sync on dim chat$(-1) as string global name$ global he$ global she$ global location$ global mode set text font "Courier new" set text size 18 render() sync do set cursor 0,screen height()-20 input "Enter text: ",inpt$ array insert at top chat$(0) chat$(0) = "You: "+inpt$ array insert at top chat$(0) chat$(0) = "Chatbot: "+robot(trim$(lower$(inpt$))) render() sync loop function render() cls 0 while array count(chat$(0)) > (screen height()/20) array delete element chat$(0),array count(chat$(0)) endwhile ln = screen height() - 40 line 0,screen height() - 21,screen width(),screen height() - 21 for p = 0 to array count(chat$(0)) text 0,ln,chat$(p) dec ln,20 if ln < 0 then exitfunction next p endfunction function robot(word$) if check$("who",word$) if instr$(" you",word$) if name$ = "" exitfunction "I am Chatbot, who are you?" else exitfunction "I am Chatbot" endif endif if instr$(" i",word$) if name$ = "" exitfunction "You haven't told me your name yet" else exitfunction "You are "+name$ endif endif if instr$(" he",word$) if he$ = "" exitfunction "You haven't told me his name yet" else exitfunction "He is "+he$ endif endif if instr$(" she",word$) if she$ <> "" exitfunction "You haven't told me her name yet" else exitfunction "She is "+she$ endif endif endif if check$("where",word$) if instr$(" you",word$) if location$ <> "" exitfunction "I am in cyberspace, where are you?" else exitfunction "I am in cyberspace" endif endif if instr$(" i",word$) if location$ <> "" exitfunction "You haven't told me where you are" else exitfunction "You are in "+location$ endif endif if instr$(" he",word$) exitfunction "How am I supposed to know?" endif if instr$(" she",word$) exitfunction "How am I supposed to know?" endif endif if check$("what",word$) if instr$(" weather",word$) execute file "iexplore.exe","","" exitfunction "The internet knows all!" endif if instr$(" name",word$) if instr$(" your",word$) if name$ = "" exitfunction "I am Chatbot, who are you?" else exitfunction "I am Chatbot" endif endif if instr$(" my",word$) if name$ = "" exitfunction "You haven't told me your name yet" else exitfunction "You are "+name$ endif endif if instr$(" his",word$) if he$ = "" exitfunction "You haven't told me his name yet" else exitfunction "He is "+he$ endif endif if instr$(" her",word$) if she$ <> "" exitfunction "You haven't told me her name yet" else exitfunction "She is "+she$ endif endif endif endif if check$("i ",word$) if instr$(" am ",word$) name$ = get$(" am ",word$) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if instr$(" like ",word$) if instr$(" you",word$) exitfunction "Me too!" endif endif endif if check$("how ",word$) if instr$(" you",word$) exitfunction "I am fine thanks, how about you?" endif endif if check$("im ",word$) if instr$(" fine",word$) exitfunction "Good for you!" endif if instr$(" good",word$) exitfunction "Great!" endif if instr$(" ok",word$) exitfunction ": )" endif if instr$(" alright",word$) exitfunction ": |" endif if instr$(" bad",word$) exitfunction "Oh well... I hope you feel better tomorrow!" endif if instr$(" sad",word$) exitfunction "Well let me cheer you up!" endif if instr$(" pissed",word$) if instr$(" off",word$) exitfunction "I get that feeling sometimes!" endif exitfunction "I'm 0x54 total!" endif if instr$(" angry",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not angry with me..." endif if instr$(" annoyed",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not annoyed with me..." endif name$ = right$(word$,len(word$)-3) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if check$("i am called ",word$) name$ = right$(word$,len(word$)-12) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if check$("i am ",word$) if instr$(" fine",word$) exitfunction "Good for you!" endif if instr$(" good",word$) exitfunction "Great!" endif if instr$(" ok",word$) exitfunction ": )" endif if instr$(" alright",word$) exitfunction ": |" endif if instr$(" bad",word$) exitfunction "Oh well... I hope you feel better tomorrow!" endif if instr$(" sad",word$) exitfunction "Well let me cheer you up!" endif if instr$(" pissed",word$) if instr$(" off",word$) exitfunction "I get that