`Entry - with added colours (but not flavours)
`initialise screen
set display mode 640,480,32
autocam off
`declare variable for camera angle
`reset object number
`create board
make object cube 1601,100
`create pin
make object cylinder 65000,10
scale object 65000,100,2000,100
make object sphere 65001,20
make mesh from object 65001,65001
delete object 65001
add limb 65000,1,65001
offset limb 65000,1,0,5,0
scale limb 65000,1,100,5,100
make mesh from object 65002,65000
delete object 65000
`stretch board
scale object 1601,500,10,500
`position board
position object 1601,0,0,0
`create pins
For y = 1 to 40
For x = 1 to 40
`create object
Make object a,65002,0
`scale object a,100,2000,100
`position object
Position object a,(x*12)-240,(sin((9.0*x)+t#)+cos((9.0*y)+t#))*40.0,(y*12)-240
`increment object number
Inc a
Next x
Next y
`main loop
For y = 1 to 40
For x = 1 to 40
`reposition dependant on sine wave function and time
Position object a,(x*12)-240,(sin((9.0*x)+t#)+cos((9.0*y)+t#))*40.0,(y*12)-240
color object a,RGB(pulsate(255,0,10,t#),pulsate(255,0,10,t#+12+(10*SIN(x))),pulsate(255,0,10,t#+12+(10*COS(y))))
Inc a
Next x
Next y
`increment time
inc t#
ink 0xffffffff,0
set cursor 0,0
`display info
print "Pin Pression simulation by calcyman"
print "Press Left and right arrowkeys to rotate simulation"
print "Press Up and Down to zoom in/out"
print "polies: ";STATISTIC(1)
`position camera dependant on angle, and point towards centre of simulation
Position camera zoom#*SIN(angle),(zoom#*2.0)/3.0,zoom#*COS(angle)
point camera 0,0,0
`change angle dependant on user input
If leftkey()=1 then dec angle,5
If rightkey()=1 then inc angle,5
If upkey()=1 then dec zoom#,10
IF downkey()=1 then inc zoom#,10
`repeat loop
function pulsate(maximum as double float,minimum as double float,speed as double float, time as double float)
value as double float
endfunction value