sync on sync rate 60 hide mouse randomize timer() fastest = 99999 nuts = 0 headshots = 0 gx = rnd(610)+15 gy = rnd(400)+60 `color as dword color = rgb(rnd(128)+128,rnd(128)+128,rnd(128)+128) bodies = 0 DO cls timerz = timer() if blowup = 0 then bonus = 4000-(timerz - timestamp) if timerz > timestamp+4000 or t# > 18 inc bodies timestamp = timer() gx = rnd(610)+15 gy = rnd(400)+60 t# = 0.0 blowup = 0 color = rgb(rnd(128)+128,rnd(128)+128,rnd(128)+128) endif if mouseclick() = 1 and flag = 0 flag = 1 if mouseWithin(gx-15,gy-60,gx+15,gy+20) d = (mousex()-gx)^2 + (mousey()-(gy-50))^2 if d <= 100 inc headshots inc score, 1000 headFlag = 1 headTimer = timer() endif d = (mousex()-gx)^2 + (mousey()-gy)^2 if d <= 70 inc nuts dec score, 5000 nutFlag = 1 nutTimer = timer() endif blowup = 1 inc score, bonus inc hits totalTime = totalTime + (timerz-timestamp) avgSpeed = totalTime/bodies if timerz-timestamp < fastest then fastest = timerz-timestamp else inc misses dec score, 500 endif endif if mouseclick() = 0 then flag = 0 if blowup = 1 then t# = t#+0.3 ink color,0 draw_guy(gx,gy,t#) if nutFlag = 1 center text 320,46,"Disrespectful nut shot! -5000" if nutTimer+4000 < timer() then nutFlag = 0 endif if headFlag = 1 center text 320,62,"Head shot! +1000" if headTimer+4000 < timer() then headFlag = 0 endif rem draw mouse cursor mx = mousex() my = mousey() ink rgb(0,255,0),0 line mx-5,my,mx+5,my line mx,my-5,mx,my+5 rem calculate accuracy if hits+misses = 0 acc = 0 else acc = (hits/(hits+misses+0.0))*100.0 endif center text 320,10,str$(bonus) center text 320,30,"Round "+str$(bodies) set cursor 0,0 print "Score: ",score print "Hits: ",hits print "Misses: ",misses print "Accuracy: ",acc,"%" print "Fastest Time: ",fastest print "Average Speed: ", avgSpeed print "Head Shots: ", headshots print "Disrespectful Hits: ", nuts sync LOOP function draw_guy(x, y, t#) g# = -4.0 v = 20 if t# > 0 x1 = x+v*cos(270)*t# y1 = y+(v*sin(270)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) x2 = x+v*cos(300)*t# y2 = y+(v*sin(300)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) x3 = x+v*cos(225)*t# y3 = y+(v*sin(225)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) x4 = x+v*cos(315)*t# y4 = y+(v*sin(315)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) x5 = x+v*cos(180)*t# y5 = y+(v*sin(180)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) x6 = x+v*cos(0)*t# y6 = y+(v*sin(0)*t# - 0.5*g#*t#^2) draw_head(x1,y1) draw_body(x2,y2) draw_leftArm(x3,y3) draw_rightArm(x4,y4) draw_leftLeg(x5,y5) draw_rightLeg(x6,y6) else draw_head(x,y) draw_body(x,y) draw_leftArm(x,y) draw_rightArm(x,y) draw_leftLeg(x,y) draw_rightLeg(x,y) endif endfunction function draw_head(x,y) circle x,y-50,10 endfunction function draw_leftArm(x,y) line x,y-34,x-10,y-20 endfunction function draw_rightArm(x,y) line x,y-34,x+10,y-20 endfunction function draw_leftLeg(x,y) line x,y,x-15,y+20 endfunction function draw_rightLeg(x,y) line x,y,x+15,y+20 endfunction function draw_body(x,y) line x,y,x,y-40 endfunction function mouseWithin(x1,y1,x2,y2) if mousex() > x1 and mousex() < x2 and mousey() > y1 and mousey() < y2 then exitfunction 1 endfunction 0