`Initialisation section
set display mode 1280, 1024, 32
sync on
sync rate 0
backdrop on
color backdrop 0
randomize timer()
autocam off
set camera range 0.1, 100.0
set ambient light 20
make memblock 1, 12 + (16*16*4)
write memblock dword 1, 0, 16
write memblock dword 1, 4, 16
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
c as DWORD
for i = 0 to 15
   for j = 0 to 15
      a = 224 - (sqrt(  ((i - 7.5)*(i - 7.5)) + ((j - 7.5) * (j - 7.5))  ) * 24.0)
      if a < 0 then a = 0
      ang = abs(atanfull(i-8, j-8))
      print ang
      write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((j + (i*16))*4), rgb(255 - ang, ang,0) && ((a << 24) || 0x00FFFFFF)
   next j
  ` wait key
next i
make image from memblock 2, 1
delete memblock 1
sprite 1, 0, 0, 2
set sprite 1, 0, 1
offset sprite 1, 8, 8
hide sprite 1
C_SIZE = 256
make memblock 1, 13 + (C_SIZE*C_SIZE*4)
write memblock dword 1, 0, C_SIZE
write memblock dword 1, 4, C_SIZE
write memblock dword 1, 8, 32
c as dword
d as dword
for i = 0 to C_SIZE-1
   for j = 0 to C_SIZE-1
      c = ((C_SIZE - abs(j - (C_SIZE-1-i))) * SOFTNESS) -  ((C_SIZE*SOFTNESS)-255)
      d = ((C_SIZE - abs(j - i)) * SOFTNESS) - ((C_SIZE*SOFTNESS)-255)
      if d > c then c = d
      if c < 0 then c = 0
      write memblock dword 1, 12 + ((j + (i*C_SIZE))*4), 0xFFFF0000 && ((c << 24) || 0x00FFFFFF)
   next j
next i
make image from memblock 3, 1
delete memblock 1
sprite 2, screen width() * 0.25, screen height() * 0.25, 3
size sprite 2, screen width() * 0.5, screen height() * 0.5
set sprite alpha 2, 0.0
#Constant krtlt (rightkey()-leftkey()) ` returns a 1 if right or -1 if left
#Constant kupdn (upkey()-downkey()) ` returns a 1 if up or -1 if down or 0 if both or nothing
#Constant klrud (downkey()+(upkey()*2)+(rightkey()*4)+(leftkey()*8)) `returns binary result; bit 0=down, 1=up, 2=right, 3=left
#Constant kadws (keystate(31)+(keystate(17)*2)+(keystate(32)*4)+(keystate(30)*8)) `returns binary result; bit 0="s", 1="w", 2="d", 3="a"
#constant CamX camera position x()
#constant CamY camera position y()
#constant CamZ camera position z()
`Declare some types
type mazeCell
type Coord
`How many cells do we want?
#constant M_WIDTH 12
#constant M_HEIGHT 12
global MAP_SCALE#
`Create a maze
dim Maze(M_WIDTH, M_HEIGHT) as mazeCell
`Generate the maze
make object cylinder 1000, 1
make mesh from object 1000, 1000
add limb 1000, 1, 1000
add limb 1000, 2, 1000
add limb 1000, 3, 1000
offset limb 1000, 0,  5, 0, -5
offset limb 1000, 1,  5, 0,  5
offset limb 1000, 2, -5, 0, -5
offset limb 1000, 3, -5, 0,  5
scale object 1000, 100, 750, 100
lock object on 1000
position object 1000, 0, 0, 10
rotate object 1000, 90, 0, 0
`Player Angle
angle# = 0.0
target_angle = 0
`Player Target Position
target_x# = 1.0 : target_z# = 1.0
`Player Energy
#constant ENERGY_WIDTH 16
#constant ENERGY_HEIGHT 200
Dim EnergyArray(ENERGY_HEIGHT) as float
global EnergyLevel#  : EnergyLevel#  = ENERGY_HEIGHT
make memblock 2, 12 + (ENERGY_WIDTH * ENERGY_HEIGHT * 4)
write memblock dword 2, 0, ENERGY_WIDTH
write memblock dword 2, 4, ENERGY_HEIGHT
write memblock dword 2, 8, 32
`Draw side lines and fill in the middle with see-through red (that way we only need to rewrite the alpha channel later)
for i = 12 + (ENERGY_WIDTH * 4) to (ENERGY_WIDTH * ENERGY_HEIGHT * 4) + 8 step 4
   `j is the row, calculated from i...
