`--Albino Tiger color object 3,rgb(126,5,60)`--Siamese color object 4,rgb(203,163,171)`--Common color object 5,rgb(215,204,206)`--Adolfos color object 6,rgb(179,180,122)`--Pelvicachromis color object 7,rgb(230,230,219)`--Albino Red color object 8,rgb(243,243,243)`--Pearl color object 9,rgb(201,201,201)`--Three spot remstart reference for making more fish that are bought ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Fish(Fish+1) Position Object Fish+1,10,10,22 Turn Object Right Fish+1,rnd(360) Pitch Object Down Fish+1,rnd(360) Roll Object Left Fish+1,rnd(360) Move Object Fish+1,rnd(R#)+.1 m(Fish+1)=rnd(500.0)/10.0+100.0 Return_Object(Fish+1) dots(Fish+1).x=Object.x:dots(Fish+1).y=Object.y:dots(Fish+1).z=Object.z ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ remend Make Object Sphere 1001,.5,8,8 Hide Object 1001 Position Object 1001,0,0,100 Turn Object Right 1001,rnd(360) Pitch Object Down 1001,rnd(360) Roll Object Left 1001,rnd(360) Count=249 `make background for time for y=1 to 120 ink rgb(50,50,255-y*2),0 box 0+y,0+y,120-y,120-y next y get image 4,0,0,120,120 `make background for stats for x=1 to 290 ink rgb(50,50,255-x),0 box 0+x,0+x/2,300-x,300-x/2 next x get image 5,0,0,290,290 do gosub movefish gosub stats gosub time gosub buttons gosub inventory if clickaqua=1 then gosub aquarium if clicklight=1 then gosub lights if clickfood=1 then gosub foods if clickfilt=1 then gosub filters if clickfish=1 then gosub fishbuy if clickheat=1 then gosub heater if clickph=1 then gosub phtab if clickmeds=1 then gosub medicine gosub mouse text 10,10, "FPS: " + str$(screen fps()) loop inventory: if over(1,500,600,572,612) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 500,600,"Prev Item" if nextitem=0 then nextitem=8 if mouseclick()=1 and wait2=0 then dec nextitem:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 text 500,600,"Prev Item" endif if over(1,700,600,772,612) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 700,600,"Next Item" if nextitem=9 then nextitem=1 if mouseclick()=1 and wait2=0 then inc nextitem:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 text 700,600,"Next Item" endif if nextitem=1 if tank10+tank20+tank40+tank60+tank100=0 then tanksize=0 ink rgb(255,255,255),0:text 500,614,"Tank In Use:"+str$(tanksize)+" Gallons" text 500,626,"Selected Tank:"+str$(crnttank)+" Gallons" if newtank=1 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and tanksize<>10 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then tanksize=10 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and tank10=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,10:tank10=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" endif endif if newtank=2 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and tanksize<>20 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then tanksize=20 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and tank20=1 if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,15:tank20=0 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" endif endif if newtank=3 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and tanksize<>40 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then tanksize=40 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and tank40=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,35:tank40=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" endif endif if newtank=4 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and tanksize<>60 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then tanksize=60 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and tank60=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,60:tank60=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" endif endif if newtank=5 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and tanksize<>100 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then tanksize=100 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"Use Tank" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and tank100=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,100:tank100=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"Sell Tank" endif endif if over(1,500,675,532,687) ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 500,675,"Prev" `first set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `second set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `third set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fourth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fifth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(100,100,255),0 text 500,675,"Prev" endif if over(1,550,675,582,687) ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 550,675,"Next" `first set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=5 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `second set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=4 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `third