REM *********************************************** REM Title: random terrain REM Author: Phaelax REM Downloaded from: REM *********************************************** sync on backdrop on color backdrop 0 hide mouse randomize timer() tx = 50 tz = 50 tsx# = 1000.0/tx tsz# = 1000.0/tz dim heights#(tx,tz) `load image "grass.jpg", 1 make matrix 1, 1000,1000,tx,tz `prepare matrix texture 1,1,1,1 position camera 0,300,0 point camera 500,100,500 do gosub camera_stuff if spacekey() and flag=0 flag = 1 x1 = rnd(1000) y1 = rnd(1000) x2 = rnd(1000) y2 = rnd(1000) gosub _calc_matrix endif if returnkey() and flag2=0 flag2 = 1 gosub _smooth_matrix endif if shiftkey() and flag3=0 flag3=1 gosub _randomize_matrix endif if spacekey() = 0 then flag = 0 if returnkey() = 0 then flag2 = 0 if shiftkey() = 0 then flag3 = 0 sync loop _randomize_matrix: for z = 0 to tz for x = 0 to tx h# = rnd(100) set matrix height 1,x,z,h# heights#(x,z) = h# next x next z update matrix 1 RETURN _calc_matrix: h0# = 20 h1# = 15 for z = 0 to tz for x = 0 to tx px# = x*tsx# pz# = z*tsz# if point_line(px#,pz#,x1,y1,x2,y2) >= 0 h# = get matrix height(1,x,z)+h0# set matrix height 1, x, z, h# else h# = get matrix height(1,x,z)-h1# set matrix height 1, x, z, h# endif heights#(x,z) = h# next x next z update matrix 1 RETURN _smooth_matrix: for z = 0 to tz for x = 0 to tx count = 0 h1# = 0 h2# = 0 h3# = 0 h4# = 0 h5# = 0 h6# = 0 h7# = 0 h8# = 0 if z < tz if x > 0 then h1# = heights#(x-1,z+1) : inc count h2# = heights#(x,z+1) : inc count if x < tx then h3# = heights#(x+1,z+1) : inc count endif if x > 0 then h4# = heights#(x-1,z) : inc count if x < tx then h5# = heights#(x+1,z) : inc count if z > 0 if x > 0 then h6# = heights#(x-1,z-1) : inc count h7# = heights#(x,z-1) : inc count if x < tx then h8# = heights#(x+1,z-1) : inc count endif avg# = (h1#+h2#+h3#+h4#+h5#+h6#+h7#+h8#) / count set matrix height 1,x,z,avg# next x next z update matrix 1 for z = 0 to tz for x = 0 to tx heights#(x,z) = get matrix height(1,x,z) next x next z RETURN camera_stuff: oldcx#=cx# oldcz#=cz# speed# = 5 if upkey()=1 cx#=newxvalue(cx#,a#,speed#) cz#=newzvalue(cz#,a#,speed#) endif if downkey()=1 cx#=newxvalue(cx#,a#,-speed#) cz#=newzvalue(cz#,a#,-speed#) endif if leftkey()=1 cx#=newxvalue(cx#,wrapvalue(a#-90.0),speed#) cz#=newzvalue(cz#,wrapvalue(a#-90.0),speed#) endif if rightkey()=1 cx#=newxvalue(cx#,wrapvalue(a#+90.0),speed#) cz#=newzvalue(cz#,wrapvalue(a#+90.0),speed#) endif if shiftkey() then inc cy#, 2 if controlkey() then dec cy#, 2 a#=wrapvalue(a#+(mousemovex()/3.0)) cxa#=cxa#+(mousemovey()/3.0) if cxa#<-90.0 then cxa#=-90.0 if cxa#>90.0 then cxa#=90.0 cy# = get ground height(1,cx#,cz#) position camera cx#,cy#+100,cz# rotate camera wrapvalue(cxa#),a#,0 RETURN function point_line(px#,py#, x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#) dp# = (x2# - x1#) * (py# - y1#) - (px# - x1#) * (y2# - y1#) endfunction dp#