   j = ((i - 12) / 4) MOD ENERGY_WIDTH
   `Test if edge of middle
   if j > 0 AND j < ENERGY_WIDTH - 1
      write memblock dword 2, i, 0x00FF0000
      write memblock dword 2, i, 0xFFFFFFFF
next i
`Write the top row white
for i = 12 to 12 + (ENERGY_WIDTH * 4) step 4 : write memblock dword 2, i, 0xFFFFFFFF : next i
`Write the bottom row white
for i = 12 + (ENERGY_WIDTH * 4 * (ENERGY_HEIGHT-1)) to 11 + (ENERGY_WIDTH * 4 * ENERGY_HEIGHT) step 4 : write memblock dword 2, i, 0xFFFFFFFF : next i
`Make a sprite from it...
sprite 4, (M_WIDTH + 1) * MAP_SCALE#, 0, 10
#constant X_OFFSET 0.189
#constant Y_OFFSET 0.198
#constant Z_OFFSET 0.607
make object sphere 2000, 0.05, 6, 6
hide object 2000
disable object zread 2000
for i = 2001 to 2100
   instance object i, 2000
   set object collision off i
   hide object i
next i
firedOne# = 0.0
`Key states
UpKeyDown = 0
LastDirection = 0
LastMoveDirection = 0
MapPos as Coord
position camera target_x#, 0.0, target_z#
global frameTime#
frameTime# = 1.0
startTime = timer()
   frameTime# = (frameTime# * 0.8) + ((timer() - startTime) * 0.2)
   startTime = timer()
   text MAP_SCALE# * (M_WIDTH + 3), 0,  "FPS: " + str$(screen fps())
   text MAP_SCALE# * (M_WIDTH + 3), 10, "Cam(x,y,z): " + str$(CamX) + ", " + str$(CamY) + ", " + str$(CamZ)
   text MAP_SCALE# * (M_WIDTH + 3), 20, "Obj(x,y,z): " + str$(objX#) + ", " + str$(objY#) + ", " + str$(objZ#) + ", SCALE: " + str$(objScale#)
   text MAP_SCALE# * (M_WIDTH + 3), 40, "MouseClick: " + str$(mouseclick())
   `Get the arrows and wasd keys for control of the player
   adws = kadws
   lrud = klrud
   ` %1000 = Left
   ` %0100 = Right
   ` %0010 = Up
   ` %0001 = Down
   `Combinations allowed, eg: %1100 = Left and Right
   `Left/Right (AD/LR) only...
   adlr = ((adws && %1100) || (lrud && %1100))
   `Up/Down (UD/WS) only...
   udws = ((adws && %0011) || (lrud && %0011))
   if LastDirection <> adlr AND EnergyLevel# > 5.0
      LorR = 0
      if adlr = %1000 then LorR = -1 : `Left
      if adlr = %0100 then LorR =  1 : `Right
      if adlr = %1100 then LorR =  0 : `Both, so dont turn
      inc target_angle, 90 * LorR
      dec EnergyLevel#, 5.0
   LastDirection = adlr
   angle# = curvevalue(target_angle, angle#, 200.0 / frameTime#)
   yrotate camera angle#
   `Calculate a polar angle (0, 90, 180, 360) for use later
   polarAngle = target_angle mod 360
   if polarAngle < 0 then inc polarAngle, 360
   `Get the current position on the map
   MapPos.x = int(CamX+0.5)
   MapPos.y = int(CamZ+0.5)
   `Can we move? By default, no (1)... Best check for a wall in the polar target direction, if we can canMove=0
   canMove = 1
   select polarAngle
      case   0 : canMove = Maze(MapPos.x, MapPos.y).S : endcase
      case  90 : canMove = Maze(MapPos.x, MapPos.y).E : endcase
      case 180 : canMove = Maze(MapPos.x, MapPos.y).N : endcase
      case 270 : canMove = Maze(MapPos.x, MapPos.y).W : endcase
   if EnergyLevel# < 20.0 then canMove = 1
   `If we have a 1, we have a wall!
