sync on : sync rate 80
hide mouse
randomize timer()
`display mode
set display mode 640,480,16
set text font "Comic Sans MS"
set text size 18
`Create player
gosub CreatePlayer
`Create World
gosub CreateWorld
`Create level var
global Level
Level = 1
`create enemies
global Enemies as integer
Enemies = 5
`Start game
ghost object off 1
type Plr
   id as integer
   health as integer
   power as integer
   aph as integer
   `animation phase(used for getting the point of animation)
   Move as float
   Run as float
   WeaponDrawed as integer
   maxdelay as integer
   delay as integer
dim Player(Enemies + 1) as Plr
Player(1).id = 1
Player(1).power = 1
Player(1).aph = 0
Player(1).Move = 0.4
Player(1).Run = 0.5
Player(1).maxdelay = 50
Player(1).WeaponDrawed = 1
Player(1).Health = 3
type enemyInfo
   AngX# as float
   AngY# as float
   move as integer
   left as integer
   right as integer
   shoot as integer
   status as integer
   time as integer
   targetx as float
   targetz as float
dim Enemy(Enemies) as enemyInfo
for i = 1 to Enemies
   `Create enemy
   if object exist(1 + i) = 0 then clone object 1 + i,1
   `Player data
   Player(1 + i).id = 1 + i
   Player(1 + i).aph = 0
   Player(1 + i).Move = 0.2
   Player(1 + i).Run = 0.2
   Player(1 + i).WeaponDrawed = 0
   Player(1 + i).Health = 1 + (Level/2)
   Player(1 + i).maxdelay = 100
   X# = rnd(1000)
   Z# = rnd(1000)
   position object Player(1 + i).id,X#,0,Z#
   `enemy AI data
   Enemy(i).move = 0
   Enemy(i).status = 0
   Enemy(i).left = 0
   Enemy(i).right = 0
   Enemy(i).AngX# = 0
   Enemy(i).AngY# = rnd(360)
   Enemy(i).shoot = 0
   Enemy(i).time = rnd(500)
   `unhide objects in case you reached the next level
   show object 1 + i
next i
`Delete all unnecessary enemies
while object exist(1 + i) > 0
   delete object 1 + i
`Create a bom
if object exist(2000) = 0 then make object cube 2000, 0.3
color object 2000, rgb(75,75,75)
hide object 2000 : position object 2000,0,-30,0
BombPlaced = 0
BombTimer = 0
Explosion = 0
if object exist(2001) = 0 then make object sphere 2001, 2
color object 2001, RGB(255,128,0)
hide object 2001 : position object 2001, 0, -30, 0 : scale object 2001, 10, 10, 10
disable object zwrite 2001
set object ambient 2001, rgb(255,128,0)
set object emissive 2001, rgb(255,128,0)
`reset variables
angx# = 0.0
angy# = 0.0
`Deals ghosting for the main player
global ghosting as integer
ghosting = 0
`Create a vector for checking distances
r = make vector3(1)
`position player
position object 1,500,0,500
   `Control player
   angx# = wrapvalue(angx# + (mousemovey()*0.2))
   `Angle boundries
   if wrapvalue(angx#-180) > 260.0
      angx# = 80.0
      if wrapvalue(angx#-180) < 150 then angx# = 330
   angy# = wrapvalue(angy# + (mousemovex()*0.2))
   if upkey() = 1 then move = 1 else move = 0
   if downkey() = 1 then back = 1 else back = 0
   if leftkey() = 1 then left = 1 else left = 0
   if rightkey() = 1 then right = 1 else right = 0
   if controlkey() = 1 and hold = 0
      hold = 1
      Player(1).WeaponDrawed = abs(Player(1).WeaponDrawed-1)
   if mouseclick() = 1 then shoot = 1 else shoot = 0
   ControlPlayer(1, angx#, angy#, move, back, left, right, shoot)
   `turn on/off ghosting player
   if shiftkey() > 0 and hold = 0
      hold = 1
      if ghosting = 0 then ghosting = 1 else ghosting = 0
      if ghosting > 0 then ghost object on 1 else ghost object off 1
   CamBehind(1, 6.0, 2.0, 1.25, angx#, angy#)
   `Control bullets
   gosub ControlBullets
   `Control bomb
   gosub BombControl
   `control water
   waterAng# = wrapvalue(waterAng#+0.2)
   position object 10000, 500, -2.5 + sin(waterAng#)*0.5, 500
   `Control enemies
   gosub EnemiesAI
   `Enable keys
   if controlkey() + shiftkey() = 0 then hold = 0
   if mouseclick() <> 2 then MouseHold = 0
   `Control HUD
   gosub HUD
`*** Enemy AI ***
   Kills = 0
   for e = 1 to Enemies
      obj = Player(1 + e).id
      if Player(1 + e).Health > 0
