sync on : sync rate 65 : hide mouse
autocam off : randomize timer()
set ambient light 3
set text font "MT Extra" : set text size 16
sync : center text 300,240,"Loading." : sync
ink 0xFF0A8080,0
for i=0 to 5000
   dot rnd(460),rnd(460)
next i
get image 1,0,0,460,460,1
save image "%%tempy%%.bmp",1
load bitmap "%%tempy%%.bmp",1
set current bitmap 1
blur bitmap 1,2
delete image 1
get image 1,0,0,460,460,1
set current bitmap 0
delete bitmap 1
delete file "%%tempy%%.bmp"
make object plain 1,800,600
texture object 1,1
make object sphere 2,50,2,12
color object 2,0xFF0000FF
make object sphere 3,50,6,4
color object 3,0xFFFFFFFF
scale object 3,75,60,200
yrotate object 3,wrapvalue(-40)
fix object pivot 3
make mesh from object 1,3
yrotate object 3,80
fix object pivot 3
make mesh from object 2,3
delete object 3
add limb 2,1,1
offset limb 2,1,-62.5/2,0,0
delete mesh 1
add limb 2,2,2
offset limb 2,2,62.5/2,0,0
delete mesh 2
xrotate object 2,90
fix object pivot 2
scale object 2,70,70,70
global Plr as integer
global Plrx# as float
global Plry# as float
Plr=2 : Plrx#=0.00 : Plry#=-200.00
set object ambient 1,0
position camera 0,0,-435
   position object Plr,Plrx#,Plry#,-25.00
   scroll object texture 1,-0.001,-0.006
   if upkey()=1 and leftkey()=0 and rightkey()=0 and Plry#<230 then inc Plry#,5
   if downkey()=1 and leftkey()=0 and rightkey()=0 and Plry#>-230 then dec Plry#,5
   if rightkey()=1 and upkey()=0 and downkey()=0 and Plrx#<260 then inc Plrx#,5
   if leftkey()=1 and upkey()=0 and downkey()=0 and Plrx#>-260 then dec Plrx#,5
   if upkey()=1 and rightkey()=1 and leftkey()=0 and Plry#<230 and Plrx#<260 then inc Plry#,2.5 : inc Plrx#,2.5
   if upkey()=1 and rightkey()=0 and leftkey()=1 and Plry#<230 and Plrx#>-260 then inc Plry#,2.5 : dec Plrx#,2.5
   if downkey()=1 and rightkey()=1 and leftkey()=0 and Plry#>-230 and Plrx#<260 then dec Plry#,2.5 : inc Plrx#,2.5
   if downkey()=1 and rightkey()=0 and leftkey()=1 and Plry#>-230 and Plrx#>-260 then dec Plry#,2.5 : dec Plrx#,2.5