dim q$(6) dim a$(6) dim q1$(6) dim q2$(6) dim q3$(6) dim an$(6,3) dim word$(20) for x=1 to 6 read q$(x) next x for x=1 to 6 read q1$(x) next x for x=1 to 6 read q2$(x) next x for x=1 to 6 read q3$(x) next x for x=1 to 6 read a$(x) next x for x=0 to 6 for y=1 to 3 read an$(x,y) next y next x quit=0 while quit=0 input "> ",line$ if line$<>"" gosub clear_words count=1 for x=1 to len(line$) if mid$(line$,x)=" " inc count else if asc(lower$(mid$(line$,x)))>=97 and asc(lower$(mid$(line$,x)))<=123 word$(count)=word$(count)+lower$(mid$(line$,x)) endif endif next x found=0 q=0 q1=0 q2=0 q3=0 for x=1 to count for y=1 to 6 if found=0 and q$(y)=word$(x) found=1 q=y endif if q1$(y)=word$(x) then q1=y if q2$(y)=word$(x) then q2=y if q3$(y)=word$(x) then q3=y next y next x if found=1 if q=5 if (q1=1 or q1=4 or q1=5) print "I dont' know" else print "I'm fine" endif else print a$(q) endif else if q2<=3 and q2>0 print an$(q1,q2) else if q3>0 print "hello" else print "that's nice" endif endif endif endif endwhile wait key end clear_words: for x=1 to 20 word$(x)="" next x return data "who","what","where","why","how","when" data "do","are","is","did","does","am" data "i","you","me","","","" data "hello","hi","greetings","bonjour","hiya","hey" data "who knows?" data "no idea" data "not sure where" data "I don't know, why not?" data "how do you?" data "whenever" data "I don't","I do not","everything is about you, isn't it?" data "do you?","I do not","I hardly know you" data "you must be a grammar teacher","I am not","nice grammar" data "you is illin'","no it isn't","if you say so" data "that is in the past now","I did not","lucky you" data "I'm not so sure what you are saying","pardon?","I'm so sorry" data "yes, you are","that sounds confusing","huh?"