set display mode 1280, 1024, 32
sync on
sync rate 0
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
randomize timer()
set ambient light 80
hide light 0
set camera range 0.1, 200
#constant TEXTURE_X 1024
#constant TEXTURE_Y 1024
#constant WORMHOLE_LENGTH 200
#constant CAM_MAX_ANGLE 45.0
Type Coord
`Make the green texture with stars
make memblock 1, (3+(TEXTURE_X*TEXTURE_X))*4
write memblock dword 1, 0, TEXTURE_X
write memblock dword 1, 4, TEXTURE_Y
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
col as dword
for y = 0 to TEXTURE_Y-1
   for x = 0 to TEXTURE_X-1
      if rnd(100) > STAR_CHANCE_PERCENT
         write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((x + (y*TEXTURE_X))*4), 0x99FFFFFF
         i# = (sin(x * 1800.0 / TEXTURE_X)+1.0)*0.5
         col = rgb(0, i# * 240.0, 0) && TRANSPARENCY_MASK
         write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((x + (y*TEXTURE_X))*4), col
   next x
next y
make image from memblock 1, 1
delete memblock 1
`Make the red texture with no stars
make memblock 1, (3+(TEXTURE_X*TEXTURE_X))*4
write memblock dword 1, 0, TEXTURE_X
write memblock dword 1, 4, TEXTURE_Y
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
col as dword
for y = 0 to TEXTURE_Y-1
   for x = 0 to TEXTURE_X-1
      i# = (sin(x * 1440.0 / TEXTURE_X)+1.0)*0.5
      col = rgb(i# * 240.0, 0, 0) && TRANSPARENCY_MASK
      write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((x + (y*TEXTURE_X))*4), col
   next x
next y
make image from memblock 2, 1
delete memblock 1
`Make the blue texture with no stars
make memblock 1, (3+(TEXTURE_X*TEXTURE_X))*4
write memblock dword 1, 0, TEXTURE_X
write memblock dword 1, 4, TEXTURE_Y
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
col as dword
for y = 0 to TEXTURE_Y-1
   i# = (sin(y * 1440.0 / TEXTURE_Y)+1.0)*0.5
   col = rgb(0, 0, i# * 240.0) && TRANSPARENCY_MASK
   for x = 0 to TEXTURE_X-1
      write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((x + (y*TEXTURE_X))*4), col
   next x
next y
make image from memblock 3, 1
delete memblock 1
autocam off
`Make inner wormhole
make object cylinder 1, -WORMHOLE_DIAMETER
scale object 1, 100, 100.0 * (WORMHOLE_LENGTH / WORMHOLE_DIAMETER), 100
position object 1, 0, WORMHOLE_LENGTH*0.5, 0
texture object 1, 1
set object transparency 1, 3
`Make outer hole
make object cylinder 2, -WORMHOLE_DIAMETER*1.2
scale object 2, 100, 100.0 * (WORMHOLE_LENGTH / WORMHOLE_DIAMETER), 100
position object 2, 0, WORMHOLE_LENGTH*0.6, 0
texture object 2, 2
set object transparency 2, 3
`Make middle hole
make object cylinder 3, -WORMHOLE_DIAMETER*1.1
scale object 3, 100, 100.0 * (WORMHOLE_LENGTH / WORMHOLE_DIAMETER), 100
position object 3, 0, WORMHOLE_LENGTH*0.55, 0
texture object 3, 3
set object transparency 3, 3
position camera 0, 1, 0
`Wormhole variables
speed# = 0.0
targetSpeed# = 1.0
`Camera Angle Variables
CameraAngle as Coord
CameraAngle.x# = 0.0
CameraAngle.y# = 0.0
CameraAngle.z# = 0.0
frameTime# = 1.0
startTime = timer()
   frameTime# = (frameTime# * 0.8) + ((timer() - startTime) * 0.2)
   startTime = timer()
   mousewheel = mousemovez()
   if mousewheel > 0 then inc targetSpeed#, frameTime# * 0.01 else if mousewheel < 0 then dec targetSpeed#, frameTime# * 0.01
   speed# = curvevalue(targetSpeed#, speed#, 1000.0/frameTime#)
   text 0,0, "fps: " + str$(screen fps())
   scroll object texture 1, 0, frameTime# * 0.0001 * speed#
   scroll object texture 2, frameTime# * 0.0002 * speed#, 0
   scroll object texture 3, 0, frameTime# * 0.0002 * speed#
   inc CameraAngle.z#, frameTime# * 0.045
   inc CameraAngle.y#, frameTime# * 0.090
   rotate camera 270, sin(CameraAngle.y#) * CAM_MAX_ANGLE, sin(CameraAngle.z#) * CAM_MAX_ANGLE