remstart Paint program by Sven B remend set display mode 1024, 768, 32 sync on : sync rate 0 color backdrop 0 backdrop off disable escapekey `This are the constants used for the layout #constant Theme = RGB(189,6,56) #constant ThemeBack = RGB(255,162,21) #constant ThemeTxt = rgb(255, 255, 0) #constant ThemeFont = "Comic Sans MS" `Possible export extensions (taken from dim Export$(4) Export$(1) = ".bmp" Export$(2) = ".jpg" Export$(3) = ".dib" Export$(4) = ".dds" `Possible load extensions (taken from dim Import$(6) Import$(1) = ".bmp" Import$(2) = ".dib" Import$(3) = ".png" Import$(4) = ".jpg" Import$(5) = ".dds" Import$(6) = ".tga" `Initialize the paint program gosub Initialize `Create media gosub CreateMedia r = SBCreateWindow(100, 150, 200, 200, 150, 150) do `Paste hud paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Handle buttons gosub Buttons `Handle windows gosub Windows `If zoom window is turned on, create a zoom right from this window if ZoomWind = 1 CreateZoom(mousex(), mousey()) else if sprite exist(ZoomImg) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg if sprite exist(ZoomImg + 1) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg + 1 endif sync loop `******************************** `Subs `******************************** Windows: `Handle all windows Windows = array count(Window(0)) if Windows > 0 for w = 1 to Windows HandleWindow(w) next w `If there is an active window if ActiveWindow > 0 `Handle it HandleActiveWindow(ActiveWindow) else `Else, if the mouse is pressed, search for a new active window if mouseclick() > 0 `Go off all windows for w = 1 to Windows if mousex() > Window(w).x and mousex() < Window(w).x + Window(w).sx if mousey() > Window(w).y and mousey() < Window(w).y + Window(w).sy + 8 ActiveWindow = w endif endif next w endif endif endif return Buttons: `New if mousex() > 1 and mousex() < 51 and mousey() < 50 paste image GUI + 3, 1, 1 `Create new if mouseclick() > 0 gosub New endif endif `Load if mousex() > 51 and mousex() < 101 and mousey() < 50 paste image GUI + 4, 51, 1 if mouseclick() = 1 then gosub Load endif `Export if mousex() > 101 and mousex() < 151 and mousey() < 50 paste image GUI + 5, 101, 1 if mouseclick() = 1 then gosub Export endif `Exit if mousex() > 151 and mousex() < 201 and mousey() < 50 paste image GUI + 6, 151, 1 if mouseclick() = 1 then end endif `Tools `Pen tool if mousex() > scrX - 49 and mousex() < scrX - 25 and mousey() > 51 and mousey() < 74 or CTool = 1 paste image GUI + 7, scrX - 49, 51 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 1 endif `Circle tool if mousex() > scrX - 24 and mousey() > 51 and mousey() < 74 or CTool = 2 paste image GUI + 8, scrX - 24, 51 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 2 endif `Box tool if mousex() > scrX - 49 and mousex() < scrX - 24 and mousey() > 76 and mousey() < 99 or CTool = 3 paste image GUI + 9, scrX - 49, 76 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 3 endif `Fill tool if mousex() > scrX - 24 and mousey() > 76 and mousey() < 99 or CTool = 4 paste image GUI + 10, scrX - 24, 76 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 4 endif `Line tool if mousex() > scrX - 49 and mousex() < scrX - 25 and mousey() > 101 and mousey() < 124 or CTool = 5 paste image GUI + 11, scrX - 49, 101 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 5 endif `Zoom window if mousex() > scrX - 24 and mousey() > 101 and mousey() < 124 paste image GUI + 12, scrX - 24, 101 if mouseclick() = 1 ZoomWind = abs(ZoomWind - 1) repeat : until mouseclick() = 0 endif endif if ZoomWind = 1 paste image GUI + 12, scrX - 24, 101 endif `Spray tool if mousex() > scrX - 49 and mousex() < scrX - 26 and mousey() > 126 and mousey() < 149 or CTool = 6 paste image GUI + 13, scrX - 49, 126 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 6 endif `Display brush options when CTool = 7 if CTool = 6 `Increase/decrease radius ink ThemeTxt, 0 text scrX - 48, 170, "Size" ToolSize = IncDecValue(scrX - 48, 194, ToolSize) `Increase/decrease radius ink ThemeTxt, 0 text scrX - 48, 220, "Density" ToolDensity = IncDecValue(scrX - 48, 242, ToolDensity) endif `Brush tool if mousex() > scrX - 24 and mousey() > 126 and mousey() < 149 or CTool = 7 paste image GUI + 14, scrX - 24, 126 if mouseclick() = 1 then CTool = 7 endif `RGB color `The red value if mousey() > scrY - 270 and mousey() < scrY - 5 and mouseclick() = 1 if mousex() > scrX - 43 and mousex() < scrX - 36 ForRed = scrY - mousey() - 10 if ForRed < 0 then ForRed = 0 if ForRed > 255 then ForRed = 255 endif if mousex() > scrX - 29 and mousex() < scrX - 22 ForGreen = scrY - mousey() - 10 if ForGreen < 0 then ForGreen = 0 if ForGreen > 255 then ForGreen = 255 endif if mousex() > scrX - 15 and mousex() < scrX - 8 ForBlue = scrY - mousey() - 10 if ForBlue < 0 then ForBlue = 0 if ForBlue > 255 then ForBlue = 255 endif endif ForColor = rgb(ForRed, ForGreen, ForBlue) `Display boxes box scrX - 43, scrY - 10 - ForRed, scrX - 36, scrY - 10, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 0, 0), rgb(255, 0, 0) box scrX - 29, scrY - 10 - ForGreen, scrX - 22, scrY - 10, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 255, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0) box scrX - 15, scrY - 10 - ForBlue, scrX - 8, scrY - 10, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 0, 255) `Main color ink ForColor, 0 box scrX - 47, scrY - 305, scrX - 3, scrY - 271 `Color picker if mouseclick() = 1 and mousex() > scrX - 47 and mousex() < scrX - 3 if mousey() > scrY - 305 and mousey() < scrY - 271 ActiveWindow = 0 `Color picker size sprite GUI, 320, 8 paste sprite GUI, 0, 0 paste image GUI + 1, 313, 1 ink Theme, 0 box 0, 8, 320, 208 ink ThemeBack, 0 box 1, 8, 319, 207 `Create color picker for i = 0 to 255 step 5 box 5 + (i/5), 12, 6 + (i/5), 102, rgb(255, i, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, i, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 56 + (i/5), 12, 57 + (i/5), 102, rgb(255 - i, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255 - i, 255, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 107 + (i/5), 12, 108 + (i/5), 102, rgb(0, 255, i), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 255, i), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 158 + (i/5), 12, 159 + (i/5), 102, rgb(0, 255 - i, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(0, 255 - i, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 209 + (i/5), 12, 210 + (i/5), 102, rgb(i, 0, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(i, 0, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 260 + (i/5), 12, 261 + (i/5), 102, rgb(255, 0, 255 - i), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 0, 255 - i), rgb(255, 255, 255) next i box 5, 107, 311, 122, rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255) box 90, 156, 190, 176, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255) get image Bin, 0, 0, 320, 208, 1 make memblock from image Bin, Bin `Get X and Y window coords wx = (scrX/2) - 160 wy = (scrY/2) - 104 mx = wx + 5 my = wy + 12 tempRed = 255 tempGreen = 255 tempBlue = 255 tempAlpha = 255 do `Refresh paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Handle windows Windows = array count(Window(0)) if Windows > 0 for w = 1 to Windows HandleWindow(w) next w endif `Display window paste image Bin, wx, wy `Clicking if mouseclick() > 0 `Quit if mousex() > wx + 313 and mousex() < wx + 319 if mousey() > wy + 1 and mousey() < wy + 7 exit endif endif `Color picking posx = mousex() - wx posy = mousey() - wy if posx >= 5 and posy >= 12 if posx <= 311 and posy < 102 mx = mousex() : my = mousey() `Extract color pos = 12 + (((posy*320) + posx)*4) tempBlue = memblock byte(Bin, pos) tempGreen = memblock byte(Bin, pos+1) tempRed = memblock byte(Bin, pos + 2) endif endif `Alpha if posx >= 5 and posx <= 311 if posy >= 107 and posy <= 122 tempAlpha = 255.0 / 306.0 * (posx - 5) endif endif endif `Accept if mousex() > wx + 90 and mousex() < wx + 190 if mousey() > wy + 156 and mousey() < wy + 176 box wx + 90, wy + 156, wx + 190, wy + 176, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme if mouseclick() = 1 ForRed = tempRed / 255.0 * tempAlpha ForGreen = tempGreen / 255.0 * tempAlpha ForBlue = tempBlue / 255.0 * tempAlpha exit endif endif endif ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text wx + 140, wy + 157, "Change" `Display cursor ink 0, 0 circle mx, my, 2 line wx + 5 + (306.0/255.0*tempAlpha), wy + 105, wx + 5 + (306.0/255.0*tempAlpha), wy + 124 `Display final color ink rgb(tempRed / 255.0 * tempAlpha, tempGreen / 255.0 * tempAlpha, tempBlue / 255.0 * tempAlpha), 0 box wx + 5, wy + 130, wx + 78, wy + 203 sync loop `Clear image and memblock delete image Bin delete memblock Bin endif endif return CreateMedia: `Create title bar image cls box 0, 0, 8, 8, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255) get image GUI, 0, 0, 8, 8, 1 `Create sprite from it and hide it sprite GUI, 0, 0, GUI set sprite GUI, 0, 0 hide sprite GUI `Create X button cls box 0, 0, 6, 6, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink ThemeTxt, 0 line 1, 1, 5, 5 line 1, 4, 5, 0 get image GUI + 1, 0, 0, 6, 6, 1 `Create Main HUD cls box 0, 0, scrX, 50, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme box scrX - 50, 0, scrX, scrY, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255,255,255),Theme,Theme `New button `up box 1, 1, 49, 49, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 box 16, 10, 31, 38 box 31, 13, 34, 38 ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 for i = 0 to 3 line 34 - i, 13 - i, 34 - i, 13 next i `Load button `up box 51, 1, 99, 49, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack ink rgb(200,135,1), 0 for i = 0 to 20 line 61 + (1.0/6*i), 34 - i, 86 + (1.0/6*i), 34 - i next i ink rgb(255,255,255), 0 box 63, 15, 87, 33 ink rgb(248,235,1), 0 for i = 0 to 18 line 61 - (1.0/6*i), 34 - i, 86 - (1.0/6*i), 34 - i next i `Export button `up box 101, 1, 149, 49, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack ink rgb(150,150,150), 0 : box 110, 9, 135, 39 : box 110, 13, 140, 39 for i = 0 to 5 : line 135, 8 + i, 135 + i, 8 + i : next i ink rgb(200, 200, 200), 0 : box 117, 9, 133, 16 for i = 0 to 10 ink rgb(220, 220, 220), 0 : h = sqrt(25 - (i-5)^2) : line 120 + i, 26 - h, 120 + i, 26 + h ink rgb(250, 250, 250), 0 : dot 120 + i, 26 - h next i ink rgb(220, 220, 220), 0 : line 117, 9, 133, 9 ink rgb(180, 180, 180), 0 : line 110, 9, 116, 9 : line 134, 9, 135, 9 ink rgb(180, 180, 180), 0 : dot 125, 26 `Exit button `up box 151, 