set display mode 400,300,16 rem If you want you can put window mode on `set window on dim wordlenth(1000000) dim word$(10) maxfiletypes=2 dim filetypes$(2) dim file$(1) filetypes$(1)="txt" filetypes$(2)="dat" directory$="C:documents and settingsabcmy documents" do if filename$="" then directory$="C:documents and settingsabcmy documents" else directory$=parentfolder$(filename$) filename$=fileaccess(directory$,maxfiletypes) words=0 undim wordlenth(1000000) undim word$(10) dim wordlenth(1000000) dim word$(10) word$="" bytesscanes=0 open to read 1,filename$ while file end(1)=0 cls word$="" wordlenth=0 repeat read byte 1,chrASCII until letter(chrASCII)=1 or file end(1)=1 if file end(1)=1 then exit repeat wordlenth=wordlenth+1 word$=word$+chr$(chrASCII) read byte 1,chrASCII until letter(chrASCII)=0 or file end(1)=1 if file end(1)=1 then exit words=words+1 for i=1 to 9 word$(i)=word$(i+1) next i word$(10)=word$ wordlenth(words)=wordlenth maxlenth=0 minlenth=0 totallenth=0 for i=1 to words if wordlenth(i)>maxlenth then maxlenth=wordlenth(i) totallenth=totallenth+wordlenth(i) next i minlenth=maxlenth for i=1 to words if wordlenth(i)<minlenth then minlenth=wordlenth(i) next i avglenth=totallenth/words for i=1 to 10 ink rgb(i*25,i*25,255),0 text 300-text width(word$(i)),i*15-15,word$(i) next i ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 0,0,"words so far: " text 0,15,"Maximum lenth so far: " text 0,30,"Minimum lenth so far: " text 0,45,"Average lenth so far: " ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 180-text width(str$(avglenth)),45,str$(avglenth) text 180-text width(str$(minlenth)),30,str$(minlenth) text 180-text width(str$(maxlenth)),15,str$(maxlenth) text 180-text width(str$(words)),0,str$(words) sync endwhile close file 1 cls maxlenth=0 minlenth=0 totallenth=0 for i=1 to words if wordlenth(i)>maxlenth then maxlenth=wordlenth(i) totallenth=totallenth+wordlenth(i) next i minlenth=maxlenth for i=1 to words if wordlenth(i)<minlenth then minlenth=wordlenth(i) next i if words>0 then avglenth=totallenth/words ink rgb(0,0,255),0 text 0,0,"words: " text 0,15,"Maximum lenth: " text 0,30,"Minimum lenth: " text 0,45,"Average lenth: " text 0,60,"Press space to scan another..." ink rgb(255,255,255),0 text 180-text width(str$(avglenth)),45,str$(avglenth) text 180-text width(str$(minlenth)),30,str$(minlenth) text 180-text width(str$(maxlenth)),15,str$(maxlenth) text 180-text width(str$(words)),0,str$(words) suspend for key loop function letter(ASCII) letter=0 if ASCII>=65 and ASCII<=90 or ASCII>=97 and ASCII<=122 or ASCII>=176 and ASCII<=255 then letter=1 endfunction letter function fileaccess(directory$,maxfiletypes) x=90 y=50 filename$="" while filename$="" decision=0 set dir directory$ perform checklist for files nooffiles=checklist quantity() undim file$(1) dim file$(nooffiles) sort1=1 for i=1 to nooffiles temp$=checklist string$(i) if getfiletype$(temp$)=temp$ file$(sort1)="[+]"+temp$ sort1=sort1+1 endif next i for i=1 to nooffiles for j=1 to maxfiletypes temp$=checklist string$(i) if getfiletype$(temp$)=filetypes$(j) file$(sort1)="[T]"+checklist string$(i) sort1=sort1+1 endif next i next i for i=1 to nooffiles if (getfiletype$(checklist string$(i))=checklist string$(i))=0 for j=1 to maxfiletypes if getfiletype$(checklist string$(i))=filetypes$(j) then goto Endfilesort next i file$(sort1)="[X]"+checklist string$(i) sort1=sort1+1 endif Endfilesort: next i file=1 list=1 select=1 while decision=0 cls file=list+select-1 if upkey()=1 and file>1 if upK=0 upK=1 file=file-1 if select=1 and list>1 then list=list-1 if select>1 then select=select-1 Ucount=40 endif Ucount=Ucount-1 if Ucount<0 file=file-1 if select=1 and list>1 then list=list-1 if select>1 then select=select-1 Ucount=2 endif else upK=0 endif if downkey()=1 and file<nooffiles if dnK=0 dnK=1 file=file+1 if select=10 and list<nooffiles then list=list+1 if select<10 then select=select+1 Dcount=40 endif Dcount=Dcount-1 if Dcount<0 file=file+1 if select=10 and list<nooffiles then list=list+1 if select<10 then select=select+1 Dcount=2 endif else dnK=0 endif if mousemovez()>oldmousemovez and file>1 file=file-1 if select=1 and list>1 then list=list-1 if select>1 then select=select-1 oldmousemovez=mousemovez() endif if mousemovez()<oldmousemovez and file<nooffiles file=file+1 if select=10 and list<nooffiles then list=list+1 if select<10 then select=select+1 oldmousemovez=mousemovez() endif if returnkey()=1 and decisionmadetime<1 then decision=2 if mouseclick()=1 if mousex()>x-1 and mousey()>y+166 and