sync on : hide mouse set text font "Courier New" set text size 24 dim grid(80,30) as string for y = 0 to 30 for x = 0 to 80 read grid(x,y) next x next y global start start = timer() do inc timeout if timeout > 10 then timeout = 0 if dead = 0 xmo = (rightkey()-leftkey())*4 if spacekey() and ground ymo# = -6 endif endif ground = 0 inc ymo#,0.1 if xmo if timeout = 0 if frame <> 0 frame = 0 else frame = 1 endif endif endif if ymo# > 1 frame = 2 endif if ymo# < -1 if xmo > 0 frame = 3 else if xmo < 0 frame = 4 else frame = 5 endif endif endif if xpos#+xmo < 0 xpos# = 0 xmo = 0 endif if xpos#+xmo > 959 xpos# = 959 xmo = 0 endif if ypos#+ymo# < 0 ypos# = 0 ymo# = abs(ymo#) endif if ypos#+ymo# > 800 ypos# = 0 ymo# = 0 endif s = sign(ymo#) xp = r(xpos#+xmo,12) yp = r(ypos#+ymo#+88,24) t = 0 if grid(xp,yp) = "^" dead = 1 endif if grid(xp,yp) = "[" grid(xp,yp) = "" grid(xp+1,yp) = "_" grid(xp+2,yp) = "" win = 1 endif if grid(xp,yp) = "T" grid(xp-1,yp) = "" grid(xp,yp) = "_" grid(xp+1,yp) = "" win 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text xpos#,ypos#+48,"|" center text xpos#,ypos#+72,"|" endif if frame = 2 center text xpos#,ypos#,"\O/" center text xpos#,ypos#+24,"|" center text xpos#,ypos#+48,"/\" center text xpos#,ypos#+72,"/ \" endif if frame = 3 center text xpos#,ypos#,"O" center text xpos#,ypos#+24,"/|\" center text xpos#,ypos#+48,"/\" center text xpos#,ypos#+72,"/ /" endif if frame = 4 center text xpos#,ypos#,"O" center text xpos#,ypos#+24,"/|\" center text xpos#,ypos#+48,"/\" center text xpos#,ypos#+72,"\ \" endif if frame = 5 center text xpos#,ypos#,"O" center text xpos#,ypos#+24,"/|\" center text xpos#,ypos#+48,"/\" center text xpos#,ypos#+72,"\ /" endif if frame = 6 center text xpos#,ypos#-24," _______ " center text xpos#,ypos#, " / OWWW! \" center text xpos#,ypos#+24," \____ _/" center text xpos#,ypos#+48," \/ " center text xpos#,ypos#+72," ¦>-->O " endif if frame = 7 center text xpos#,ypos#-96," _______ " center text xpos#,ypos#-72,"/ YAY! \ " center text xpos#,ypos#-48,"\____ _/ " center text xpos#,ypos#-24," \/ " center text xpos#,ypos#, " \O/ " center text xpos#,ypos#+24," | " center text xpos#,ypos#+48," /\ " center text xpos#,ypos#+72," / \ " endif endfunction function r(v#,a) v = int(v#/a) endfunction v data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" data "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 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