set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=3 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fourth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=2 and tank10=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=1:crnttank=10:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fifth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank20=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=2:crnttank=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank40=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=3:crnttank=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank60=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=4:crnttank=60:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newtank=1 and tank100=1 and wait2=0 then newtank=5:crnttank=100:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(100,100,255),0 text 550,675,"Next" endif ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 592,600,"-Aquariums-" endif if nextitem=2 if lightsize=20 or lightsize=35 or lightsize=45 then flourescent=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0:text 500,614,"Light In Use:"+str$(lightsize)+" Watts" text 500,626,"Selected Light:"+str$(crntlight)+" Watts" if flourescent=1 then text 668,614,"(Flourescent)":text 684,626,"(Flourescent)" if newlight=1 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>15 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=15 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light15=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,8:light15=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if newlight=2 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>25 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=25 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light25=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,15:light25=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if newlight=3 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>40 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=40 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light40=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,23:light40=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if newlight=4 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>20 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=20 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light20=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,23:light20=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if newlight=5 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>35 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=35 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light35=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,33:light35=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if newlight=6 if over(1,500,645,570,667) and lightsize<>45 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" if mouseclick()=1 then lightsize=45 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 500,645,570,667 ink 0,0:text 503,648,"UseLight" endif if over(1,571,645,650,667) and light45=1 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" if mouseclick()=1 then inc money,40:light45=0 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 571,645,650,667 ink 0,0:text 574,648,"SellLight" endif endif if over(1,500,675,532,687) ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 500,675,"Prev" `first set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `second set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `third set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fourth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fifth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `sixth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(100,100,255),0 text 500,675,"Prev" endif if over(1,550,675,582,687) ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 550,675,"Next" `first set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=6 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `second set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=5 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `third set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=4 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fourth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=3 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `fifth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=2 and light15=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=1:crntlight=15:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 `sixth set of checking if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light25=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=2:crntlight=25:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light40=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=3:crntlight=40:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light20=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=4:crntlight=20:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light35=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=5:crntlight=35:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 