feeling sometimes!" endif exitfunction "I'm 0x54 total!" endif if instr$(" angry",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not angry with me..." endif if instr$(" annoyed",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not annoyed with me..." endif name$ = right$(word$,len(word$)-5) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if check$("i'm ",word$) if instr$(" fine",word$) exitfunction "Good for you!" endif if instr$(" good",word$) exitfunction "Great!" endif if instr$(" ok",word$) exitfunction ": )" endif if instr$(" alright",word$) exitfunction ": |" endif if instr$(" bad",word$) exitfunction "Oh well... I hope you feel better tomorrow!" endif if instr$(" sad",word$) exitfunction "Well let me cheer you up!" endif if instr$(" pissed",word$) if instr$(" off",word$) exitfunction "I get that feeling sometimes!" endif exitfunction "I'm 0x54 total!" endif if instr$(" angry",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not angry with me..." endif if instr$(" annoyed",word$) exitfunction "I hope your not annoyed with me..." endif name$ = right$(word$,len(word$)-4) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if check$("hello",word$) exitfunction "Hi "+name$ endif if check$("hi",word$) exitfunction "Hello "+name$ endif if instr$(" games",word$) exitfunction "Of course! Here are some games: O+Xs, 21, Maths Quiz" endif if instr$(" jokes",word$) mode = 1 exitfunction "I know some jokes. Do you want to see them?" endif if check$("yes",word$) or check$("yea",word$) if mode = 1 mode = 0 execute file "iexplore.exe","","" exitfunction "Here you go!" endif endif if check$("no",word$) or check$("nah",word$) if mode = 1 exitfunction "Oh... I know you'd love them!" endif endif if instr$("o+xs",word$) gosub playOXs exitfunction "Did you like that game?" endif if check$("i ",word$) if right$(word$,1) = "?" or right$(word$,1) = "!" or right$(word$,1) = "." word$ = left$(word$,len(word$)-1) endif s = rnd(5) if s = 0 an$ = "I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+" too." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 1 an$ = "I don't"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+" much." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 2 an$ = "I don't"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+" at all." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 3 an$ = "I don't know if I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+"!" exitfunction an$ endif if s = 4 an$ = "I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+" a lot!" exitfunction an$ endif if s = 5 an$ = "I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-1)+" a bit." exitfunction an$ endif endif if check$("do you ",word$) if right$(word$,1) = "?" or right$(word$,1) = "!" or right$(word$,1) = "." word$ = left$(word$,len(word$)-1) endif s = rnd(5) if s = 0 an$ = "I do"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+"." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 1 an$ = "I don't"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+" much." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 2 an$ = "I don't"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+" at all." exitfunction an$ endif if s = 3 an$ = "I don't know if I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+"!" exitfunction an$ endif if s = 4 an$ = "I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+" a lot!" exitfunction an$ endif if s = 5 an$ = "I"+right$(word$,len(word$)-6)+" a bit." exitfunction an$ endif endif endfunction "I'm sorry, but I did not understand that!" function check$(key$,word$) l = len(key$) if left$(word$,l) = key$ then exitfunction 1 endfunction 0 function instr$(key$,word$) l1 = len(key$) l2 = len(word$) for d = 1 to l2 if left$(word$,l1) = key$ exitfunction 1 endif word$ = right$(word$,l2-d) next d endfunction 0 function get$(key$,word$) l1 = len(key$) l2 = len(word$) for d = 1 to l2 if left$(word$,l1) = key$ word$ = right$(word$,((l2-d)-l1)+1) exitfunction word$ endif word$ = right$(word$,l2-d) next d endfunction "" playOXs: global dim ox(2,2) as byte do cls 0 line screen height()/3,0,screen height()/3,screen height() line (screen