REM ***********************************************
REM Title: circle outline
REM Author: Phaelax
REM Downloaded from:
REM ***********************************************
REM **************************************************
REM Draws the outline of a circle given the center
REM co-ordinates [cx,cy] and its inner and outer radii
REM **************************************************
function circleOutline(cx,cy,outerRadius,innerRadius)
   for x = cx-outerRadius to cx+outerRadius
      for y = cy-outerRadius to cy+outerRadius
         sqDistance = (cx-x)^2 + (cy-y)^2
         if  sqDistance <= outerRadius*outerRadius and sqDistance >= innerRadius*innerRadius
            p# = (((x-cx)^2 + (y-cy)^2+0.0) - innerRadius^2) / (outerRadius^2-innerRadius^2)
            if p# > 1 then p#=1.0
            box x,y,x+1,y+1
      next y
   next x