mousex()<x+108 and mousey()<y+186 and decisionmadetime<1 then decision=1 if mousex()>x+108 and mousey()>y+166 and mousex()<x+215 and mousey()<y+186 and decisionmadetime<1 then decision=2 for i=1 to 10 if mousex()>x and mousey()>i*15+y and mousex()<200+x and mousey()<(i+1)*15+y if doubleclickcount>0 and mouseclick=0 then decision=2 doubleclickcount=20 file=list+i-1 select=i endif next i if mousex()>x+203 and mousey()>y+16+sliderpos# and mousex()<x+213 and mousey()<y+16+sliderpos#+slidersize# and nooffiles>19 sliderhold=1 endif if mousex()>x+204 and mousey()>y+2 and mousex()<x+212 and mousey()<y+12 and file>1 file=file-1 if select=1 and list>1 then list=list-1 if select>1 then select=select-1 endif if mousex()>x+204 and mousey()>y+153 and mousex()<x+212 and mousey()<y+163 and file<nooffiles file=file+1 if select=10 and list<nooffiles then list=list+1 if select<10 then select=select+1 endif if mousex()>x+201 and mousey()>y+14 and mousex()<x+215 and mousey()<y+150 and blankclick<1 and nooffiles>10 if mousey()<y+16+sliderpos# if list>10 file=file-10 list=list-10 blankclick=10 else if list=1 select=1 endif list=1 file=1 blankclick=10 endif tslider=0 endif if mousey()>y+16+sliderpos#+slidersize# if list<nooffiles-10 file=file+10 list=list+10 if list>nooffiles-9 then list=nooffiles-9 blankclick=10 else list=nooffiles-9 file=nooffiles select=10 blankclick=10 endif bslider=0 endif endif endif blankclick=blankclick-1 doubleclickcount=doubleclickcount-1 if mouseclick()=1 then mouseclick=1 else mouseclick=0 if mouseclick()<>1 then sliderhold=0 if sliderhold=1 mosy1#=mousey()-(y+16) listsize#=(nooffiles-10) temp#=mosy1#/122 listr#=temp#*listsize# list=listr# if list<1 then list=1 if list>nooffiles-10 then list=nooffiles-10 endif set text font "system" for i=1 to 10 if select=i ink rgb(0,0,255),0 box x,i*15+y,200+x,(i+1)*15+y endif ink rgb(255,255,255),0 if (list+i-1)<=nooffiles then text x,i*15+y,file$(list+i-1) next i text (x+200)-text width(directory$+""),y,directory$+"" ink rgb(0,0,255),0 box x,y+168,x+106,y+184 box x+110,y+168,x+213,y+184 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 center text x+54,y+168,"Parent folder" center text x+162,y+168,"OK" ink 0,0 box 200+x,y,399,165+y box 0,y,x,y+200 ink rgb(255,255,255),0 linebox(x-1,y+14,x+201,y+166) linebox(x-1,y-1,x+201,y+14) linebox(x+201,y+14,x+215,y+150) linebox(x+201,y-1,x+215,y+14) linebox(x+201,y+150,x+215,y+166) linebox(x-1,y+166,x+108,y+186) linebox(x+108,y+166,x+215,y+186) linetriangle(x+204,y+12,x+212,y+12,x+208,y+2) linetriangle(x+204,y+153,x+212,y+153,x+208,y+163) if nooffiles>10 listr#=list checklistquantityr#=nooffiles sliderpos#=listr#/(checklistquantityr#-10) if nooffiles<20 then sliderpos#=sliderpos#-1 sliderpos#=sliderpos#*122 slidersize#=10 if list=nooffiles-9 then sliderpos#=122 if sliderpos#>122 then sliderpos#=122 if sliderpos#<0 then sliderpos#=0 endif if nooffiles>10 then box x+203,y+16+sliderpos#,x+213,y+16+sliderpos#+slidersize# else box x+203,y+16,x+213,y+148 ink rgb(0,0,255),0 if nooffiles>10 if tslider=1 then box x+203,y+16,x+213,y+14+sliderpos# if bslider=1 then box x+203,y+18+sliderpos#+slidersize#,x+213,y+148 endif tslider=1 bslider=1 decisionmadetime=decisionmadetime-1 sync endwhile if decision=1 then directory$=parentfolder$(directory$) if decision=2 filen$=file$(file) if left$(filen$,3)="[T]" then filename$=directory$+""+right$(filen$,len(filen$)-3) : goto endfileload if left$(filen$,3)="[+]" then directory$=directory$+""+right$(filen$,len(filen$)-3) : goto endfileload if left$(filen$,3)="[X]" cls ink rgb(0,0,255),0 center text 320,240,"Error - Invalid File type!" sleep 2000 goto endfileload endif endif endfileload: decisionmadetime=10 sync endwhile endfunction filename$ function linebox(x1,y1,x2,y2) line x1,y1,x1,y2 line x1,y2,x2,y2 line x2,y2,x2,y1 line x2,y1,x1,y1 endfunction function linetriangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) line x1,y1,x2,y2 line x2,y2,x3,y3 line x3,y3,x1,y1 endfunction function getfiletype$(filename$) filetype$="" for i=len(filename$) to 1 step -1 if mid$(filename$,i)="." then goto filetypeend else filetype$=mid$(filename$,i)+filetype$ next i filetypeend: endfunction filetype$ function parentfolder$(directory$) foldernamesize=0 for i=len(directory$) to 1 step -1 foldernamesize=foldernamesize+1 if mid$(directory$,i)="" or mid$(directory$,i)="/" then goto parentfolderend next i parentfolderend: if foldernamesize=len(directory$) then foldernamesize=0 parentfolder$=left$(directory$,(len(directory$)-foldernamesize)) endfunction parentfolder$