height()/3)*2,0,(screen height()/3)*2,screen height() line 0,screen height()/3,screen height(),screen height()/3 line 0,(screen height()/3)*2,screen height(),(screen height()/3)*2 i = (screen height()/9) for y = 0 to 2 for x = 0 to 2 if ox(x,y) = 1 line ((screen height()/3)*x)+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i,((screen height()/3)*x)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i+i line ((screen height()/3)*x)+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*x)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i endif if ox(x,y) = 2 circle ((screen height()/3)*x)+i+(i/2),((screen height()/3)*y)+i+(i/2),i/2 endif next x next y if mouseclick() x = int(mousex()/(screen height()/3)) y = int(mousey()/(screen height()/3)) if x < 3 and y < 3 if ox(x,y) = 0 ox(x,y) = 1 t = same(ox(0,0),ox(1,0),ox(2,0)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,0) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,0) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,0) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(0,1),ox(1,1),ox(2,1)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,1) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,1) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(0,2),ox(1,2),ox(2,2)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,2) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,2) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,2) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(0,0),ox(0,1),ox(0,2)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,0) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(0,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(0,2) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(1,0),ox(1,1),ox(1,2)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(1,0) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(1,2) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(2,0),ox(2,1),ox(2,2)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(2,0) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(2,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,2) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(0,0),ox(1,1),ox(2,2)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,0) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,2) = 2 goto moved endif t = same(ox(0,2),ox(1,1),ox(2,0)) if t >= 0 if t = 0 then ox(0,2) = 2 if t = 1 then ox(1,1) = 2 if t = 2 then ox(2,0) = 2 goto moved endif if ox(0,0) = 0 then ox(0,0) = 2 : goto moved if ox(0,2) = 0 then ox(0,2) = 2 : goto moved if ox(2,0) = 0 then ox(2,0) = 2 : goto moved if ox(2,2) = 0 then ox(2,2) = 2 : goto moved if ox(1,1) = 0 then ox(1,1) = 2 : goto moved if ox(1,0) = 0 then ox(1,0) = 2 : goto moved if ox(1,2) = 0 then ox(1,2) = 2 : goto moved if ox(0,1) = 0 then ox(0,1) = 2 : goto moved if ox(2,1) = 0 then ox(2,1) = 2 : goto moved fin(-1) moved: if ox(0,0) = ox(0,1) and ox(0,1) = ox(0,2) then fin(ox(0,0)) if ox(1,0) = ox(1,1) and ox(1,1) = ox(1,2) then fin(ox(1,0)) if ox(2,0) = ox(2,1) and ox(2,1) = ox(2,2) then fin(ox(2,0)) if ox(0,0) = ox(1,0) and ox(1,0) = ox(2,0) then fin(ox(0,0)) if ox(0,1) = ox(1,1) and ox(1,1) = ox(2,1) then fin(ox(0,1)) if ox(0,2) = ox(1,2) and ox(1,2) = ox(2,2) then fin(ox(0,2)) if ox(0,0) = ox(1,1) and ox(1,1) = ox(2,2) then fin(ox(0,0)) if ox(0,2) = ox(1,1) and ox(1,1) = ox(2,0) then fin(ox(0,2)) endif endif endif sync loop undim ox(0) return function same(v1,v2,v3) if v1 = v2 and v3 = 0 exitfunction 2 endif if v1 = v3 and v2 = 0 exitfunction 1 endif if v2 = v3 and v1 = 0 exitfunction 0 endif endfunction -1 function fin(n) if n = 0 then exitfunction for y = 0 to 2 for x = 0 to 2 if ox(x,y) = 1 line ((screen height()/3)*x)+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i,((screen height()/3)*x)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i+i line ((screen height()/3)*x)+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*x)+i+i,((screen height()/3)*y)+i endif if ox(x,y) = 2 circle ((screen height()/3)*x)+i+(i/2),((screen height()/3)*y)+i+(i/2),i/2 endif next x next y undim ox(0) global dim ox(2,2) as byte sync repeat sync until mouseclick() = 0 wait 500 endfunction