sync on : autocam off : sync rate 30
position camera 0,100,100
point camera 0,0,0
gosub images
gosub objects
position camera (camera position x()+mousemovex()),(camera position y()+mousemovey()),object position z(1)+50
point camera object position x(1),object position y(1),object position z(1)
if camera position y()>600 then position camera (camera position x()+mousemovex()),600,object position z(1)-20
if camera position y()<-600 then position camera (camera position x()+mousemovex()),-600,object position z(1)-20
if camera position x()>600 then position camera 600,camera position y(),object position z(1)-20
if camera position x()<-600 then position camera -600,camera position y(),object position z(1)-20
make object sphere 1,0
make object box 2,10,10,50
make object box 3,10,10,50
make object sphere 4,12
make object sphere 5,12
make object cone 6,7
make object cone 7,7
make mesh from object 1,2
make mesh from object 2,3
make mesh from object 3,4
make mesh from object 4,5
make mesh from object 5,6
make mesh from object 6,7
delete object 2
delete object 3
delete object 4
delete object 5
delete object 6
delete object 7
add limb 1,1,1
add limb 1,2,2
add limb 1,3,3
add limb 1,4,4
add limb 1,5,5
add limb 1,6,6
link limb 1,3,1
link limb 1,4,2
link limb 1,5,1
link limb 1,6,2
offset limb 1,1,10,0,0
offset limb 1,2,-10,0,0
offset limb 1,3,0,9,18
offset limb 1,4,0,9,18
offset limb 1,5,0,0,26
offset limb 1,6,0,0,26
rotate limb 1,1,0,wrapvalue(-12),0
rotate limb 1,2,0,12,0
rotate limb 1,3,180,349,0
rotate limb 1,4,180,11,0
rotate limb 1,5,90,0,0
rotate limb 1,6,90,0,0
set object keyframe 1,0
set object keyframe 1,10
offset limb 1,1,20,0,0
offset limb 1,2,-20,0,0
rotate limb 1,1,0,wrapvalue(-42),0
rotate limb 1,2,0,42,0
rotate limb 1,3,180,325,0
rotate limb 1,4,180,35,0
set object keyframe 1,5
loop object 1
texture limb 1,1,2
texture limb 1,2,2
texture limb 1,3,1
texture limb 1,4,1
texture limb 1,5,3
texture limb 1,6,3
make object sphere 2,300000
color object 2,rgb(100,100,0)
set object 2,1,1,0
set camera range 1,5000000
for t=3 to 40
make object sphere t,1+rnd(12)
position object t,-300+rnd(600),-300+rnd(600),-300+rnd(600)
color object t,rgb(70+rnd(100),rnd(70),0)
next t
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
box 0,0,100,100
ink rgb(100,100,255),0
for t=0 to 7
circle 50,50,t
next t
ink rgb(5,5,5),0
box 49,49,51,51
get image 1,0,0,100,100
ink rgb(150,70,0),0
box 0,0,110,110
ink rgb(110,40,0),0
for t=0 to 300
box a,b,a+5,b+5
next t
get image 2,0,0,110,110
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
box 0,0,50,50
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
box 10,0,50,20
get image 3,0,0,50,50