Rem Project: frogger Rem Created: 10/9/2005 7:10:44 PM Rem Creator: sizer : `------------------------------------------- cls sync on sync rate 0 set display mode 800,600,32 set text size 10 `game variables dim fx#(1) dim fy#(1) dim lives#(1) dim goal#(9,3) dim level#(1) dim score#(1) dim y_col#(27,2) dim x_col#(4,22) dim gator$(2) dim lilly$(1) dim car$(1) dim l_semi$(1) dim r_semi$(1) dim l_start#(1) dim r_start#(1) `initialize hazards text 275,300,"Initializing Game" sync setup_game() cls text 285,300,"Use arrow keys to move" text 225,315,"Press [END] or [ESCAPE] key to quit" text 275,330,"Press any key to continue" sync wait key `------------------------------------------- `main loop do cls text 20,550,"Lives Left:" + str$(lives#(1)) + " Level:" + str$(level#(1)) + " FPS:" + str$(screen fps()) + " Score:" + str$(score#(1)) Draw_BG() Con_Frog() Con_Traffic() Con_Agua() if fy#(1) > 190 Collide() else watercollision() endif ChkGoal() ChkLvl() if lives#(1)<0 then GameOver() ` end program when [END] key is pressed if keystate(207) then end sync loop `------------------------------------------- `setup game function setup_game() gator$(1)=">\===----" gator$(2)="----===/<" lilly$(1)="%%%" car$(1)="[#]" l_semi$(1)="[#]=[#####]" r_semi$(1)="[#####]=[#]" l_start#(1)=len(l_semi$) l_start#(1)=800-l_start# r_start#(1)=len(r_semi$) fx#(1)=400 fy#(1)=500 lives#(1)=9 level#(1)=1 for i = 1 to 22 y_col#(i,1)=462-(i*10) y_col#(i,2)=190-(i*10) x_col#(1,i)=(i*10)+r_start#(1) x_col#(2,i)=l_start#(1)-(i*10) next i for i = 1 to 9 goal#(i,1)=0 next i goal#(1,2)=65 goal#(1,3)=105 goal#(2,2)=145 goal#(2,3)=185 goal#(3,2)=225 goal#(3,3)=265 goal#(4,2)=305 goal#(4,3)=345 goal#(5,2)=385 goal#(5,3)=425 goal#(6,2)=465 goal#(6,3)=505 goal#(7,2)=545 goal#(7,3)=585 goal#(8,2)=625 goal#(8,3)=665 goal#(9,2)=705 goal#(9,3)=745 sync for i=1 to 300 Con_Traffic() Con_Agua() next i endfunction `------------------------------------------- `main screen function Draw_BG() ink RGB(0,64,0),RGB(0,0,0) for s2=1 to 3 print "######## ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ########" next s2 ink RGB(0,0,255),RGB(255,255,255) for w=1 to 10 print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" next i ink RGB(108,80,40),RGB(240,216,40) for s1=1 to 3 print ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;" next s1 ink RGB(255,255,0),RGB(0,0,0) for r=1 to 15 select r case 4 : print "=====================================================================================================" :endcase case 8 : print "=====================================================================================================" :endcase case 12 : print "=====================================================================================================" :endcase case default : print "" : endcase endselect next r ink RGB(108,80,40),RGB(108,80,40) for s0=1 to 3 print "*****************************************************************************************************" next s0 print "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" endfunction `-------------------------------------------4 `control frogger function Con_Frog() if keystate(200) then fy#(1)=fy#(1)-10`up if keystate(208) then fy#(1)=fy#(1)+10`down if keystate(203) then fx#(1)=fx#(1)-10`left if keystate(205) then fx#(1)=fx#(1)+10`right if fy#(1) >= 499 then fy#(1)=498 if fx#(1) >= 791 then fx#(1)=790 if fx#(1) <= 9 then fx#(1)=10 if fy#(1) <= 9 then fy#(1)=10 ink RGB(0,255,0),RGB(0,0,0) text fx#(1),fy#(1),"@" endfunction `------------------------------------------- `control traffic function Con_Traffic() ink RGB(255,255,255),RGB(0,0,0) for i = 1 to 22 ` sets current vehicle moving left position x_col#(1,i)=x_col#(1,i)-(i*0.5) if x_col#(1,i)<=1 then x_col#(1,i)=l_start#(1) ` sets current vehicle moving right position x_col#(2,i)=x_col#(2,i)+(i*0.5) if x_col#(2,i)>=790 then x_col#(2,i)=r_start#(1) next i ` display vehicles in current position for i = 1 to 22 text x_col#(1,i),y_col#(i,1),car$(1) text x_col#(2,i),y_col#(i,1),car$(1) next i endfunction `------------------------------------------- `control water stuff function Con_Agua() ink RGB(0,128,0),RGB(0,0,0) for i = 1 to 16 x_col#(3,i)=x_col#(3,i)-(i*0.5) if x_col#(3,i)<=1 then x_col#(3,i)=l_start#(1) x_col#(4,i)=x_col#(4,i)+(i*0.5) if x_col#(4,i)>=790 then x_col#(4,i)=r_start#(1) next i for i = 1 to 15 step 2 `move gator left, lilly right text x_col#(3,i),y_col#(i,2),gator$(1) text x_col#(4,i),y_col#(i,2),lilly$(1) next i for i = 2 to 16 step 2 `move lilly right, gator left text x_col#(3,i),y_col#(i,2),lilly$(1) text x_col#(4,i),y_col#(i,2),gator$(2) next i endfunction `------------------------------------------- `road collision function Collide() if fy#(1) >= 228 for i = 1 to 22 ` if on road die if hit by car if fy#(1) <= y_col#(i,1)+12 and fx#(1) <= x_col#(1,i)+15 and fy#(1) >= y_col#(i,1)-5 and fx#(1) >= x_col#(1,i)-5 then dead(fx#(1),fy#(1)) next i endif endfunction `------------------------------------------- function watercollision() ` anti-collision for hoping on lilly and gator splash#=1 for i = 1 to 15 step 2 if fx#(1) >= x_col#(3,i) and fx#(1) <= (x_col#(3,i)+50) and fy#(1) >= y_col#(i,2)-5 and fy#(1) <= y_col#(i,2)+8 ` if on gator or lilly fx#(1) = (x_col#(3,i)+25) `set x to center of gator / lilly fy#(1) = y_col#(i,2) `set y to center of gator / lilly splash#=0 endif if fx#(1) >= x_col#(4,i) and fx#(1) <= (x_col#(4,i)+15) and fy#(1) >= y_col#(i,2)-5 and fy#(1) <= y_col#(i,2)+8 ` if on gator or lilly fx#(1) = (x_col#(4,i)+7) `set x to center of lilly fy#(1) = y_col#(i,2) `set y to center of lilly splash#=0 endif next i for i = 2 to 16 step 2 if fx#(1) >= x_col#(3,i) and fx#(1) <= (x_col#(3,i)+15) and fy#(1) >= y_col#(i,2)-5 and fy#(1) <= y_col#(i,2)+8 ` if on gator or lilly fx#(1) = (x_col#(3,i)+7) `set x to center of lilly fy#(1) = y_col#(i,2) `set y to center of lilly splash#=0 endif if fx#(1) >= x_col#(4,i) and fx#(1) <= (x_col#(4,i)+50) and fy#(1) >= y_col#(i,2)-5 and fy#(1) <= y_col#(i,2)+8 ` if on gator fx#(1) = (x_col#(4,i)+25) `set x to center of gator fy#(1) = y_col#(i,2) `set y to center of gator splash#=0 endif next i if splash#=1 then dead(fx#(1),fy#(1)) endfunction `------------------------------------------- `check if in goal then reset frog and increment score. function ChkGoal() for i = 1 to 9 if fx#(1) > goal#(i,2) and fx#(1) < goal#(i,3) and fy#(1) < 42 goal#(i,1) = 1 fx#(1)=400 fy#(1)=500 inc score#(1) endif if goal#(i,1) = 1 then text (goal#(i,2)+20),22,"@" next i endfunction `------------------------------------------- `check goals if full inc level add bonus for lives left function ChkLvl() for i = 1 to 9 if goal#(i,1) = 1 then inc t# next i if t# = 9 score#(1) = score#(1) + lives#(1) inc level#(1) inc lives#(1) for i = 1 to 9 goal#(i,1) = 0 next i endif endfunction `------------------------------------------- `draw dead frog and restart player less 1 life function dead(x,y) text x,y,"X" text (x+30),(y-25),"YOU DIED!" fx#(1)=400 fy#(1)=500 lives#(1)=lives#(1)-1 sync wait 500 endfunction `------------------------------------------- `display game over screen function GameOver() cls set text size 48 text 350,300,"GAME OVER" set text size 10 text 300,400,"PRESS ANY KEY TO RESTART" sync wait key lives#(1)=9 fx#(1)=400 fy#(1)=500 endfunction