   if canMove = 1
      CROSS_ALPHA# = curvevalue(255, CROSS_ALPHA#, 750.0 / frameTime#)
      `Ok, now we need to move the target pointer based on the polar coord...
      select polarAngle
         case   0 : tX = MapPos.x   : tZ = MapPos.y+1 : endcase
         case  90 : tX = MapPos.x+1 : tZ = MapPos.y   : endcase
         case 180 : tX = MapPos.x   : tZ = MapPos.y-1 : endcase
         case 270 : tX = MapPos.x-1 : tZ = MapPos.y   : endcase
     `Move in the correct direction (1 unit in the polar direction determined above)...
      if LastMoveDirection <> udws
         if udws = %0010
            dec EnergyLevel#, 20.0
            target_x# = tX
            target_z# = tZ
      LastMoveDirection = udws
      CROSS_ALPHA# = curvevalue(0, CROSS_ALPHA#, 100.0 / frameTime#)
   set sprite alpha 2, CROSS_ALPHA#
   `move the camers smoothly
   position camera curvevalue(target_x#, CamX, 200.0 / frameTime#), 0.0, curvevalue(target_z#, CamZ, 200.0 / frameTime#)
   `paste the map
   paste image 1, 0, 0, 1
   `Offset it to the right place for a spot on the overhead map
   circX# = (CamX-0.5) * MAP_SCALE#
   circY# = (M_HEIGHT * MAP_SCALE#) - (CamZ-0.5) * MAP_SCALE#
   rotate sprite 1, angle#+90
   paste sprite 1, circX#, circY#
   `Generate a new maze!! (CHEAT!!)
   `if spacekey() then GenerateMaze()
   inc firedOne#, frameTime#
   for i = 2000 to 2100
      if object visible(i)
         oldX# = object position x(i)
         oldY# = object position y(i)
         oldZ# = object position z(i)
         move object i, frameTime# * 0.005
         io# = intersect object(1,  oldX#, oldY#, oldZ#,    object position x(i), oldY#, object position z(i))
`         text 600, (i-2000) * 10, str$(i-2000) + ", COLLISION: " + str$(io#)
         if io# > 0 then hide object i
         if spacekey()
            if firedOne# > 100.0 AND EnergyLevel# > 10.0
               select rnd(3)
                  case 0 : x# = -X_OFFSET : y# =  Y_OFFSET : z# = Z_OFFSET : endcase
                  case 1 : x# = -X_OFFSET : y# = -Y_OFFSET : z# = Z_OFFSET : endcase
                  case 2 : x# =  X_OFFSET : y# =  Y_OFFSET : z# = Z_OFFSET : endcase
                  case 3 : x# =  X_OFFSET : y# = -Y_OFFSET : z# = Z_OFFSET : endcase
               select polarAngle
                  case 90  : t# = z# : z# =  x# : x# =  t# : endcase
                  case 180 :           z# = -z# : x# = -x# : endcase
                  case 270 : t# = z# : z# = -x# : x# = -t# : endcase
               position object i, x# + CamX, y# + CamY, z# + CamZ
               yrotate object i, polarAngle
               show object i
               firedOne# = 0.0
               dec EnergyLevel#, 10.0
   next i
   inc EnergyLevel#, frameTime# * 0.01
   if EnergyLevel# > ENERGY_HEIGHT then EnergyLevel# = ENERGY_HEIGHT
   set point light 0, CamX, CamY, CamZ
   set light range 0, 40
`**                           **
`**     UPDATE ENERGY BAR     **
`**                           **
function updateEnergy()
   for i = 1 to ENERGY_HEIGHT-2
      `If current line is less than the current energy level then fade towards full, else fade to clear
      if i <= EnergyLevel#
         EnergyArray(i) = curvevalue(255.0, EnergyArray(i), 1000.0 / frameTime#)
         EnergyArray(i) = curvevalue(0.0, EnergyArray(i), 500.0 / frameTime#)
      ` Draw a line of this colour
      for j = 1 to ENERGY_WIDTH - 2
         p = 12 + ((j + (i * ENERGY_WIDTH)) * 4)
         write memblock byte 2, p+3, int(EnergyArray(i))
      next j
   next i
   make image from memblock 10, 2
`**                           **
`**      MAZE GENERATION      **
`**                           **
function GenerateMaze()
   for i = 1 to M_WIDTH
      for j = 1 to M_HEIGHT
         Maze(i,j).N = 1
         Maze(i,j).S = 1
         Maze(i,j).E = 1
         Maze(i,j).W = 1
      next j
   next i
   dim CellStack() as Coord : empty array CellStack() : array index to stack CellStack()