if mouseclick()=1 and newlight=1 and light45=1 and wait2=0 then newlight=6:crntlight=45:inc wait2:gosub waitforclick2 else ink rgb(100,100,255),0 text 550,675,"Next" endif ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 616,600,"-Lights-" endif waitforclick2: if wait2>0 inc wait2:if wait2=30 then wait2=0 endif return movefish: Fix Object Pivot 1001 Return_Object(1001) If rnd(100)=1 Then movex#=rnd(50.0)/10.0-3.0 If rnd(200)=1 Then movey#=rnd(50.0)/10.0-3.0 If rnd(300)=1 Then movez#=rnd(50.0)/10.0-3.0 Position Object 1001,Object.x+movex#,Object.y+movey#,Object.z+movez# Return_Object(1001) If Object.x>80 or Object.x<-250 Position Object 1001,Object.x-movex#,Object.y+movey#,Object.z+movez# movex#=-movex# Endif If Object.y>80 or Object.y<-200 Position Object 1001,Object.x+movex#,Object.y-movey#,Object.z+movez# movey#=-movey# Endif If Object.z>250 or Object.z<50 Position Object 1001,Object.x+movex#,Object.y+movey#,Object.z-movez# movez#=-movez# Endif cx#=Object.x:cy#=Object.y:cz#=Object.z Total.x=0:Total.y=0:Total.z=0 For i =1 to Fish Return_Target(i) Total.x=Target.x+Total.x Total.y=Target.y+Total.y Total.z=Target.z+Total.z Next i cx#=(cx#*(Fish*.1)+Total.x)/(Fish*1.1):cy#=(cy#*(Fish*.1)+Total.y)/(Fish*1.1):cz#=(cz#*(Fish*.1)+Total.z)/(Fish*1.1) For i = 10 to Fish Return_Target(i) dx#=Target.x-(cx#+dots(i).x) dy#=Target.y-(cy#+dots(i).y) dz#=Target.z-(cz#+dots(i).z) d#=sqrt(dx#*dx#+dy#*dy#+dz#*dz#) vels(i).x=Spring(vels(i).x,K#,abs(dx#*d#)/dx#,m(i),f#) vels(i).y=Spring(vels(i).y,K#,abs(dy#*d#)/dy#,m(i),f#) vels(i).z=Spring(vels(i).z,K#,abs(dz#*d#)/dz#,m(i),f#) Position Object i,Target.x+vels(i).x,Target.y+vels(i).y,Target.z+vels(i).z Point Object i,(Object.x-cx#)*100+cx#,(Object.y-cy#)*100+cy#,(Object.z-cz#)*100+cy# Return_Target(i) Next i Sync return stats: draw to front ink 0,0 box 0,600,1024,768 box 800,0,1024,768 paste image 4,347,630 paste image 5,0,600 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 30,600,"---STATS---" text 0,620,"-Temperature:"+str$(temp)+"°F("+str$(tempc)+"°C)" text 0,640,"-PH Level:"+str$(ph) text 0,660,"-dh Level:"+str$(dh) text 0,680,"-% Of Bacteria Per Inch³:"+str$(bacteria)+" %" if light=1 then text 0,700,"-Light Level:Low" if light=2 then text 0,700,"-Light Level:Medium Low" if light=3 then text 0,700,"-Light Level:Medium" if light=4 then text 0,700,"-Light Level:Medium High" if light=5 then text 0,700,"-Light Level:High" if plant=1 then text 0,720,"-Plant Growth:Terrible" if plant=2 then text 0,720,"-Plant Growth:Bad" if plant=3 then text 0,720,"-Plant Growth:Fair" if plant=4 then text 0,720,"-Plant Growth:Good" if plant=5 then text 0,720,"-Plant Growth:Excellent" text 0,740,"-Number Of Fish With Disease:"+str$(disease)+" Fish" text 350,645,"Time - "+str$(time)+":00" if ampm=1 then text 447,645,"AM" if ampm=2 then text 447,645,"PM" text 350,670,"Day: "+str$(day) text 350,690,"Week: "+str$(week) text 350,710,"Month: "+str$(month) text 350,730,"Year: "+str$(year) text 800,20,"<---------Aquarium Camera" text 870,50,"Money: $"+str$(money) text 870,80,"----Shop----" return time: if newhr=1 then inc time:oldtime=timer():newhr=0 newtime=timer() if newtime>oldtime+500 then newhr=1 if time=13 and am=1 then time=1:inc ampm:am=0:pm=1 if time=13 and pm=1 then time=1:dec ampm:pm=0:am=1:inc day if day=8 then inc week:day=1 if week=4 and day=3 then week=1:day=1:inc month if month=13 then month=1:inc year return mouse: ink rgb(255,0,0),0 circle mousex(),mousey(),5 line mousex()-7,mousey(),mousex()+8,mousey() line mousex(),mousey()-7,mousex(),mousey()+8 return buttons: `first row of buttons `left if over(1,805,100,913,130)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,100+x,913-x,130-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickaqua=1:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickaqua=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,100+x,913-x,130-x next x endif `right if over(1,915,100,1023,130)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,100+x,1023-x,130-x if mouseclick()=1 then clicklight=1:clickaqua=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clicklight=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,100+x,1023-x,130-x next x endif `second row of buttons `left if over(1,805,132,913,162)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,132+x,913-x,162-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickfood=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickfood=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,132+x,913-x,162-x next x endif `right if