REM *********************************************** REM Title: Terrain Click REM Author: Unknown REM Downloaded from: REM *********************************************** sync on : sync rate 0 : set display mode 1024,768,32 matx=64 : matz=64 : tilesize=128 creatematrix(1,matx,matz,tilesize) ax#=45 : ay#=0 : ox#=matx/2*tilesize : oy#=0 : oz#=matz/2*tilesize : r#=1000 : FOV#=60 : set camera fov FOV# make object sphere 1,50 : make object sphere 2,75 DO gosub camera if mouseclick()=1 and mouseclick()<>3 then gosub mmcoord gosub stats sync LOOP function creatematrix(n,x,z,ts): make matrix n,x*ts,z*ts,x,z endfunction camera: if mouseclick()=2 ax#=ax#+(my-mousey()) ay#=wrapvalue(ay#+(mx-mousex())) if ax#>85 then ax#=85 if ax#<5 then ax#=5 endif mx=mousex() my=mousey() if upkey()=1 or (mouseclick()=0 and mousey()=0) ox#=ox#-5*sin(ay#) oz#=oz#-5*cos(ay#) endif if downkey()=1 or (mouseclick()=0 and mousey()=screen height()-1) ox#=ox#+5*sin(ay#) oz#=oz#+5*cos(ay#) endif if leftkey()=1 or (mouseclick()=0 and mousex()=0) ox#=ox#+5*cos(ay#) oz#=oz#-5*sin(ay#) endif if rightkey()=1 or (mouseclick()=0 and mousex()=screen width()-1) ox#=ox#-5*cos(ay#) oz#=oz#+5*sin(ay#) endif if mouseclick()=3 r#=r#+mousemovey() if r#<100 then r#=100 if r#>2500 then r#=2500 endif if inkey$()="+" and FOV#<360 FOV#=FOV#+0.5 set camera fov FOV# endif if inkey$()="-" and FOV#>0 FOV#=FOV#-0.5 set camera fov FOV# endif x#=ox#+r#*sin(ay#)*cos(ax#) y#=oy#+r#*sin(ax#) z#=oz#+r#*cos(ay#)*cos(ax#) position camera x#,y#,z# point camera ox#,oy#,oz# position object 2,ox#,oy#,oz# return mmcoord: scrw# = screen width() scrh# = screen height() smax# = r#*tan(FOV#/2) sh# = (((scrh#/2-mousey())*2)/scrh#)*smax# l# = (sh#*sin(90+atan(sh#/r#)))/sin(ax#-atan(sh#/r#)) smax2# = r#*scrw#/scrh#*tan(FOV#/2) sw# = (((mousex()-scrw#/2)*2)/scrw#)*smax2# rsh# = sqrt(r#^2+sh#^2) rl# = sqrt((camera position x()-(ox#-l#*sin(ay#)))^2+(camera position y()-oy#)^2+(camera position z()-(oz#-l#*cos(ay#)))^2) w# = (sw#*rl#)/rsh# x# = ox#-l#*sin(ay#)-w#*cos(ay#) y# = oy# z# = oz#-l#*cos(ay#)+w#*sin(ay#) position object 1,x#,y#,z# return stats: text 0,0,"Rotation coordinates: "+str$(ox#)+","+str$(oy#)+","+str$(oz#) text 0,20,"Camera angle y = "+str$(ay#) text 0,40,"Camera angle x = "+str$(ax#) text 0,60,"Camera radius = "+str$(r#) text 0,80,"Camera fov = "+str$(FOV#) return