   TotalCells = M_WIDTH * M_HEIGHT
   VisitedCells = 1
   currentCell as Coord
   currentCell.x = rnd(M_WIDTH-2)+1
   currentCell.y = rnd(M_HEIGHT-2)+1
   Dim Available(4)
   while VisitedCells < TotalCells
      Available(0) = 0
      Available(1) = 0
      Available(2) = 0
      Available(3) = 0
      found = 0
      if currentCell.y > 1
         tX = currentCell.x
         tY = currentCell.y-1
         if Maze(tx,ty).N = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).S = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).E = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).W = 1
            inc found
            Available(0) = 1
      if currentCell.y < M_HEIGHT
         tX = currentCell.x
         tY = currentCell.y+1
         if Maze(tx,ty).N = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).S = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).E = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).W = 1
            inc found
            Available(1) = 1
      if currentCell.x > 1
         tX = currentCell.x-1
         tY = currentCell.y
         if Maze(tx,ty).N = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).S = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).E = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).W = 1
            inc found
            Available(2) = 1
      if currentCell.x < M_WIDTH
         tX = currentCell.x+1
         tY = currentCell.y
         if Maze(tx,ty).N = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).S = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).E = 1 AND Maze(tx,ty).W = 1
            inc found
            Available(3) = 1
      if found > 0
         choice = rnd(3)
         while Available(choice) = 0
            choice = rnd(3)
         select choice
            case 0
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y).N = 0
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y-1).S = 0
               add to stack CellStack()
               CellStack() = currentCell
               dec currentCell.y
            case 1
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y).S = 0
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y+1).N = 0
               add to stack CellStack()
               CellStack() = currentCell
               inc currentCell.y
            case 2
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y).W = 0
               Maze(currentCell.x-1, currentCell.y).E = 0
               add to stack CellStack()
               CellStack() = currentCell
               dec currentCell.x
            case 3
               Maze(currentCell.x, currentCell.y).E = 0
               Maze(currentCell.x+1, currentCell.y).W = 0
               add to stack CellStack()
               CellStack() = currentCell
               inc currentCell.x
         inc VisitedCells
         currentCell = CellStack()
         remove from stack CellStack()
   `Create a 2D Map image
   SCALEX# = (IMGX#-1) / M_WIDTH
   for i = 1 to M_WIDTH
      for j = 1 to M_HEIGHT
         x1 = (i-1) *  SCALEX#
         x2 =  i    *  SCALEX#
         y1 = (j-1) * -SCALEY# + (M_HEIGHT * MAP_SCALE#)
         y2 =  j    * -SCALEY# + (M_HEIGHT * MAP_SCALE#)
         if Maze(i,j).N = 1 then line x1, y1, x2, y1
         if Maze(i,j).S = 1 then line x1, y2, x2, y2
         if Maze(i,j).E = 1 then line x2, y1, x2, y2
         if Maze(i,j).W = 1 then line x1, y1, x1, y2
      next j
   next i
   get image 1, 0, 1, IMGX#, IMGY#+1, 1
  `Create a 3D Maze
  `Create a template wall
   if memblock exist(1) then delete memblock 1
   if object exist(1) then delete object 1
   if mesh exist(1) then delete mesh 1
   `Wall count formula - not sure why this works though :-)
   `  (((W*H) + 1) * 2) + (2 * W) + (2 * H)
   WALL_COUNT = (2 * M_WIDTH) + (2 * M_HEIGHT) + (2 * (1 + (M_WIDTH * M_HEIGHT)))
