set text font "Terminal" : set text size 72
screenwidth = screen width()
screenheight = screen height()
screenwidth10 = (screen width() / 10)
screenheight10 = (screen height() / 10)
screenwidth10 = (screen width() / 10)
screenheight10 = (screen height() / 10)
screenmin10 = (screen width() - 10)
screenmin20 = (screen width() - 20)
screenwidthhalf = (screen width() / 2)
fieldsize = (screenwidth / 2)
`your object
global plankobject = 2
global plankx = 10
global planky
global plankwith = (10)
global plankheight =  (100)
global planknewxpos = screenheight
global planknewypos
`evil object
global evilobject = 3
global evilx = screenmin20
global evily = screenheight10
global evilwith = (screenwidth100)
global evilheight = (screenheight10)
global evilnewx
global evilnewy
global evilspeed = 2
global dosomething = 0
global doright = 0
global randomAI
global AIdiff
global AIdiffmax
global ballx = fieldsize
global bally = fieldsize
global ballwith = 10
global ballheight = 10
`--- changed 2 lines here ---
global ballxspeed = 3
global ballyspeed = 3
global ballobject = 1
global ballnewx
global ballnewy
global yourpoints
global evilpoints
global upsidex = 1
global upsidey = 1
global upsidewith = screenwidth
global downsidex  = 1
global downsidey = screenheight
global downsidewith = screenwidth
global fieldwith = screenwidth
`create ball
ink rgb(255,255,255),1
box 0,0,ballwith,ballheight
get image 1,0,0,ballwith, ballheight,0
`create plank and evil
ink rgb(255,255,255),1
box 0,0,plankwith,plankheight
get image 2,0,0,plankwith, plankheight,0
   ` Player score
   text 200, 30, str$(yourpoints)
   ` Cpu score
   text 400, 30, str$(evilpoints)
get image 4,0,0,500,40
Sprite plankobject, planknewxpos, planknewypos, 2
Sprite evilobject, evilnewx, evilnewy, 2
Sprite ballobject, ballnewx, ballnewy, 1
`take this out to try
    remstart if ballx < (plankx + plankwith) and (ballx + ballwith) > plankx
        `hits plankx
        if baly < (planky + plankheight) and (bally + ballheight) > planky
            `hits plank full
            ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
    endif remend
`ballcollision on side
    if (bally + ballheight) > downsidey then ballyspeed = ballyspeed * -1
    if bally < upsidey then ballyspeed = ballyspeed * -1
remstart    if ballx < (evilx + evilwith) and (ballx + ballwith) > evilx
        `hits evilx
        if baly < (evily + evilheight) and (bally + ballheight) > evily
            `hits evil full
            ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1
`new to trie
if sprite collision( 1, 2) then ballxspeed = ballxspeed *-1
if sprite collision( 1, 3) then ballxspeed = ballxspeed *-1
`move your plank
    `planknewxpos = mousex()
    planknewxpos = 10
    planknewypos = mousey()
    if planknewypos < upsidey then plankypos = upsidey
    if (planknewypos + plankheight) > downsidey then planky = (downsidey - plankheight)
    `if ballx > fieldsize
      remstart  if dosomething = 0
            randomAI = rnd(AIdiffmax)
            if randomAI < AIdiff then doright = 1
            dosomething = 1
        if doright = 1 `goes to the good side remend
            if bally <= evily then evilnewy = (evily - evilspeed)
            if bally  >= evily then evilnewy = (evily + evilspeed)
     remstart if ballx < fieldsize
        dosomething = 0
        doright = 0
        randomAI = 0
    endif remend
evilnewx = screenmin20
`update ball
ballnewx = ballx + ballxspeed
ballnewy = bally + ballyspeed
`--- added 2 lines here ----
evilx = evilnewx
`evily = evilnewy
Sprite plankobject, planknewxpos, planknewypos, 2
Sprite evilobject, evilnewx, evilnewy, 2
Sprite ballobject, ballnewx, ballnewy, 1
   ` Player score
   text 200, 30, str$(yourpoints)
   ` Cpu score
   text 400, 30, str$(evilpoints)
`show score
` Draw each player's score
  ` ink rgb(200, 200, 200), 0
   ` Player score
   text 200, 30, str$(yourscore)
   ` Cpu score
   text 400, 30, str$(evilscore)
`--- added 5 lines here ---
`set cursor 1,1
remstart print "ballx=";ballx
print "bally=";bally
print "ballxspeed";ballxspeed
print "ballyspeed";ballyspeed
evily = evilnewy
if ballx < 0 
    ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1 :
if ballx > screenwidth 
    ballxspeed = ballxspeed * -1 
function score(whoscored)
if whoscored = 0 then yourpoints = yourpoints + 1
if whoscored = 1 then evilpoints = evilpoints + 1
   ` Player score
   text 200, 30, str$(yourpoints)
   ` Cpu score
   text 400, 30, str$(evilpoints)
sleep 3000
`kick off
ballx = fieldsize
ballnewy = fieldsize
ballnewx = fieldsize
bally = fieldsize