REM ***********************************************
REM Title: Energy Meter
REM Author: Phaelax
REM Downloaded from:
REM ***********************************************
rem current amount of hit points
current = 37
rem maximum number of hit points
max = 78
sync on
sync rate 40
   energyBar(mousex()-100, mousey()-8, current, max, 200, 16)
   rem control current health amount
   if rightkey() then inc current
   if leftkey() then dec current
   if current > max then current = max
   if current < 0 then current = 0
REM ================================================
REM X,Y = position of health meter
REM Current = current number of hit points
REM Max = maximum number of hit points
REM MeterLength = width of the health meter
REM MeterHeight = height of the health meter
REM ================================================
function energyBar(x, y, current#, max, meterLength, meterHeight)
   ink rgb(30,30,30),0
   box x,y,x+meterLength,y+meterHeight
   T# = current#/max
   C = meterLength*T#
   ink rgb(255,0,0),0
   color1 = rgb(255,0,0)
   color2 = getTransitionalColor(color1,rgb(0,255,0),T#)
   box x, y, x+C, y+meterHeight,color1,color1,color2,color2
   ink rgb(255,255,255),0
   text x, y, str$(current#)
   text x+meterLength-16, y, str$(max)
REM **************************************************
REM Returns a linear interpolated color between base
REM color and target color. Percent ranges from 0 to 1
REM **************************************************
function getTransitionalColor(base, target, percent#)
   br = rgbr(base)
   bg = rgbg(base)
   bb = rgbb(base)
   tr = rgbr(target)
   tg = rgbg(target)
   tb = rgbb(target)
   tr = br + (tr-br)*percent#
   tg = bg + (tg-bg)*percent#
   tb = bb + (tb-bb)*percent#
   color = rgb(tr,tg,tb)
endfunction color