         set vector3 1, object position x(1) - object position x(obj), object position y(1) - object position y(obj), object position z(1) - object position z(obj)
         `*** Enemy AI ***
         select Enemy(e).status
            case 0
               `Get distance
               dist# = length vector3(1)
               `if player gets too close, draw weapon and attack
               if dist# < 150.0
                  Player(1 + e).WeaponDrawed = 1
                  Enemy(e).status = 1
                  `Reset enemy
                  Player(1 + e).WeaponDrawed = 0
                  Enemy(e).shoot = 0
                  if Enemy(e).time >= 0 then inc Enemy(e).time : Enemy(e).move = 0
                  if Enemy(e).time > 500
                     Enemy(e).time = -1
                  if Enemy(e).time = -1
                     `Calculate target
                     Enemy(e).targetx = object position x(obj) - 50 + rnd(100)
                     Enemy(e).targetz = object position z(obj) - 50 + rnd(100)
                     `Get boundries
                     if Enemy(e).targetx < 0 then Enemy(e).targetx = abs(Enemy(e).targetx)
                     if Enemy(e).targetz < 0 then Enemy(e).targetz = abs(Enemy(e).targetz)
                     if Enemy(e).targetx > 1000 then Enemy(e).targetx = 1000 - abs(Enemy(e).targetx)
                     if Enemy(e).targetz > 1000 then Enemy(e).targetz = 1000 - abs(Enemy(e).targetz)
                     `Proceed to the next step
                     Enemy(e).time = -2
                  if Enemy(e).time = -2
                     `Point object to get data
                     point object obj, Enemy(e).targetx, object position y(obj), Enemy(e).targetz
                     `get data
                     Enemy(e).AngY# = object angle y(obj)
                     Enemy(e).move = 1
                     `for distance
                     set vector3 1, object position x(obj) - Enemy(e).targetx, 0, object position z(obj) - Enemy(e).targetz
                     if length vector3(1) < 0.2 then Enemy(e).time = 0
            case 1
               `get distance
               dist# = length vector3(1)
               point object obj, object position x(1), object position y(1), object position z(1)
               Enemy(e).AngY# = object angle y(obj) - 3 + rnd(6)
               Enemy(e).AngX# = object angle x(obj)
               Enemy(e).shoot = 1
               if dist# < 50.0 then Enemy(e).move = 0 else Enemy(e).move = 1
               `Reset to normal if you escaped.
               if dist# > 175.0 then Enemy(e).status = 0
         `update enemy
         ControlPlayer(1 + e, Enemy(e).AngX#, Enemy(e).AngY#, Enemy(e).move, 0, Enemy(e).left, Enemy(e).right, Enemy(e).shoot)
         `Kill enemy
         hide object obj
         position object obj, 0, -50, 0
         inc Kills
   next e
`*** HUD ***
   `Draw HUD
   ink 0,0
   box 0,0,100,40
   ink rgb(0,255,0),0
   box 0,0,100 / 3 * Player(1).health, 20
   ink 0,0
   center text 50,0,str$(Player(1).health)
   ink rgb(255,255,255),0
   text 5, 20, "Kills: " + str$(Kills) + "/" + str$(Enemies)
   `Handle losing
   if Player(1).health <= 0 then goto Lose
   if Kills = Enemies then goto Win
`*** Control All bullets ***
   `control all bullets
   for b = 1 to bulletQuant
      `If bullet is in the air
      if Bullet(b) > 0
         `move object
         move object bulletStart + b, 1
         dec Bullet(b)
         `detect anything that can stop the bullet
         if object position y(bulletStart + b) < get ground height(1, object position x(bulletStart + b), object position z(bulletStart + b)) then Bullet(b) = 0
         col = object collision(bulletStart + b, 0)
         if col > 0
            Bullet(b) = 0
            if col > 1 and col <= 1 + Enemies
               `For enemies
               dec Player(col).Health, Player(1).power
               Enemy(col-1).status = 2
            if col = 1
               dec Player(1).health
         `bullet dies
         if Bullet(b) = 0 then hide object bulletStart + b : position object bulletStart + b, 0,-50,0