1, 199, 49, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack ink rgb(255, 0, 0), 0 for i = 0 to 26 line 161 + i, 11 + i, 165 + i, 11 + i line 185 - i, 11 + i, 189 - i, 11 + i next i `*** Create Tool buttons *** `pen tool `up box scrX - 49, 51, scrX - 27, 74, Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, Theme ink RGB(128,64,0), 0 line scrX - 46, 54, scrX - 34, 66 : line scrX - 45, 53, scrX - 33, 65 : line scrX - 47, 55, scrX - 35, 67 ink RGB(100,50,0), 0 line scrX - 46, 55, scrX - 35, 66 : line scrX - 45, 54, scrX - 34, 65 ink RGB(196,98,0), 0 line scrX - 34, 66, scrX - 31, 69 : line scrX - 33, 65, scrX - 31, 69 : line scrX - 35, 67, scrX - 31, 69 dot scrX - 35, 66 : dot scrX - 33, 65 ink 0, 0 dot scrX - 31, 69 `Circle shape tool `Up box scrX - 24, 51, scrX - 1, 74, Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, Theme ink 0, 0 : circle scrX - 13, 62, 8 `Box shape tool `Up box scrX - 49, 76, scrX - 27, 99, Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, Theme ink 0, 0 line scrX - 46, 83, scrX - 30, 83 : line scrX - 46, 83, scrX - 46, 92 line scrX - 46, 92, scrX - 31, 92 : line scrX - 31, 92, scrX - 31, 83 `Fill tool `Up box scrX - 24, 76, scrX - 1, 99, Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, Theme ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 for i = 1 to 5 line scrX - 12 - i, 86 - i, scrX - 12 - i, 86 + i line scrX - 22 + i, 86 - i, scrX - 22 + i, 86 + i next i ink rgb(230, 230, 230), 0 line scrX - 21, 86, scrX - 16, 81 ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 line scrX - 12, 86, scrX - 12, 94 line scrX - 13, 89, scrX - 13, 93 line scrX - 11, 88, scrX - 11, 94 `Line tool `Up box scrX - 49, 101, scrX - 27, 124, Theme, rgb(255,255,255), Theme, Theme ink rgb(0, 0, 0), 0 line scrX - 46, 104, scrX - 29, 121 `Zoom Window box scrX - 24, 101, scrX - 1, 124, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink rgb(128,64,0), 0 line scrX - 21, 121, scrX - 15, 111 line scrX - 20, 121, scrX - 14, 111 line scrX - 22, 121, scrX - 16, 111 ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 circle scrX - 12, 107, 5 `Spray tool box scrX - 49, 126, scrX - 26, 149, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 box scrX - 47, 134, scrX - 40, 146 for i = 1 to 3 line scrX - 47 + (i*2), 134 - i, scrX - 40, 134 - i next i ink rgb(200, 200, 200), 0 : box scrX - 40, 130, scrX - 38, 132 : line scrX - 47, 134, scrX - 47, 146 ink rgb(0, 0, 255), 0 : box scrX - 45, 131, scrX - 43, 133 ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 dot scrX - 49 + 11, 126 + 4 line scrX - 49 + 12, 126 + 3, scrX - 49 + 12, 126 + 4 line scrX - 49 + 13, 126 + 3, scrX - 49 + 13, 126 + 6 line scrX - 49 + 14, 126 + 2, scrX - 49 + 14, 126 + 3 : dot scrX - 49 + 14, 126 + 5 dot scrX - 49 + 15, 126 + 2 : dot scrX - 49 + 15, 126 + 7 dot scrX - 49 + 16, 126 + 4 dot scrX - 49 + 17, 126 + 1 : dot scrX - 49 + 17, 126 + 7 dot scrX - 49 + 18, 126 + 3 : dot scrX - 49 + 18, 126 + 9 dot scrX - 49 + 19, 126 + 7 dot scrX - 49 + 20, 126 + 1 : dot scrX - 49 + 20, 126 + 5 dot scrX - 49 + 21, 126 + 9 `Brush tool box scrX - 24, 126, scrX - 1, 149, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 box scrX - 20, 128, scrX - 18, 147 box scrX - 20, 145, scrX - 3, 147 `RGB color picker box scrX - 48, scrY - 270, scrX - 2, scrY - 5, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255) ink 0, 0 box scrX - 43, scrY - 265, scrX - 36, scrY - 10 box scrX - 29, scrY - 265, scrX - 22, scrY - 10 box scrX - 15, scrY - 265, scrX - 8, scrY - 10 `Get image get image GUI + 2, 0, 0, scrX, scrY, 1 cls `Down - new box 0, 0, 48, 48, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 box 15, 10, 30, 38 box 30, 13, 33, 38 ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 for i = 0 to 3 line 33 - i, 13 - i, 33 - i, 13 next i get image GUI + 3, 0, 0, 48, 48, 1 `down - load box 0, 0, 48, 48, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme ink rgb(200,135,1), 0 for i = 0 to 20 line 10 + (1.0/6*i), 34 - i, 35 + (1.0/6*i), 34 - i next i ink rgb(255,255,255), 0 box 12, 15, 36, 33 ink rgb(248,235,1), 0 for i = 0 to 18 line 10 - (1.0/6*i), 34 - i, 35 - (1.0/6*i), 34 - i next i get image GUI + 4, 0, 0, 48, 48, 1 `Down - export box 0, 0, 48, 48, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme ink rgb(150,150,150), 0 : box 9, 9, 34, 39 : box 9, 13, 39, 39 for i = 0 to 5 : line 34, 8 + i, 34 + i, 8 + i : next i ink rgb(200, 200, 200), 0 : box 16, 9, 32, 16 for i = 0 to 10 ink rgb(220, 220, 220), 0 : h = sqrt(25 - (i-5)^2) : line 19 + i, 26 - h, 19 + i, 26 + h ink rgb(250, 250, 250), 0 : dot 19 + i, 26 - h next i ink rgb(220, 220, 220), 0 : line 16, 9, 32, 9 ink rgb(180, 180, 180), 0 : line 9, 9, 15, 9 : line 33, 9, 34, 9 ink rgb(180, 180, 180), 0 : dot 24, 26 get image GUI + 5, 0, 0, 48, 48, 1 `down - exit box 0, 0, 48, 48, ThemeBack, Theme, ThemeBack, Theme ink rgb(255, 0, 0), 0 for i = 0 to 26 line 10 + i, 11 + i, 14 + i, 11 + i line 34 - i, 11 + i, 38 - i, 11 + i next i get image GUI + 6, 0, 0, 48, 48, 1 `down - pen tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink RGB(128,64,0), 0 line 3, 3, 15, 15 : line 4, 2, 16, 14 : line 2, 4, 14, 16 ink RGB(100,50,0), 0 line 3, 4, 14, 15 : line 4, 3, 15, 14 ink RGB(196,98,0), 0 line 15, 15, 18, 18 : line 16, 14, 18, 