remstart Line-Roller by Master Xilo (Hurricane-Eye Entertainment) CONTROLS: - press space-button to start - press return to "pay" 1 point (score) to reload the level (if not yet started) - click and hold the mouse button to draw lines Try to get the amount of yellow boxes needed as "target" by drawing lines on wich the ball rolls. The end point of a line must be more down and right than the startpoint. You loose if the ball falls / rolls out of the screen. remend ``Setup set display mode 640,480,32 Sync on:sync rate 60 set window off autocam off position camera 0,0,0 point camera 0,0,1 set camera fov 45 randomize timer() ink 0,0 ``Make textures make memblock 1,12+256*256*4 write memblock dword 1,0,256 write memblock dword 1,4,256 write memblock dword 1,8,32 for y=0 to 255 for x=0 to 255 write memblock dword 1,12+(x+y*256)*4,rgb(x,y,255-y) next x next y make image from memblock 5,1:delete memblock 1 make memblock 1,12+256*256*4 write memblock dword 1,0,256 write memblock dword 1,4,256 write memblock dword 1,8,32 for y=0 to 255 for x=0 to 255 write memblock dword 1,12+(x+y*256)*4,rgb(255-y,x,y) next x next y make image from memblock 6,1:delete memblock 1 make memblock 1,12+256*256*4 write memblock dword 1,0,256 write memblock dword 1,4,256 write memblock dword 1,8,32 for y=0 to 255 for x=0 to 255 write memblock dword 1,12+(x+y*256)*4,rgb(x,255-y,y) next x next y make image from memblock 7,1:delete memblock 1 make memblock 1,12+6*1*4 write memblock dword 1,0,6 write memblock dword 1,4,1 write memblock dword 1,8,32 write memblock dword 1,12+4*0,rgb(255, 0, 0) write memblock dword 1,12+4*1,rgb(255, 128, 0) write memblock dword 1,12+4*2,rgb(255, 255, 0) write memblock dword 1,12+4*3,rgb(0, 255, 0) write memblock dword 1,12+4*4,rgb(0, 0, 255) write memblock dword 1,12+4*5,rgb(128, 0, 128) make image from memblock 4,1:delete memblock 1 make memblock 1,12+1*1*4 write memblock dword 1,0,1 write memblock dword 1,4,1 write memblock dword 1,8,32 write memblock dword 1,12,rgb(255, 255, 0) make image from memblock 3,1:delete memblock 1 make memblock 1,12+1*1*4 write memblock dword 1,0,1 write memblock dword 1,4,1 write memblock dword 1,8,32 write memblock dword 1,12,rgb(1, 1, 1) make image from memblock 2,1:delete memblock 1 ``Main Player Sphere make object sphere 1,15 position object 1,-320,240,580 texture object 1,4 make object sphere 3,15 scale object 3,-110,-110,-110 glue object to limb 3,1,0 set object light 3,0 texture object 3,2 ``Background backdrop off Make object plain 2,680,500 position object 2,0,0,600 texture object 2,5 set object light 2,0 set object transparency 2,4:set alpha mapping on 2,40 dim lines(1000,3) as integer currentline=0 score=0 target=1 current=0 speed#=0 gosub SETUPLevel do if started if mouseclick() if click=0 lines(currentline,0)=mousex() lines(currentline,1)=mousey() endif click=1 lines(currentline,2)=mousex() lines(currentline,3)=mousey() else if click=1 then click=0:if ((lines(i,0)>lines(i,2) or lines(i,1)>lines(i,3))=0) then inc currentline endif for i=0 to currentline-1*(click=0) ink 0,0 if (lines(i,0)>lines(i,2) or lines(i,1)>lines(i,3)) then ink rgb(255,0,0),0 line lines(i,0),lines(i,1),lines(i,2),lines(i,3) next i for i=100 to 100+target*2 if object exist (i) then yrotate object i,object angle y(i)+5 next i col=OBJECT COLLISION(1,0) if col>=100 delete object col:inc current endif position object 1,object position x(1)+1,object position y(1)-speed#,object position z(1) zrotate object 1,object angle z(1)-8 speed#=speed#+0.1 pointcol1=POINT(object position x(1)+321,480-(object position y(1)+240)+5) pointcol2=POINT(object position x(1)+321,480-(object position y(1)+240)+6) pointcol3=POINT(object position x(1)+321,480-(object position y(1)+240)+7) pointcol4=POINT(object position x(1)+321,480-(object position y(1)+240)+8) pointcol=(pointcol1=0 or pointcol2=0 or pointcol3=0 or pointcol4=0) if pointcol x=object position x(1)+321 y=480-(object position y(1)+240)+8 repeat x=x+1 until POINT(x,y)>=0 and POINT(x,y-1)>=0 and POINT(x,y-2)>=0 and POINT(x,y-3)>=0 diff=x-(object position x(1)+321) position object 1,object position x(1)+diff,object position y(1),object position z(1) speed#=-(0.5-diff/20.0) if speed<=0 then speed#=0.1 endif if current>=target score=score+current inc target current=0 started=0 currentline=0 click=0 position object 1,-320,240,580 gosub SETUPLevel speed#=0 endif if object position y(1)<-240 or object position x(1)>320 target=1 lastscore=score score=0 current=0 started=0 gameover=1: currentline=0 click=0 position object 1,-320,240,580 gosub SETUPLevel speed#=0 endif endif if returnkey() and started=0 if key=0 score=score-1 current=0 started=0 currentline=0 click=0 position object 1,-320,240,580 gosub SETUPLevel speed#=0 endif key=1 else key=0 endif ink 0,0 set cursor 32,32:Print "FPS: ";screen fps();" Score: ";score;" Target: ";current;" / ";target if spacekey() then started=1:gameover=0 if started=0 then text 260,220,"Press space to start" if gameover then text 280,240,"GAME OVER! Last Score: "+str$(lastscore) sync loop SETUPLevel: posx=32 posy=32 delete objects 100,10000 for i=100 to 100+target*2 if object exist (i) then delete object i make object cube i,20 position object i,-320+rnd(620),240-rnd(480),580 posx=posx+rnd(620)/target posy=posy+rnd(460)/target texture object i,3 next i texture object 2,5+rnd(2) return