   next b
`*** Control the bomb ***
   if mouseclick() = 2 and MouseHold = 0
      MouseHold = 1
      if BombPlaced = 0
         BombPlaced = 1
         BombTimer = 200
         show object 2000
         position object 2000, object position x(1), get ground height(1, object position x(1), object position z(1)), object position z(1)
   if BombTimer > 0
      dec BombTimer
      red = int(255.0/200*(200-BombTimer))
      color object 2000, rgb(red, 128, 0)
      set object emissive 2000, rgb(red, 128, 0)
      set object ambient 2000, rgb(red, 128, 0)
      if BombTimer = 0 then Explosion = 40
   `handle explosion
   if Explosion > 0
      dec Explosion : show object 2001
      position object 2001, object position x(2000), object position y(2000), object position z(2000)
      scale object 2001, 1000 - (Explosion*20), 1000 - (Explosion*20), 1000 - (Explosion*20)
      set alpha mapping on 2001, Explosion*2
      `Check for collision
      for i = 1 to 1 + Enemies
         if object collision(2001, i) > 0 then col = i
      next i
      if col > 0
         if col > 0 and col < 1 + Enemies
            dec Player(col).health, 1
      if Explosion <= 0
         hide object 2001 : scale object 2001, 10, 10, 10 : position object 2001, 0, -30, 0
         hide object 2000 : position object 2000, 0, -30, 0
         BombPlaced = 0
`*** Create player ***
   `create player
   make object box 1,2,3,1
   make object sphere 2,1.5
   make mesh from object 1,2
   delete object 2
   add limb 1,1,1
   link limb 1,0,1
   offset limb 1,1,0,2.5,0
   delete mesh 1
   `make arms
   make object box 2,0.5,1.5,0.5
   offset limb 2,0,0,-0.75,0
   make mesh from object 1,2
   `left arm
   add limb 1,2,1
   add limb 1,3,1
   link limb 1,2,3
   offset limb 1,3,0,-1.5,0
   offset limb 1,2,1.25,1.5,0
   `right arm
   add limb 1,4,1
   add limb 1,5,1
   link limb 1,4,5
   offset limb 1,5,0,-1.5,0
   offset limb 1,4,-1.25,1.5,0
   `make legs
   `left leg
   add limb 1,6,1
   add limb 1,7,1
   link limb 1,6,7
   offset limb 1,7,0,-1.5,0
   offset limb 1,6,-0.5,-1,0
   `right leg
   add limb 1,8,1
   add limb 1,9,1
   link limb 1,8,9
   offset limb 1,9,0,-1.5,0
   offset limb 1,8,0.5,-1,0
   `clean up
   delete object 2
   delete mesh 1
   set camera range 0.1,100000
   `Create world
   make matrix 1,1000,1000,50,50
   prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1
   `prepare heights
   for y = 1 to 50
      for x = 1 to 50
         set matrix height 1, x, y, sin(x*y)*5
      next x
   next y
   update matrix 1
   `make water
   make object plain 10000,1000,1000
   rotate object 10000,-90,0,0
   position object 10000,500,-2.5,500
   set object light 10000,1
   set reflection shading on 10000
   set object collision off 10000
   `make sky
   make object plain 10001,10000,10000
   position object 10001,500,500,500
   xrotate object 10001,90
   texture object 10001,2
   set object cull 10001,0
   set object light 10001,1
   scale object texture 10001,5,5
   for i = 0 to 3
      make object plain 10002 + i, 10000, 1000
      position object 10002 + i, 500 + cos(90*i)*5000, 0, 500 + sin(90*i)*5000
      color object 10002 + i, rgb(0,0,50)
      point object 10002 + i, 500, 0, 500
   next i
   fog on
   fog color rgb(0,0,50)
   fog distance 5000
   backdrop on
   color backdrop rgb(0,0,50)
   `make bullets
   #constant bulletStart = 1000
   #constant bulletQuant = 500
   global currentBullet
   dim Bullet(bulletQuant)
   for i = 1 to bulletQuant
      make object box bulletStart + i, 0.1, 0.2, 1
      color object bulletStart + i, rgb(255, 0, 0)
      set object emissive bulletStart + i, rgb(255,0,0)
      set object ambient bulletStart + i, rgb(255,0,0)
      hide object bulletStart + i
   next i
`           LOSE/WIN
   center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2, "You lose!"
   center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2 + 50, "Press any key to restart, esc to quit."