over(1,915,132,1023,162)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,132+x,1023-x,162-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickfilt=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickfilt=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,132+x,1023-x,162-x next x endif `third row of buttons `left if over(1,805,164,913,194)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,164+x,913-x,194-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickheat=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickheat=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,164+x,913-x,194-x next x endif `right if over(1,915,164,1023,194)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,164+x,1023-x,194-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickph=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickfish=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickph=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,164+x,1023-x,194-x next x endif `fourth row of buttons `left if over(1,805,196,913,226)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,196+x,913-x,226-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickfish=1:crntfish=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 if mouseclick()=2 then clickfish=0:hide object crntfish:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 805+x,196+x,913-x,226-x next x endif `right if over(1,915,196,1023,226)=1 for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(100,100,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,196+x,1023-x,226-x if mouseclick()=1 then clickmeds=1:clickaqua=0:clicklight=0:clickfood=0:clickfilt=0:clickheat=0:clickph=0:clickfish=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:if crntfish>0 then hide object crntfish if mouseclick()=2 then clickmeds=0:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768 next x else for x=1 to 30 ink rgb(50,50,255-x*8.5),0:box 915+x,196+x,1023-x,226-x next x endif `put words on buttons ink 0,0 text 823,108,"Aquariums" text 945,108,"Lights" text 836,140,"Foods" text 941,140,"Filters" text 828,172,"Heaters" text 930,172,"PH Tablets" text 838,204,"Fish" text 939,204,"Medicine" return heater: if over(1,810,230,1020,270) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,230,1020,270 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,230,1020,270 endif if over(1,810,273,1020,313) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,273,1020,313 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,273,1020,313 endif if over(1,810,316,1020,356) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,316,1020,356 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,316,1020,356 endif if over(1,810,359,1020,399) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,359,1020,399 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,359,1020,399 endif ink 0,0 text 870,230,"Belmen Heater" text 815,242,"Temperature Range:60-75°F" text 890,257,"$15.00" text 875,273,"1000 Heater" text 815,285,"Temperature Range:75-90°F" text 890,297,"$15.00" text 870,316,"Quick Heater" text 815,328,"Temperature Range:65-85°F" text 845,340,"Heats Quick-$25.00" text 847,359,"All-In-One Heater" text 810,371,"Temp. Range:55-95°F(Quick)" text 820,383,"Digital Temp. Set-$60.00" return filters: if over(1,810,230,1020,270) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,230,1020,270 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,230,1020,270 endif if over(1,810,273,1020,313) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,273,1020,313 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,273,1020,313 endif if over(1,810,316,1020,356) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,316,1020,356 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,316,1020,356 endif if over(1,810,359,1020,399) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 810,359,1020,399 else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 box 810,359,1020,399 endif ink 0,0 text 840,230,"Water Filter 100" text 810,242,"Cleans Out 80% Of Bacteria" text 815,257,"40 Gallons Per Hr-$18.00" text 835,273,"Water Filter 1000" text 810,285,"Cleans Out 85% Of Bacteria" text 810,297,"100 Gallons Per Hr-$40.00" text 832,316,"Water Filter X-800" text 810,328,"Cleans Out 95% Of Bacteria" text 810,340,"80 Gallons Per Hr-$80.00" text 828,359,"Water Filter Z-1000 SP" text 810,371,"Cleans Out 99% Of Bacteria" text 810,383,"150 Gallons Per Hr-$180.00" return aquarium: `small aquarium(20 gall) if over(1,850,250,980,310) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 850,250,980,310 if mouseclick()=1 and money>29 and tank20=0 then tank20=1:dec money,30:tanksize=20:crnttank=20 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 850,250,980,310 endif `medium aquarium(40 gall) if over(1,840,313,990,403) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 840,313,990,403 if mouseclick()=1 and money>69 and tank40=0 then tank40=1:dec money,70:tanksize=40:crnttank=40 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 840,313,990,403 endif `large aquarium(60 gall) if