18 : line 14, 16, 18, 18 dot 14, 15 : dot 15, 14 ink 0, 0 dot 18, 18 get image GUI + 7, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - circle tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink 0, 0 : circle 11, 11, 8 get image GUI + 8, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - box tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink 0, 0 line 3, 7, 20, 7 : line 3, 7, 3, 16 line 3, 16, 20, 16 : line 19, 7, 19, 16 get image GUI + 9, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - Fill tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 for i = 1 to 5 line 13 - i, 10 - i, 13 - i, 10 + i line 2 + i, 10 - i, 2 + i, 10 + i next i ink rgb(230, 230, 230), 0 line 3, 10, 8, 5 ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 line 12, 10, 12, 18 line 11, 13, 11, 17 line 13, 12, 13, 18 get image GUI + 10, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - line tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink 0, 0 line 3, 3, 20, 20 get image GUI + 11, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down zoom window box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink rgb(128,64,0), 0 line 2, 20, 8, 10 line 3, 20, 9, 10 line 1, 20, 7, 10 ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 circle 12, 6, 5 get image GUI + 12, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - spray tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink rgb(150, 150, 150), 0 box 2, 8, 9, 20 for i = 1 to 3 line 2 + (i*2), 8 - i, 9, 8 - i next i ink rgb(200, 200, 200), 0 : box 9, 4, 11, 6 : line 2, 8, 2, 20 ink rgb(0, 0, 255), 0 : box 4, 5, 6, 7 ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 dot 11, 4 line 12, 3, 12, 4 line 13, 3, 13, 6 line 14, 2, 14, 3 : dot 14, 5 dot 15, 2 : dot 15, 7 dot 16, 4 dot 17, 1 : dot 17, 7 dot 18, 3 : dot 18, 9 dot 19, 7 dot 20, 1 : dot 20, 5 dot 21, 9 get image GUI + 13, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `Down - brush loading tool box 0, 0, 23, 23, Theme, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 box 4, 3, 6, 21 box 4, 19, 21, 21 get image GUI + 14, 0, 0, 23, 23, 1 `+ and - buttons box 0, 0, 8, 8, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink ThemeTxt, 0 line 4, 1, 4, 7 : line 1, 4, 7, 4 get image GUI + 15, 0, 0, 8, 8, 1 box 0, 0, 8, 8, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, Theme ink ThemeTxt, 0 line 1, 4, 7, 4 get image GUI + 16, 0, 0, 8, 8, 1 cls `Zoom cursor ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0 box 20, 25, 25, 27 box 25, 20, 27, 25 box 27, 25, 32, 27 box 25, 27, 27, 32 get image ZoomImg + 1, 0, 0, 50, 50, 1 return Initialize: `Constants #constant maxWindows = 20 #constant GUI = 20 #constant Canvas = 1 #constant WindImg = 31 #constant Bin = 100 #constant ZoomImg = 101 #constant BaseDir = get dir$() #constant scrX screen width() #constant scrY screen height() `types type window x as integer y as integer sx as integer sy as integer Cont as integer img as integer endtype `Arrays dim window(0) as window `Globals global ActiveWindow as integer ActiveWindow = 1 global ForRed as integer global ForGreen as integer global ForBlue as integer global ForColor as integer ForColor = rgb(ForRed, ForGreen, ForBlue) global CTool as integer global ZoomWind as integer global ToolSize as integer ToolSize = 10 global ToolDensity as integer ToolDensity = 20 `This comes in handy for passing between functions global x as integer global y as integer global sx as integer global img as integer global imgsx as integer global imgsy as integer global imgx as integer global imgy as integer global LastX as integer global LastY as integer `Setup set text font ThemeFont set text size 18 `Create a vector for distances r = make vector2(1) return `>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NEW - EXPORT - LOAD <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< New: `Create new ActiveWindow = 0 `Create window size sprite GUI, 200, 8 paste sprite GUI, 0, 0 paste image GUI+1, 193, 1 ink Theme, 0 box 0, 8, 200, 125 ink ThemeBack, 0 box 1, 8, 199, 124 get image Bin, 0, 0, 200, 150, 1 `Reset values width$ = "0" height$= "0" CInp = 1 clear entry buffer do `Refres paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Handle windows Windows = array count(Window(0)) if Windows > 0 for w = 1 to Windows HandleWindow(w) next w endif `The window paste image Bin, (scrX/2) - 100, (scrY/2) - 75 `Display text if CInp = 1 then dwidth$ = width$ + "_" else dwidth$ = width$ if CInp = 2 then dheight$ = height$ + "_" else dheight$ = height$ ink ThemeTxt, 0 text (scrX/2) - 90, (scrY/2) - 60, "Width: " + dwidth$ text (scrX/2) - 90, (scrY/2) - 40, "Height: " + dheight$ `Select current input if mouseclick() > 0 if mousex() > (scrX/2) - 90 and mousex() < (scrX/2) + 90 if mousey() > (scrY/2) - 60 and mousey() < (scrY/2) - 43 CInp = 1 endif if mousey() > (scrY/2) - 40 and mousey() < (scrY/2) - 23 CInp = 2 endif endif endif `Input char$ = entry$() select asc(char$) case 8 if CInp = 1 and len(width$) > 0 then width$ = left$(width$, len(width$) - 1) if CInp = 2 and len(height$) > 0 then height$ = left$(height$, len(height$) - 1) endcase case 13 CInp = 0 endcase case default if CInp = 1 then width$ = width$ + char$ if CInp = 2 then height$ = height$ + char$ endcase