   `32 bytes per vertex, 3 vertexs per poly, 2 polies per square... 1 square = 1 wall
   make memblock 1, 12 + (32 * 3 * 2 * WALL_COUNT)
   write memblock dword 1, 0, 274 : ` format
   write memblock dword 1, 4, 32 : `number of bytes per vertex
   write memblock dword 1, 8, WALL_COUNT * 2 * 3 : ` number of vertices
   n = 12
   for i = 1 to M_WIDTH
      for j = 1 to M_HEIGHT
         if Maze(i,j).N then n = makeNorthWall(i, j, n)
         if Maze(i,j).S then n = makeSouthWall(i, j, n)
         if Maze(i,j).E then n = makeEastWall(i, j, n)
         if Maze(i,j).W then n = makeWestWall(i, j, n)
         if i = 1        then n = makeEastWall (i-1, j  , n)
         if i = M_WIDTH  then n = makeWestWall (i+1, j  , n)
         if j = 1        then n = makeSouthWall(i  , j-1, n)
         if j = M_HEIGHT then n = makeNorthWall(i  , j+1, n)
      next j
   next i
   make mesh from memblock 1, 1
   make object 1, 1, -1
   color object 1, rgb(128, 128, 128) && (96 << 24)
   set object transparency 1, 5
   disable object zread 1
   delete mesh 1
   delete memblock 1
function makeNorthWall(i, j, n)
   x1# = i - 0.5 : x2# = i + 0.5 : z# = j - 0.5
   `Triangle 1
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   0, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   0, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   1, 0)
   `Triangle 2
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   0, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, -1,   1, 1)
endfunction n
function makeSouthWall(i, j, n)
   x1# = i - 0.5 : x2# = i + 0.5 : z# = j + 0.5
   `Triangle 1
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   0, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   0, 1)
   `Triangle 2
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#, -0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x2#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   1, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x1#,  0.5, z#,   0, 0, 1,   0, 1)
endfunction n
function makeEastWall(i, j, n)
   x# = i + 0.5 : z1# = j - 0.5 : z2# = j + 0.5
   `Triangle 1
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z1#,  -1, 0, 0,   0, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z1#,  -1, 0, 0,   0, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z2#,  -1, 0, 0,   1, 0)
   `Triangle 2
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z2#,  -1, 0, 0,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z1#,  -1, 0, 0,   1, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z2#,  -1, 0, 0,   0, 1)
endfunction n
function makeWestWall(i, j, n)
   x# = i - 0.5 : z1# = j - 0.5 : z2# = j + 0.5
   `Triangle 1
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z1#,   1, 0, 0,   0, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z2#,   1, 0, 0,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z1#,   1, 0, 0,   0, 1)
   `Triangle 2
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#, -0.5, z2#,   1, 0, 0,   1, 0)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z2#,   1, 0, 0,   0, 1)
   n = writeVertex(1, n, x#,  0.5, z1#,   1, 0, 0,   1, 1)
endfunction n
function writeVertex(mb, n,   x#, y#, z#,   nx#, ny#, nz#,   u#, v#)
   write memblock float 1, n +  0, x#
   write memblock float 1, n +  4, y#
   write memblock float 1, n +  8, z#
   write memblock float 1, n + 12, nx#
   write memblock float 1, n + 16, ny#
   write memblock float 1, n + 20, nz#
   write memblock float 1, n + 24, u#
   write memblock float 1, n + 28, v#
   inc n, 32
endfunction n
function RoundFloat(inp#)
   `Calc the MOD using decimal
   LeftOver# = inp# - int(inp#)
   if LeftOver# > -0.5 AND LeftOver# < 0.5
      `Round towards 0, ie return int()
      out = int(inp#)
      if LeftOver# >= 0.5
         `Round Up, ie int() + 1
         out = int(inp#) + 1
         `Round down, ie int() - 1
         out = int(inp#) - 1
endfunction out