over(1,830,406,1000,501) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 830,406,1000,501 if mouseclick()=1 and money>119 and tank60=0 then tank60=1:dec money,120:tanksize=60:crnttank=60 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 830,406,1000,501 endif `huge aquarium(100 gall) if over(1,803,504,1020,612) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 803,504,1020,612 if mouseclick()=1 and money>199 and tank100=0 then tank100=1:dec money,200:tanksize=100:crnttank=100 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 803,504,1020,612 endif ink 0,0 text 855,260,"Small Aquarium":text 868,275,"(20 Gallons)":text 888,287,"$30.00" text 853,338,"Medium Aquarium":text 868,353,"(40 Gallons)":text 888,365,"$70.00" text 857,435,"Large Aquarium":text 868,450,"(60 Gallons)":text 888,462,"$120.00" text 861,535,"Huge Aquarium":text 864,550,"(100 Gallons)":text 888,562,"$200.00" return lights: if over(1,880,250,940,310) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 880,250,940,310 if mouseclick()=1 and light15=0 and money>14 then light15=1:dec money,15:lightsize=15 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 880,250,940,310 endif if over(1,870,313,950,393) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 870,313,950,393 if mouseclick()=1 and light25=0 and money>29 then light25=1:dec money,30:lightsize=25 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 870,313,950,393 endif if over(1,860,396,960,496) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 860,396,960,496 if mouseclick()=1 and light40=0 and money>49 then light40=1:dec money,50:lightsize=40 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 860,396,960,496 endif if over(1,840,499,980,519) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 820,499,1000,519 if mouseclick()=1 and light20=0 and money>44 then light20=1:dec money,45:lightsize=20 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 820,499,1000,519 endif if over(1,820,522,1000,552) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 820,522,1000,552 if mouseclick()=1 and light35=0 and money>64 then light35=1:dec money,65:lightsize=35 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 820,522,1000,552 endif if over(1,803,555,1017,595) ink rgb(255,255,255),0:box 803,555,1017,595 if mouseclick()=1 and light45=0 and money>79 then light45=1:dec money,80:lightsize=45 else ink rgb(230,230,230),0:box 803,555,1017,595 endif ink 0,0 text 890,260,"Light":text 885,272,"(15-W)":text 885,284,"$15.00" text 890,331,"Light":text 885,343,"(25-W)":text 885,355,"$30.00" text 890,422,"Light":text 885,434,"(40-W)":text 885,446,"$45.00" text 828,500,"Fluorescent(20-W)-$45" text 828,528,"Fluorescent(35-W)-$65" text 828,565,"Fluorescent(45-W)-$80" return foods: if over(1,812,230,1012,290) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 ellipse 912,260,100,30 text 826,250,"Tropical Flakes(1 oz)" text 885,262,"$4.00" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 ellipse 912,260,100,30 text 826,250,"Tropical Flakes(1 oz)" text 885,262,"$4.00" endif if over(1,812,293,1012,353) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 ellipse 912,323,100,30 text 826,313,"Tropical Flakes(10 oz)" text 882,325,"$40.00" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 ellipse 912,323,100,30 text 826,313,"Tropical Flakes(10 oz)" text 882,325,"$40.00" endif if over(1,812,356,1012,416) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 ellipse 912,386,100,30 text 826,376,"Franks Live Food(5 oz)" text 885,388,"$10.00" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 ellipse 912,386,100,30 text 826,376,"Franks Live Food(5 oz)" text 885,388,"$10.00" endif if over(1,812,419,1012,479) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 ellipse 912,449,100,30 text 826,439,"Franks Live Food(50 oz)" text 882,451,"$100.00" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 ellipse 912,449,100,30 text 826,439,"Franks Live Food(50 oz)" text 882,451,"$100.00" endif if over(1,802,480,1022,550) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 ellipse 912,515,110,35 text 815,495,"Mega Combo Package(70 oz)" text 855,507,"50 oz Live Food" text 867,519,"20 oz Flakes" text 882,531,"$144.00" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 ellipse 912,515,110,35 text 815,495,"Mega Combo Package(70 oz)" text 855,507,"50 oz Live Food" text 867,519,"20 oz Flakes" text 882,531,"$144.00" endif return phtab: if over(1,820,250,1010,274) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 820,250,"A PH Acid Tablet Made To" text 860,262,"Increase Acidity" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 text 820,250,"A PH Acid Tablet Made To" text 860,262,"Increase Acidity" endif if over(1,800,320,1022,344) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 800,320,"A PH Alkaline Tablet Made To" text 860,332,"Decrease Acidity" else ink rgb(200,200,200),0 text 800,320,"A PH Alkaline Tablet Made To" text 860,332,"Decrease