endselect clear entry buffer `Button if mousex() > (scrX/2) - 50 and mousex() < (scrX/2) + 50 and mousey() > (scrY/2) + 10 and mousey() < (scrY/2) + 30 box (scrX/2) - 50, (scrY/2)+10, (scrX/2) + 50, (scrY/2) + 30, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme if mouseclick() > 0 then Create = 1 : exit else box (scrX/2) - 50, (scrY/2)+10, (scrX/2) + 50, (scrY/2) + 30, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255) endif ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text (scrX/2), (scrY/2) + 11, "New" `Exit if mousex() > (scrX/2)+93 and mousex() < (scrX/2) + 100 and mousey() > (scrY/2)-74 and mousey() < (scrY/2) - 69 if mouseclick() = 1 then Create = 0 : exit endif sync loop `If create = 1 then create a new window if Create > 0 `Calculate values width = val(width$) height= val(height$) `Boundries if width < 16 then width = 16 if height < 16 then height = 16 if width > scrX - 60 then width = scrX - 60 if height > scrY - 70 then height = scrY - 70 `Create new window r = SBCreateWindow(0, 50, width + 5, height + 5, width, height) if r = 0 startTimer = timer() ink ThemeBack, 0 box 0, (scrY/2) - 20, scrX, (scrY/2) + 20 ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text scrX/2, scrY/2, "There are too many windows to load another" repeat : until timer() - startTimer >= 3000 sync : sync endif endif return Export: `Export ActiveWindow ExportWindow = ActiveWindow ActiveWindow = 0 Filename$ = "New" Ext = 1 CInp = 0 `Create export window size sprite GUI, 300, 8 paste sprite GUI, 0, 0 paste image GUI + 1, 293, 1 ink Theme, 0 : box 0, 8, 300, 130 ink ThemeBack, 0 : box 1, 8, 299, 129 get image Bin, 0, 0, 300, 208, 1 wx = (scrX/2) - 150 wy = (scrY/2) - 115 do `Refresh screen paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Display images1 for w = 1 to array count(Window(0)) HandleWindow(w) next w `Display the export window paste image Bin, wx, wy `Display filename ink ThemeTxt, 0 if CInp = 1 then add$ = "_" else add$ = "" text wx + 5, wy + 20, "Filename: " + Filename$ + add$ text wx + 5, wy + 40, "File type: " + Export$(Ext) `Click on filename or Export if mousex() > wx and mousex() < wx + 300 if mousey() > wy + 20 and mousey() < wy + 38 if mouseclick() = 1 then CInp = 1 endif if mousey() > wy + 40 and mousey() < wy + 58 if mouseclick() = 1 inc Ext if Ext > array count(Import$(0)) then Ext = 1 repeat : until mouseclick() = 0 endif endif endif `Input if CInp = 1 char$ = entry$() select asc(char$) case 8 Filename$ = left$(Filename$, len(Filename$) - 1) endcase case 13 CInp = 0 endcase case 46 : endcase : case 47 : endcase case 92 : endcase : case 58 : endcase case 42 : endcase : case 63 : endcase case 34 : endcase : case 60 : endcase case 62 : endcase : case 124 : endcase case default if asc(char$) > 31 Filename$ = Filename$ + char$ endif endcase endselect endif clear entry buffer `Exit if mousex() > wx + 293 and mousex() < wx + 299 if mousey() > wy + 1 and mousey() < wy + 7 if mouseclick() = 1 then Export = 0 : exit endif endif `Button export if mousex() > wx + 100 and mousex() < wx + 200 and mousey() > wy + 100 and mousey() < wy + 120 box wx + 100, wy + 100, wx + 200, wy + 120, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme if mouseclick() = 1 then Export = 1 : exit else box wx + 100, wy + 100, wx + 200, wy + 120, Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255), Theme, rgb(255, 255, 255) endif ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text wx + 150, wy + 101, "Export" sync loop `Export if Export = 1 if Export = 1 `If file doesn't exit, export if file exist(Filename$ + Export$(Ext)) > 0 `Give an error message that it already exists startTimer = timer() ink ThemeBack, 0 box 0, (scrY/2) - 20, scrX, (scrY/2) + 20 ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text scrX/2, scrY/2, "File already exist. Please export again with a different filename." sync : sync repeat : until timer() - startTimer >= 3000 else `Save the image save image Filename$ + Export$(Ext), Window(ExportWindow).Cont `Message that it succeeded startTimer = timer() ink ThemeBack, 0 box 0, (scrY/2) - 20, scrX, (scrY/2) + 20 ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text scrX/2, scrY/2, Filename$ + Export$(Ext) + " exported." sync sync repeat : until timer() - startTimer >= 3000 endif endif return Load: `Load an image FileName$ = LoadImage() `Load the image if the size isn't too big if FileName$ <> "" load image FileName$, Bin, 1 make memblock from image Bin, Bin if memblock dword(Bin, 0) > scrX - 60 or memblock dword(Bin, 4) > scrY - 70 `Give an error that the image is too big startTimer = timer() ink ThemeBack, 0 box 0, (scrY/2) - 20, scrX, (scrY/2) + 20 ink ThemeTxt, 0 center text scrX/2, scrY/2, "The image is too big. Could not load" sync : sync repeat : until timer() - startTimer >= 3000 else `Create a new window w = SBCreateWindow(50, 100, memblock dword(Bin, 0) + 5, memblock dword(Bin, 4) + 5, memblock dword(Bin, 0), memblock dword(Bin, 4)) `Delete the window image and replace with loaded image delete image Window(w).Cont delete memblock Window(w).Cont load image FileName$, Window(w).Cont, 1 make memblock from image Window(w).Cont, Window(w).Cont endif `Delete remains delete image Bin delete memblock Bin endif return `*********************************** `Functions `*********************************** function HandleWindow(id) `Paste the image on his place if id <> ActiveWindow `Extract data Hx = Window(id).x Hy = Window(id).y Hsx = Window(id).sx Hsy = Window(id).sy Himg = Window(id).Cont if memblock exist(Himg) > 0 Himgsx = memblock dword(Himg, 0) Himgsy = memblock dword(Himg, 4) else Himgsx = 50 Himgsy = 50 endif Himgx = Hx + (Hsx/2) - (Himgsx/2) Himgy = Hy + 8 + (Hsy/2) - (Himgsy/2) paste image Window(id).img, Hx, Hy if memblock exist(Himg) > 0 then paste image Himg, Himgx, Himgy endif endfunction function HandleActiveWindow(id) `Paste the image on his place paste image Window(ActiveWindow).img, Window(ActiveWindow).x, Window(ActiveWindow).y `Extract data x = Window(ActiveWindow).x y = Window(ActiveWindow).y sx = Window(ActiveWindow).sx sy = Window(ActiveWindow).sy img = Window(ActiveWindow).Cont imgsx = memblock dword(img, 0) imgsy = memblock dword(img, 4) imgx = x + (sx/2) - (imgsx/2) imgy = y + 8 + (sy/2) - (imgsy/2) `Paste canvas paste image img, imgx, imgy `If any action is taken with the mouse if mouseclick() = 1 `Drawing on the image if mousex() > x + 1 and mousex() < x + sx - 1 if mousey() > y + 8 and mousey() < y + sy + 7 `Draw on image DrawOnImage(id) exitfunction endif endif `Exit the window if mousex() > x + sx - 7 and mousex() < x + sx - 1 if mousey() > y + 1 and mousey() < y + 8 delete memblock img delete image img delete image Window(id).img array delete element Window(0), id ActiveWindow = 0 endif endif `Move the window if mousex() > x and mousex() < x + sx - 7 if mousey() > y and mousey() < y + 8 difX = mousex() - Window(id).x difY = mousey() - Window(id).y repeat `Refresh screen paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Paste all windows(no condition: array count is minimum 1 -> ActiveWindow) for i = 1 to array count(Window(0)) HandleWindow(i) next i `Calculate new position Window(id).x = mousex() - difX Window(id).y = mousey() - difY `Boundries if Window(id).x < 0 then Window(id).x = 0 if Window(id).y < 50 then Window(id).y = 50 if Window(id).x + Window(id).sx > scrX - 50 then Window(id).x = scrX - Window(id).sx - 50 if Window(id).y + Window(id).sy + 8 > scrY then Window(id).y = scrY - Window(id).sy - 8 `paste image paste image Window(id).img, Window(id).x, Window(id).y `Paste content imgx = Window(id).x + (sx/2) - (imgsx/2) imgy = Window(id).y + 8 + (sy/2) - (imgsy/2) paste image Window(id).Cont, imgx, imgy sync until mouseclick() = 0 endif endif `Resize the window if mousex() > x + sx - 1 and mousex() < x + sx + 2 and mousey() > y and mousey() < y + sy + 10 ResizeX = 1 else ResizeX = 0 endif if mousey() > y + sy + 7 and mousey() < y + sy + 10 and mousex() > x and mousex() < x + sx + 2 ResizeY = 1 else ResizeY = 0 endif if ResizeX + ResizeY > 0 repeat `Refresh screen paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Paste all windows for i = 1 to array count(Window(0)) HandleWindow(i) next i `Calculate new width and height if ResizeX > 0 then Window(id).sx = mousex() - Window(id).x if ResizeY > 0 then Window(id).sy = mousey() - Window(id).y - 8 `Boundries if Window(id).sx < imgsx + 5 then Window(id).sx = imgsx + 5 if Window(id).sy < imgsy + 13 then Window(id).sy = imgsy + 13 if Window(id).x + Window(id).sx > scrX - 50 then Window(id).sx = scrX - 50 - Window(id).x if Window(id).y + Window(id).sy > scrY then Window(id).sy = scrY - Window(id).y `Create window image size sprite GUI, Window(id).sx, 8 paste sprite GUI, Window(id).x, Window(id).y `Paste exit button paste image GUI + 1, Window(id).x + Window(id).sx - 7, Window(id).y + 1 `Paste window ink Theme, 0 box Window(id).x, Window(id).y + 8, Window(id).x + Window(id).sx, Window(id).y + Window(id).sy + 8 ink ThemeBack, 0 box Window(id).x + 1, Window(id).y + 8, Window(id).x + Window(id).sx - 1, Window(id).y + Window(id).sy + 7 `Paste content imgx = Window(id).x + (Window(id).sx/2) - (imgsx/2) imgy = Window(id).y + 8 + (Window(id).sy/2) - (imgsy/2) paste image Window(id).Cont, imgx, imgy sync until mouseclick() = 0 get image Window(id).img, Window(id).x, Window(id).y, Window(id).x + Window(id).sx, Window(id).y + Window(id).sy + 8, 1 endif `Selecting another window if mousex() < x or mousex() > x + sx + 2 or mousey() < y or mousey() > y + sy + 2 if mousex() < scrX - 50 and mousey() > 50 `Reset ActiveWindow ActiveWindow = 0 `Search for another window beneath mouse for i = 1 to array count(Window(0)) if mousex() > Window(i).x and mousex() < Window(i).x + Window(i).sx if mousey() > Window(i).y and mousey() < Window(i).y + Window(i).sy + 8 ActiveWindow = i endif endif next i exitfunction endif endif else `Reset some values LastX = -1 LastY = -1 endif `Get color beneath mousepointer if mouseclick = 2 if mouseclick() = 2 `Check if it is on the image if mousex() > imgx and mousex() < imgx + imgsx if mousey() > imgy and mousey() < imgy + imgsy `Get position px = mousex() - imgx py = mousey() - imgy `Store color ForColor = memblock dword(img, 12 + (((py*imgsx) + px)*4)) ForRed = rgbr(ForColor) ForGreen = rgbg(ForColor) ForBlue = rgbb(ForColor) endif endif endif endfunction function DrawOnImage(id) `Draw with the selected tool select CTool case 1 `Detect position px = mousex() - imgx py = mousey() - imgy `Change memblock