   wait 2000
wait key
Enemies = 5
goto Restart
   inc Level
   center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2, "You win!"
   center text screen width()/2, screen height()/2 + 50, "Press any key to go to level " + str$(Level) + ", esc to quit."
   wait 2000
wait key
Enemies = Enemies + 2
goto Restart
function ControlPlayer(id, angx#, angy#, move, back, left, right, shoot)
   `Extract data
   obj = Player(id).id
   posx# = object position x(obj)
   posy# = object position y(obj)
   posz# = object position z(obj)
   Weapon = Player(id).WeaponDrawed
   `animate character
   `Control player
   `move the player
   if Weapon = 1
      move# = Player(id).Move
      rotate limb obj,2,wrapvalue(angx#-90),0,0
      rotate limb obj,3, 0, 0, 0
      move# = Player(id).Run
   if move = 1 and left+right = 0
      posx# = newxvalue(posx#, angy#, move#)
      posz# = newzvalue(posz#, angy#, move#)
   if back = 1 and left+right = 0
      posx# = newxvalue(posx#, angy#, -move#)
      posz# = newzvalue(posz#, angy#, -move#)
   if left = 1
      yrotate object obj, wrapvalue(angy# - 90)
      if Weapon > 0
         rotate limb obj,2, wrapvalue(angx#-90), 90, 0
         rotate limb obj,3, 0, 0, 0
      posx# = newxvalue(posx#, wrapvalue(angy# - 90), move#)
      posz# = newzvalue(posz#, wrapvalue(angy# - 90), move#)
   if right = 1
      yrotate object obj, wrapvalue(angy# + 90)
      if Weapon > 0
         rotate limb obj,2, -90,0,-10
         rotate limb obj,3, wrapvalue(angx#), 0, -90
      posx# = newxvalue(posx#, wrapvalue(angy# + 90), move#)
      posz# = newzvalue(posz#, wrapvalue(angy# + 90), move#)
   if left + right + move + back > 0
      if Player(id).aph <= 2 then Player(id).aph = 3
      if Player(id).aph > 2 then Player(id).aph = 0
   if Weapon > 0
      if Player(id).delay > 0 then dec Player(id).delay
      if shoot > 0 and Player(id).delay = 0
         Player(id).delay = Player(id).maxdelay
         inc currentBullet
         if currentBullet > bulletQuant then currentBullet = 1
         position object bulletStart + currentBullet, limb position x(obj,2), limb position y(obj,2), limb position z(obj,2)
         rotate object bulletStart + currentBullet, angx#, angy#, 0
         if right > 0 then move object right bulletStart + currentBullet, 2.0
         move object bulletStart + currentBullet, 6
         show object bulletStart + currentBullet
         Bullet(currentBullet) = 150
   `calculate height
   posy# = get ground height(1, posx#, posz#) + 4
   if posx# < 0.0 then posx# = 0.0
   if posz# < 0.0 then posz# = 0.0
   if posx# > 1000.0 then posx# = 1000.0
   if posz# > 1000.0 then posz# = 1000.0
   `update player
   position object obj, posx#, posy#, posz#
   if left + right = 0
      yrotate object obj, angy#
function animate(id)
   obj = Player(id).id
   Phase = Player(id).aph
   `Animate character
   if Phase <= 2
      select Phase
         case 0
            `reset body
            for i = 1 to 8
               rotate limb obj,i,0,0,0
            next i
            Player(id).aph = 1
         case 1
            pass = 0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)+180)>150
               rotate limb obj,6,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)-0.1),0,0
               rotate limb obj,7,wrapvalue(360-limb angle x(obj,6)),0,0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)+180)>150
               rotate limb obj,8,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)-0.1),0,0
               rotate limb obj,9,wrapvalue(360-limb angle x(obj,8)),0,0
            if pass = 1 then Player(id).aph = 2
         case 2
            pass = 0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)+180)<180
               rotate limb obj,6,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)+0.1),0,0
               rotate limb obj,7,wrapvalue(360-limb angle x(obj,6)),0,0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)+180)<180
               rotate limb obj,8,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)+0.1),0,0
               rotate limb obj,9,wrapvalue(360-limb angle x(obj,8)),0,0
            if pass = 1 then Player(id).aph = 1
      rotate limb obj,2,0,0,0 : rotate limb obj,3,0,0,0
      rotate limb obj,4,0,0,0 : rotate limb obj,5,0,0,0
   if Phase>2 and Phase<=5