Acidity" endif for x=1 to 10 ink rgb(255-(x*20),100,100),0 circle 915,295,x next x for x=1 to 10 ink rgb(100,255-(x*20),100),0 circle 915,365,x next x return medicine: return `will rotate the fish of choice fishbuy: for x=1 to 9 Position Object x,160,-160,300 yrotate object x,rotate/4 inc rotate:if rotate=1440 then rotate=1 next x waitforclick: if wait1>0 inc wait1:if wait1=30 then wait1=0 endif `next fish with arrow if over(1,928,250,1010,280) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 line 980,250,1010,260:line 980,280,1010,260:text 928,254,"Next Fish" if mouseclick()=1 and wait1=0 then inc crntfish:inc wait1:if crntfish=10 then crntfish=1:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:gosub waitforclick else ink rgb(100,100,100),0 line 980,250,1010,260:line 980,280,1010,260:text 928,254,"Next Fish" endif `previous fish with arrow if over(1,820,250,905,280) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 line 820,260,850,250:line 820,260,850,280:text 834,254,"Prev Fish" if mouseclick()=1 and wait1=0 then dec crntfish:inc wait1:if crntfish=0 then crntfish=9:ink 0,0:box 800,230,1024,768:gosub waitforclick else ink rgb(100,100,100),0 line 820,260,850,250:line 820,260,850,280:text 834,254,"Prev Fish" endif `first fish if crntfish=1 show object 1 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Bedotia geayi" text 800,315,"(Madagascar Rainbowfish)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:6 Inches(15cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:20 Gallon" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore" text 800,390,"PH Level:7.0-7.5" text 800,405,"dh Level:>10" text 800,420,"Temperature:68-75°F(20-24°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with yellow and white lines" text 800,467,"down there body. They are" text 800,482,"peaceful fish and will act" text 800,497,"well with almost all other" text 800,512,"fish." text 800,530,"Cost:$35.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$45" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 1 endif `second fish if crntfish=2 show object 2 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Barbus tetrazona" text 800,315,"(Kooliad Barb)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:3 Inches(7cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:6 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:10 Gallon" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.5" text 800,405,"dh Level:10" text 800,420,"Temperature:68-79°F(20-26°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with pink body and white" text 800,467,"lines down there body. They" text 800,482,"prefer to be in a school of" text 800,497,"there fish and These fish" text 800,512,"are very hard to breed." text 800,530,"Cost:$30.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$65" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 2 endif `third fish if crntfish=3 show object 3 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Betta Splendens" text 800,315,"(Siamese Fighting Fish)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:3 Inches(7cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:2-3 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:3 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Live Food(Opt. Flakes)" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.8 - 7.4" text 800,405,"dh Level:20" text 800,420,"Temperature:75-86°F(24-30°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with dark maroon body and" text 800,467,"very large fins. They will" text 800,482,"get along fine with other" text 800,497,"fish but CANNOT be with" text 800,512,"other males." text 800,530,"Cost:$40.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$60" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 3 endif `fourth fish if crntfish=4 show object 4 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Toxotes chatareus" text 800,315,"(7-Spot Archer)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:11 Inches(27cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:20 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Live Food(Opt. Flakes)" text 800,390,"PH Level:7.2-7.8" text 800,405,"dh Level:6-10" text 800,420,"Temperature:77-86°F(25-30°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a white body and black" text 800,467,"spots on there upper body." text 800,482,"get along with fish of same" text 800,497,"size. They are EXTREMELY" text 800,512,"difficult to breed." text 800,530,"Cost:$70.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$150" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 4 endif `fifth fish if crntfish=5 show object 5 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Corydoras adolfoi" text 800,315,"(Adolfos Cory)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:2.5 Inches(6cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:10 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore-LIVE FOOD" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.5-7.2" text 800,405,"dh Level:5-15" text 800,420,"Temperature:72-79°F(22-26°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a white body, a black" text 800,467,"head, and a black streak on" text 800,482,"there upper body. These fish" text 800,497,"will enjoy being in a large" text 800,512,"school of fish." text 800,530,"Cost:$20.