REM *********************************************** REM Title: Random Tree REM Author: unknown REM Downloaded from: REM *********************************************** set display mode 1024,768,16 sync on:autocam off:hide mouse position camera 0,40,-50:point camera 0,35,0 backdrop on:color backdrop rgb(96,96,160) randomize timer() rem leaf texture create bitmap 1,128,128:set current bitmap 1:cls 0:ink rgb(0,160,0),0 for x=0 to 64:y=sqrt(4096-x*x):box 64-x,64-y,64+x,64+y:next x get image 1,0,0,128,128 rem branch texture cls 0 for x=0 to 127 step 16:y=0 while y<127 ink rgb(rnd(128)+64,rnd(64)+64,0),0:y1=y+rnd(16)+16 if y1>127 then y1=127 box x,y,x+15,y1:y=y1 endwhile next x get image 2,0,0,128,128 set current bitmap 0:ink rgb(255,255,255),0 make object plain 1,0.01,0.01:position object 1,0,0,0 set object 1,1,0,0 tree(1,10.0,3.0,9,0,0) do set cursor 0,0:print screen fps() turn object right 1,1:sync loop function tree(o,h#,b#,l,p,a) m=1:while limb exist(o,m)=1:m=m+1:endwhile if l>=1 if b#<1 make object box o+1,b#,h#,b# else make object cylinder o+1,1 scale object o+1,100*b#,100*h#,100*b# endif else make object plain o+1,h#/3,h# yrotate object o+1,90 endif position object o+1,0,h#/2,0 make mesh from object m,o+1:delete object o+1 add limb o,m,m:offset limb o,m,0,h#*1.2,0 if p>0 then link limb o,m,p if m>1 then rotate limb 1,m,0,a,20+rnd(20) if l=0 texture limb o,m,1 else texture limb o,m,2 if b#>=1 then scale limb texture o,m,4,1 endif set cursor 0,0:print screen fps() turn object right 1,1:sync if l>=1 a=wrapvalue(a+10+rnd(30)) tree(o,h#/1.2,b#/1.4,l-1,m,a) a=wrapvalue(a+180) tree(o,h#/1.2,b#/1.4,l-1,m,a) endif endfunction