`Terrain Editor program
`By Segan
Gosub _InitialiseGlobals
Gosub _SetupScreen
Make Matrix 1, 10, 10, 10, 10
Position Matrix 1, -5, 0, -5
Function MoveCamera(MoveSpeed#)
	`CameraX, CameraY, CameraZ, CamPointX, CamPointY, CamPointZ and CamCirclePos 
	`all have to be globals and have to have values before function is called.
	tmove = 0
	Angle# = Camera Angle Y()
	tMoveSpeed# = MoveSpeed#
	If Shiftkey() = 0
		If Leftkey() = 1 Then tMove = 1: Angle# = wrapvalue(Angle#+270):Goto MoveCameraNext
		If Rightkey() = 1 Then tMove = 1: Angle# = wrapvalue(Angle#+90):Goto MoveCameraNext
		If Upkey() = 1 Then tMove = 1: Angle# = wrapvalue(Angle#): Goto MoveCameraNext
		If Downkey() = 1 Then tMove = 1: Angle# = wrapvalue(Angle#+180): Goto MoveCameraNext
	If tMove = 1
		If Angle# >= 0 AND Angle# <= 180
			CameraX = Newxvalue(CameraX, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
			CamPointX = Newxvalue(CamPointX, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)						
		If Angle# >= 180 And Angle# <= 360
			CameraX = Newxvalue(CameraX, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)	
			CamPointX = Newxvalue(CamPointX, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
		If Angle# >= 270 Or Angle# <= 90
			CameraZ = Newzvalue(CameraZ, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
			CamPointZ = Newzvalue(CamPointZ, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
		If Angle# >= 90 And Angle# <= 270
			CameraZ = Newzvalue(CameraZ, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
			CamPointZ = Newzvalue(CamPointZ, Angle#, tMoveSpeed#)
	Position Camera CameraX,CameraY,CameraZ
	Point Camera CamPointX, CamPointY, CamPointZ
	tempMouseMove = MouseMoveZ()  
	If tempMouseMove > 0 Then Move Camera MoveSpeed#*3
	If tempMouseMove < 0 Then Move Camera -MoveSpeed#*3
	CameraX = Camera Position X()
	CameraY = Camera Position Y()
	CameraZ = Camera Position Z()
	If Shiftkey() > 0
		If LeftKey() = 1 Then CamCirclePos = Wrapvalue(CamCirclePos - 1.0)
		If RightKey() = 1 Then CamCirclePos = Wrapvalue(CamCirclePos + 1.0)
		If Upkey() = 1 Then CameraY = CameraY + MoveSpeed#
		If Downkey() = 1 Then CameraY = CameraY - MoveSpeed#
	AdjustCamX# = (Sin(CamCirclePos)*abs(CameraZ-CamPointZ))+CameraX
	AdjustCamZ# = (Cos(CamCirclePos)*abs(CameraZ-CamPointZ))+CameraZ-(CameraZ-CamPointZ)
	Position Camera AdjustCamX#,CameraY,AdjustCamZ#
	Point Camera CamPointX, CamPointY, CamPointZ
	`Camera Variables:
	Global CameraX As Float: CameraX = 0.0
	Global CameraY As Float: CameraY = 10.0
	Global CameraZ As Float: CameraZ = -5.0
	Global CamPointX As Float: CamPointX = 0.0
	Global CamPointY As Float: CamPointY = 0.0
	Global CamPointZ As Float: CamPointZ = 0.0
	Global CamCirclePos As Float: CamCirclePos = 180.0
	`!!!Perhaps temporary if a function to find them out can be made.!!!
	Global PointCameraX As Float: PointCameraX = 0
	Global PointCameraY As Float: PointCameraY = 0
	Global PointCameraZ As Float: PointCameraZ = 0
	`Setup the screen
	Sync On: Sync Rate 60
	autocam off
	backdrop on
	`Setup the camera
	Position Camera CameraX,CameraY,CameraZ
	Point Camera PointCameraX,PointCameraY,PointCameraZ