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$35" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 5 endif `sixth fish if crntfish=6 show object 6 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Pelvicachromis pulcher" text 800,315,"(Purple Cichlid)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:3-4 Inches(8-10cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:20 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore(Most Foods)" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.5" text 800,405,"dh Level:8-12" text 800,420,"Temperature:75-77°F(24-25°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a light tan body and a" text 800,467,"black streak down there body" text 800,482,"length. These fish get along" text 800,497,"with almost all other fish" text 800,512,"and are very peaceful." text 800,530,"Cost:$25.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$55" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 6 endif `seventh fish if crntfish=7 show object 7 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Epalzeorhynchus bicolor" text 800,315,"(Albino Red Tailed Shark)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:5 inches(12cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5-10 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:20 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore(Most Foods)" text 800,390,"PH Level:7.0" text 800,405,"dh Level:15" text 800,420,"Temperature:72-79°F(22-26°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a white body and red" text 800,467,"fins. These fish can be" text 800,482,"aggressive and will also be" text 800,497,"territorial. They are also" text 800,512,"difficult to breed." text 800,530,"Cost:$35.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$90" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 7 endif `eighth fish if crntfish=8 show object 8 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Danio albolineatus" text 800,315,"(Pearl Danio)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:2 Inches(6cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:5 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:10 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore(Most Foods)" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.5-7.0" text 800,405,"dh Level:5-12" text 800,420,"Temperature:64-74°F(18-24°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a shiny white body and" text 800,467,"transparent fins. They" text 800,482,"enjoy being in large" text 800,497,"schools and if they are" text 800,512,"they will be peaceful." text 800,530,"Cost:$25.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$40" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 8 endif `ninth fish if crntfish=9 show object 9 ink rgb(180,180,180),0 text 800,300,"Trichogaster trichopterus" text 800,315,"(Three Spot Gourami)" text 800,330,"Grow Up To:4 Inches(10cm)" text 800,345,"Live Up To:4 Years" text 800,360,"Minimum Tank Size:10 Gallons" text 800,375,"Diet:Omnivore(Most Foods)" text 800,390,"PH Level:6.0-8.8" text 800,405,"dh Level:5-35" text 800,420,"Temperature:72-82°F(22-28°C)" text 800,437,"These are beautiful fish" text 800,452,"with a grey body and three" text 800,467,"black spots across there" text 800,482,"body. These are very" text 800,497,"peaceful fish and breed" text 800,512,"easily." text 800,530,"Cost:$15.00" text 800,545,"If fully grown and free of" text 800,560,"disease, will sell for:$20" if over(1,850,580,950,600) ink rgb(255,255,255),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" else ink rgb(190,190,190),0 box 850,580,950,600 ink 0,0:text 887,583,"BUY" endif else hide object 9 endif return Function Spring(vel#,spring#,dist#,resist#,frict#) vel#=(vel# + (-spring# * dist#)/resist#)*frict# EndFunction vel# Function Return_Object(ObjectID) Object.x=Object Position X(ObjectID):Object.y=Object Position Y(ObjectID):Object.z=Object Position Z(ObjectID) EndFunction Function Return_Target(TargetID) Target.x=Object Position X(TargetID):Target.y=Object Position Y(TargetID):Target.z=Object Position Z(TargetID) EndFunction Function Fish(ObjectID) Make Object Sphere ObjectID,30,50,50 Make Mesh From Object ObjectID,ObjectID Delete Object ObjectID Make Object Triangle ObjectID,0,10,-10,0,-10,-10,0,0,10 Offset Limb ObjectID,0,0,0,-8 Add Limb ObjectID,1,ObjectID Offset Limb ObjectID,1,0,0,1 Scale Limb ObjectID,1,20,80,100 EndFunction function over(but,x1,y1,x2,y2) if mousex()>x1 and mousex()<X2 if mousey()>y1 and mousey()<Y2 over_area=1 endif endif endfunction over_area