if px >=0 and py >=0 and px < imgsx and py < imgsy if LastX < 0 or LastY < 0 pos = 12 + ( ((py*imgsx)*4) + (px*4) ) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor else WriteMemLine(LastX, LastY, px, py) endif endif LastX = px LastY = py `Change to image make image from memblock img, img endcase case 2 `detect position px1 = mousex() - imgx py1 = mousey() - imgy `Get background get image Bin, 0, 0, scrX, scrY, 1 repeat `Refresh screen paste image Bin, 0, 0 `Get second coords px2 = mousex() - imgx py2 = mousey() - imgy if controlkey() > 0 then py2 = py1 + (2*(px2 - cx#)) `Draw ellipse ink ForColor, 0 cx# = (px1 + px2)*0.5 cy# = (py1 + py2)*0.5 FilledEllipse(imgx + cx#, imgy + cy#, px2 - cx#, py2 - cy#) `If zoom window is turned on, create a zoom right from this window if ZoomWind = 1 CreateZoom(mousex(), mousey()) else if sprite exist(ZoomImg) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg if sprite exist(ZoomImg + 1) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg + 1 endif sync until mouseclick() = 0 `draw ellipse if px2 < px1 then temp = px2 : px2 = px1 : px1 = temp if py2 < py1 then temp = py2 : py2 = py1 : py1 = temp for ix = px1 to px2 for iy = py1 to py2 `Detect if it is in the image if ix>0 and ix<=imgsx if iy>0 and iy<=imgsy `Calculate dx = (ix - cx#) dy = (iy - cy#) / (py2-cy#) * (px2-cx#) set vector2 1, dx, dy if length vector2(1) < (px2-cx#) pos = 12 + ((((iy-1)*imgsx) + (ix-1))*4) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor endif endif endif next iy next ix make image from memblock img, img endcase case 3 `first coords px1 = mousex() - imgx py1 = mousey() - imgy `Get background get image Bin, 0, 0, scrX, scrY, 1 repeat `Refresh screen paste image Bin, 0, 0 `Get second coords px2 = mousex() - imgx py2 = mousey() - imgy `Draw box ink ForColor, 0 box imgx + px1, imgy + py1, mousex(), mousey() `If zoom window is turned on, create a zoom right from this window if ZoomWind = 1 CreateZoom(mousex(), mousey()) else if sprite exist(ZoomImg) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg if sprite exist(ZoomImg + 1) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg + 1 endif sync until mouseclick() = 0 `update image for iy = py1 to py2 for ix = px1 to px2 `boundries if ix>=0 and ix<imgsx if iy>=0 and iy<imgsy `calc position and update memblock pos = 12 + (((iy*imgsx) + ix)*4) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor endif endif next ix next iy `update image make image from memblock img, img endcase case 4 `Floodfill px = mousex() - imgx py = mousey() - imgy `Call function from seed if px >= 0 and px < imgsx if py >= 0 and py < imgsy `Get the color that should be changed pos = 12 + (((py*imgsx) + px)*4) BaseColor = memblock dword(img, pos) `Fill if BaseColor <> ForColor FloodFill(img, BaseColor, px, py) endif endif endif `update image make image from memblock img, img endcase case 5 `Line tool px1 = mousex() - imgx py1 = mousey() - imgy `Get background get image Bin, 0, 0, scrX, scrY, 1 repeat `Refresh screen paste image Bin, 0, 0 `Get other data px2 = mousex() - imgx py2 = mousey() - imgy `Draw line ink ForColor, 0 line px1 + imgx, py1 + imgy, mousex(), mousey() `If zoom window is turned on, create a zoom right from this window if ZoomWind = 1 CreateZoom(mousex(), mousey()) else if sprite exist(ZoomImg) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg if sprite exist(ZoomImg + 1) > 0 then delete sprite ZoomImg + 1 endif sync until mouseclick() = 0 WriteMemLine(px1, py1, px2, py2) make image from memblock img, img endcase case 6 `Spray tool px = mousex() - imgx py = mousey() - imgy `Draw tool for i = 1 to ToolDensity `Get random position ga = rnd(360) : gd = rnd(ToolSize) gx = px + (cos(ga) * gd) gy = py + (sin(ga) * gd) if gx >= 0 and gx < imgsx if gy >= 0 and gy < imgsy `calc position and update memblock pos = 12 + (((gy*imgsx) + gx)*4) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor endif endif next i `update the image make image from memblock img, img endcase endselect endfunction function SBCreateWindow(x, y, sx, sy, width, height) `Increase number of windows array insert at bottom Window(0), array count(Window(0)) item = array count(Window(0)) if array count(Window(0)) > maxWindows then exitfunction 0 `Store data Window(item).x = x Window(item).y = y Window(item).sx = sx Window(item).sy = sy img = freeImg() Window(item).Cont = img Window(item).img = freeWind() `Create window image size sprite GUI, sx, 8 paste sprite GUI, 0, 0 `Paste exit button paste image GUI + 1, sx - 7, 1 `Paste window ink Theme, 0 box 0, 8, sx, sy + 8 ink ThemeBack, 0 box 1, 8, sx - 1, sy + 7 `Get image get image Window(item).img, 0, 0, sx, sy + 8, 1 `Create image for drawing make memblock img, 12 + (width*height*4) write memblock dword img, 0, width write memblock dword img, 4, height write memblock dword img, 8, 32 `Create image from it make image from memblock img, img endfunction item function freeImg() for i = Canvas to Canvas + maxWindows if image exist(i) = 0 then exitfunction i next i endfunction -1 function freeWind() for w = WindImg to WindImg + maxWindows if image exist(w) = 0 then exitfunction w next w endfunction -1 function FloodFill(mem, Base, gx, gy) `Change this color pos = 12 + (((gy*imgsx) + gx)*4) write