sync on sync rate 60 sync sync randomize timer() start: cls choice = 0 repeat print "1-save 100 random names to a file" print "2-choose a certain length, create names of that length, and save them to a file" print "3-choose a first letter, create names that use it, and save them to a file" print "4-do both option 2 and 3 (set your own length AND first letter)" print "5-Exit" print "What would you like to do?" sync input "",choice if choice > 0 and choice < 6 valid = 1 else valid = 0 CLS print "You must enter a number between 1 and 5" print " " sync endif until valid=1 sync if choice = 1 cls file$ = getfilename() if file exist(file$ + ".txt") then delete file file$ + ".txt" open to write 1, file$ + ".txt" for i=1 to 100 length = rnd(4)+3 write string 1, name(length, "") sync next i close file 1 print "The 100 names have been saved to '" + file$ + ".txt'" print "Press any key to continue" sync wait key goto start endif if choice = 2 cls length = getlength() num = 0 print "How many names do you want to save to the file?" sync input "",num file$ = getfilename() if file exist(file$ + ".txt") then delete file file$ + ".txt" open to write 1, file$ + ".txt" for i=1 to num write string 1, name(length, "") sync next i close file 1 print "The names have been saved to '" + file$ + ".txt'" print "Press any key to continue" sync wait key goto start endif if choice = 3 cls first$ = "" length = 0 print "Enter the letter you want your names to start with" sync input "",first$ num = 0 print "How many names do you want to save to the file?" sync input "",num file$ = getfilename() if file exist(file$ + ".txt") then delete file file$ + ".txt" open to write 1, file$ + ".txt" for i=1 to num length = rnd(4)+3 write string 1, name(length, first$) sync next i close file 1 print "The names have been saved to '" + file$ + ".txt'" print "Press any key to continue" sync wait key goto start endif if choice = 4 cls first$ = "" length = 0 print "Enter the letter you want your names to start with" sync input "",first$ length = getlength() num = 0 print "How many names do you want to save to the file?" sync input "",num file$ = getfilename() if file exist(file$ + ".txt") then delete file file$ + ".txt" open to write 1, file$ + ".txt" for i=1 to num write string 1, name(length, first$) sync next i close file 1 print "The names have been saved to '" + file$ + ".txt'" print "Press any key to continue" sync wait key goto start endif if choice = 5 end endif function name(length, first$) select length case 3 name$ = firstletter(first$) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) break endcase case 4 name$ = firstletter(first$) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) + lower$(midletter()) break endcase case 5 name$ = firstletter(first$) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) break endcase case 6 name$ = firstletter(first$) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(firstletter("")) + lower$(midletter()) break endcase case 7 name$ = firstletter(first$) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(firstletter("")) + lower$(midletter()) + lower$(lastletter()) break endcase endselect endfunction name$ function firstletter(rule$) if rule$="" num = rnd(2)+1 select num case 1 letters$ = "BCDLMNRS" endcase case 2 letters$ = "BCDFGHKLMNPRSTW" endcase case 3 letters$ = "BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ" endcase endselect a$ = mid$(letters$, rnd(len(letters$)-1)+1) else a$ = rule$ endif endfunction a$ function midletter() letters$ = "AEIOU" a$ = mid$(letters$, rnd(len(letters$)-1)+1) endfunction a$ function lastletter() letters$ = "RTNHLMNB" a$ = mid$(letters$, rnd(len(letters$)-1)+1) endfunction a$ function getlength() length = 0 print "Enter the length you want your names to be. From 3 to 7" sync input "",length repeat if length > 2 and length < 8 complete = 1 else cls print "That is an illegal length! please enter a length between 3 and 7" sync input "",length complete = 0 endif until complete = 1 endfunction length function getfilename() complete = 0 repeat file$ = "" print "Enter a name for the file" sync input "",file$ ask$ = "" if file exist(file$ + ".txt") print "That file exists, overwrite? y/n" sync input "",ask$ if ask$ = "y" complete = 1 else complete = 0 cls endif else complete = 1 endif until complete = 1 endfunction file$