      select Phase
         case 3
            `reset body
            for i = 1 to 8
               rotate limb obj,i,0,0,0
            next i
            Player(id).aph = 4
         case 4
            pass = 0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj, 6)-180) < 210
               rotate limb obj,6,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)+2),0,0
               rotate limb obj,7,wrapvalue(30 - limb angle x(obj,6)),0,0
               pass = 1
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj, 8)-180) > 150
               rotate limb obj,8,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)-2),0,0
               rotate limb obj,9,wrapvalue(30-limb angle x(obj,8)),0,0
               pass = 1
            if pass = 1 then Player(id).aph = 5
         case 5
            pass = 0
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)-180) > 150
               rotate limb obj,6,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,6)-2),0,0
               rotate limb obj,7,wrapvalue(30-limb angle x(obj,6)),0,0
               pass = 1
            if wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)-180) < 210
               rotate limb obj,8,wrapvalue(limb angle x(obj,8)+2),0,0
               rotate limb obj,9,wrapvalue(30-limb angle x(obj,8)),0,0
               pass = 1
            if pass = 1 then Player(id).aph = 4
      rotate limb obj,2, limb angle x(obj,8),0,0
      rotate limb obj,4, limb angle x(obj,6),0,0
      rotate limb obj,3, -100,0,0
      rotate limb obj,5, -100,0,0
function CamBehind(obj, Dist#, Height#, RightOff#, angx#, angy#)
   `get position data
   posx# = object position x(obj)
   posy# = object position y(obj) + Height#
   posz# = object position z(obj)
   angy# = wrapvalue(angy#-180)
   `work out the camera position
   camx# = newxvalue(posx#, angy#, cos(angx#)*Dist#)
   camz# = newzvalue(posz#, angy#, cos(angx#)*Dist#)
   camy# = posy# + (sin(angx#)*Dist#)
   `Work out right of cam pos
   camx# = newxvalue(camx#, wrapvalue(angy#-90), RightOff#)
   camz# = newzvalue(camz#, wrapvalue(angy#-90), RightOff#)
   `smoothen up
   camx# = curvevalue(camx#, camera position x(), 5)
   camy# = curvevalue(camy#, camera position y(), 5)
   camz# = curvevalue(camz#, camera position z(), 5)
   `collision with ground
   if camy# < get ground height(1, camx#, camz#)+1
      distance# = sqrt(Dist#^2 - (posy#-get ground height(1,posx#,posz#))^2)
      camx# = newxvalue(posx#, angy#, distance#)
      camz# = newzvalue(posz#, angy#, distance#)
      camy# = get ground height(1, camx#, camz#)+1
   `update camera
   position camera camx#,camy#,camz#
   point camera newxvalue(posx#, wrapvalue(angy#-90), RightOff#), posy#, newzvalue(posz#, wrapvalue(angy#-90), RightOff#)
function CreateGrassTex(nr, Width, Height)
   `create a memblock
   make memblock nr, 12 + (Width*Height*4)
   `write header
   write memblock DWORD nr,0, Width
   write memblock DWORD nr,4, Height
   write memblock DWORD nr,8, 32
   `write data
   for i = 1 to (Width*Height)
      green = 50 + rnd(55)
      write memblock byte nr, 12 + ((i-1)*4), 0
      write memblock byte nr, 13 + ((i-1)*4), green
      write memblock byte nr, 14 + ((i-1)*4), 0
      write memblock byte nr, 15 + ((i-1)*4), 255
   next i
   `create an image from the memblock and delete memblock
   make image from memblock nr,nr
   delete memblock nr
function CreateSkyTex(nr, width, height)
   make memblock nr, 12 + (width*height*4)
   write memblock dword nr, 0, width
   write memblock dword nr, 4, height
   write memblock dword nr, 8, 32
   for y = 1 to height
      for x = 1 to width
         pos = 12 + ((y-1)*width*4) + ((x-1)*4)
         BW = rnd(10)
         if BW > 0
            blue = 255
            green = rnd(255)
            red = green
            blue = 255
            green = blue
            red = green
         write memblock byte nr, pos, blue
         write memblock byte nr, pos+1, green
         write memblock byte nr, pos+2, red
         write memblock byte nr, pos+3, 255
      next x
   next y
   make image from memblock nr, nr
   create bitmap nr, width, height
   set current bitmap nr
   paste image nr, 0, 0
   blur bitmap nr, 2
   blur bitmap nr, 2
   get image nr, 0,0, width, height
   delete bitmap nr
   set current bitmap 0