set display mode 1024,768,32 randomize timer() data "e","u","i","o","a" data "q","w","r","t","y","p","s","d","f","g","h","j","k","l","z","x","c","v","b","n","m" data "Br","Tr","St","Dr","Sr","Th","Ph","Zr","Wr","Gl","Ch","Pr","Q","W","R","T","Y","P","S","D","F","G","H","J","K","L","Z","X","C","V","B","N","M" data "nt","d","s","rt","p","k","b","g","m","st","ps","ts","ns","ms","nd","fs" data "1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","20" `read vowels dim vowel$(5) for n=1 to 5 read vowel$(n) next n `read consonants dim consonant$(21) for n=1 to 21 read consonant$(n) next n `read beginnings of names dim begin$(33) for n=1 to 33 read begin$(n) next n `read ends of names dim end$(16) for n=1 to 16 read end$(n) next n `read number of word dim numberwrd$(20) for n=1 to 20 read numberwrd$(n) next n numberofwords=20 dim word$(numberofwords) do for repeatword=1 to numberofwords rndbegin=rnd(11)+1 rndend=rnd(15)+1 `start word with a consonant begin=1 endc=0 consonant=-1 vowel=1 `randomize word length numberofletters=3+rnd(5) if numberofletters=3 or 5 or 7 if rnd(1)=0 inc numberofletters else dec numberofletters endif endif dim letter$(numberofletters) for repeatletter=1 to numberofletters `select random consonant if consonant=1 letter$(repeatletter)=consonant$(rnd(20)+1) if letter$(repeatletter)="q" then letter$(repeatletter)="qu" if letter$(repeatletter)="c" if rnd(1)=0 then letter$(repeatletter)="ck" endif endif `select random consonant if vowel=1 letter$(repeatletter)=vowel$(rnd(4)+1) if letter$(repeatletter)="o" if rnd(1)=0 then letter$(repeatletter)="oo" endif endif `alternate between consonant and vowel consonant=consonant*-1 if rnd(5)<>1 vowel=vowel*-1 endif next repeatletter `build the word from the chosen letters word$(repeatword)="" word$(repeatword)=word$(repeatword)+begin$(rndbegin) for buildword=1 to numberofletters word$(repeatword)=word$(repeatword)+letter$(buildword) next buildword word$(repeatword)=numberwrd$(repeatword)+"-"+word$(repeatword)+end$(rndend) center text screen width()/2,10+repeatword*12,word$(repeatword) next repeatword print "Press space to regenerate" print "Press 's' to save a word to file" repeat `save words to file if inkey$()="s" print "Type name of file" Input "",filename$ filename$="c:\"+filename$+".txt" if file exist (filename$) then delete file filename$ open to write 1,filename$ print "Type number of names you would like to save" Input "",numbername print "Type the numbers of the words you want to save" for x=1 to numbername Input "Word #"+str$(x)+"--",number write string 1,word$(number) next x print "Saved as '"+filename$+"'" close file 1 wait 1000 endif until spacekey()=1 wait 200 cls loop