memblock dword mem, pos, ForColor `Check for surrounding if gx > 0 if memblock dword(mem, pos - 4) = Base then FloodFill(mem, Base, gx - 1, gy) endif if gx < imgsx - 1 if memblock dword(mem, pos + 4) = Base then FloodFill(mem, Base, gx + 1, gy) endif if gy > 0 if memblock dword(mem, pos - (imgsx*4)) = Base then FloodFill(mem, Base, gx, gy - 1) endif if gy < imgsy - 1 if memblock dword(mem, pos + (imgsx*4)) = Base then FloodFill(mem, Base, gx, gy + 1) endif endfunction function CreateZoom(mx, my) `Create zoom sprite if mx - 10 < 0 then mx = 10 if my - 10 < 0 then my = 10 if mx + 10 > scrX then mx = scrX - 10 if my + 10 > scrY then my = scrY - 10 get image ZoomImg, mx - 10, my - 10, mx + 10, my + 10, 1 sprite ZoomImg, scrX - 50, 0, ZoomImg size sprite ZoomImg, 50, 50 set sprite ZoomImg, 0, 0 sprite ZoomImg + 1, scrX - 50, 0, ZoomImg + 1 endfunction function WriteMemLine(x1, y1, x2, y2) `Draw line on memblock dx# = x2 - x1 dy# = y2 - y1 local i as integer i = 0 if abs(dx#) > abs(dy#) repeat `Get position gx = x1 + i gy = y1 + int(dy#*i/dx#) `Change memblock if gx >=0 and gy >=0 and gx < imgsx and gy < imgsy pos = 12 + ( ((gy*imgsx)*4) + (gx*4) ) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor endif `Increase/decrease if dx# > 0 then inc i else : if dx# < 0 then dec i until abs(i) >= abs(dx#) else repeat `Get position gx = x1 + (dx#/dy#*i) gy = y1 + i `Change memblock if gx >=0 and gy >=0 and gx < imgsx and gy < imgsy pos = 12 + ( ((gy*imgsx)*4) + (gx*4) ) write memblock dword img, pos, ForColor endif `Increase/decrease if dy# > 0 then inc i else dec i until abs(i) >= abs(dy#) endif endfunction function FilledEllipse(x, y, xrad#, yrad#) f# = yrad# / xrad# for i = 0 to int(xrad#)+1 h = sqrt(xrad#*xrad# - (i*i)) * f# box x - i, y - h, x + i, y + h next i endfunction function LoadImage() `Set base directory set dir BaseDir `Perform checklist perform checklist for files `Create window size sprite GUI, 300, 8 paste sprite GUI, 0, 0 paste image GUI + 1, 293, 1 ink Theme, 0 box 0, 8, 300, scrY - 50 ink ThemeBack, 0 box 1, 8, 299, scrY - 51 get image Bin, 0, 0, 300, scrY - 50 `Reset ActiveWindow = 0 scrolly = 0 oldmousez = mousez() `Store file list StoreFileList(get dir$()) `Loop do `Refresh paste image GUI + 2, 0, 0 `Handle windows if array count(Window(0)) > 0 for w = 1 to array count(Window(0)) HandleWindow(w) next w endif `Paste load window paste image Bin, (scrX/2) - 150, 25 `Display files OpenFile = 0 for i = 1 to array count(File(0)) ty = scrolly + (i-1)*20 if ty >= 0 and ty < scrY - 45 `Select if mousex() > (scrX/2) - 150 and mousex() < (scrX/2) + 150 if mousey() > 33 + ty and mousey() < 53 + ty ink Theme, 0 box (scrX/2) - 149, 33 + ty, (scrX/2) + 149, 53 + ty `Clicking if mouseclick() = 1 and hold = 0 hold = 1 OpenFile = i endif endif endif if File(i) = 1 then ink ThemeTxt, 0 if File(i) = 0 then ink rgb(0, 255, 0), 0 text (scrX/2) - 145, 33 + ty, File$(i) endif next i `Open a file if OpenFile > 0 if File(OpenFile) = 0 FileName$ = get dir$() + "/" + FileName$(OpenFile) undim File(0) undim File$(0) undim FileName$(0) exitfunction FileName$ endif if File(OpenFile) = 1 if File(OpenFile) = 1 then cd FileName$(OpenFile) StoreFileList(get dir$()) scrolly = 0 endif endif OpenFile = 0 `Use mouse to unlock and scroll if mouseclick() = 0 then hold = 0 if mousez() <> oldmousez inc scrolly, (mousez() - oldmousez) / 6 oldmousez = mousez() endif if scrolly > 0 then scrolly = 0 if scrolly < -array count(File(0))*20 then scrolly = -array count(File(0))*20 `Exit if mousex() > (scrX/2) + 143 and mousex() < (scrX/2) + 149 if mousey() > 26 and mousey() < 32 if mouseclick() = 1 repeat : until mouseclick() = 0 exitfunction "" endif endif endif sync loop endfunction FileName$ function StoreFileList(d$) `Initialize undim File(0) undim File$(0) undim FileName$(0) dim File(0) dim File$(0) dim FileName$(0) `Set directory and perform checklist set dir d$ perform checklist for files `Get back files find first find next array insert at bottom File(0) array insert at bottom File$(0) array insert at bottom FileName$(0) File(1) = get file type() File$(1) = "Parent" FileName$(1) = get file name$() `The rest of the files for f = 2 to checklist quantity() - 1 `Find the next file in the row find next `If the file is a directory or a valid file if get file type() => 0 pass = 0 for i = 1 to array count(Import$(0)) if right$(get file name$(), len(Import$(i))) = Import$(i) then pass = 1 next i if pass > 0 or get file type() = 1 `Insert array and store data array insert at bottom File(0) array insert at bottom File$(0) array insert at bottom FileName$(0) a = array count(File(0)) File(a) = get file type() File$(a) = get file name$() FileName$(a) = get file name$() endif endif next f endfunction function IncDecValue(x, y, CValue) `- button paste image GUI + 16, x, y `Text value center text x + 22, y - 4, str$(CValue) `+ button paste image GUI + 15, x + 35, y `Handle increasing and decreasing if mousey() > y and mousey() < y + 8 if mousex() > x and mousex() < x + 8 if mouseclick() = 1 repeat : until mouseclick() = 0 GetVal = -1 endif endif if mousex() > x + 35 and mousex() < x + 43 if mouseclick() = 1 repeat : until mouseclick() = 0 GetVal = 1 endif endif endif GetVal = GetVal + CValue endfunction GetVal