REM *********************************************** REM Title: Gamespace REM Author: Phaelax REM Downloaded from: REM *********************************************** setVirtualResolution(800,600) #CONSTANT GAME_KEY = "<your game key>" playerName$ = "Prince" score = 3579 Type ScoreUDT name as string score as integer EndType scoreObject = 0 submitObject = 0 repeat // Press SPACE key to submit a score if getRawKeyPressed(32) score = random(999, 9999) submitObject = submitScore(playerName$, str(score), GAME_KEY) endif // Press ENTER key to retrieve scores if getRawKeyPressed(13) scoreObject = getScore(GAME_KEY) endif // Score is being submitted, wait for response if submitObject > 0 res = getSubmissionResponse(submitObject) if res = 1 then submitObject = 0 endif // Retrieving scores, wait for response if scoreObject > 0 scores$ = getScoreResponse(scoreObject) if scores$ <> "" scoreObject = 0 count = countStringTokens(scores$, ",") size = val(getStringToken(scores$, ",", 1)) dim scoreboard[size] as ScoreUDT j = 1 for i = 2 to count step 2 player$ = getStringToken(scores$, ",", i) score = val(getStringToken(scores$, ",", i+1)) scoreboard[j].name = player$ scoreboard[j].score = score inc j next i endif endif // Score submitted successfully if res = 1 then print("Submission Successful") // Display scores for i = 1 to size print(scoreboard[i].name+" - "+str(scoreboard[i].score)) next i sync() until getRawKeyPressed(27) = 1 end // Initiate the connection to get list of scores function getScore(gameKey$) http = createHTTPConnection() r = setHTTPHost(http, "", 1, "", "") vars$ = "gamekey="+gameKey$ sendHTTPRequestASync(http, "update/index.php", vars$) endfunction http // Initiate the connection to submit a score function submitScore(player$, score$, gameKey$) http = createHTTPConnection() r = setHTTPHost(http, "", 1, "", "") vars$ = "player="+player$+"&score="+score$+"&gamekey="+gameKey$ sendHTTPRequestASync(http, "update/index.php", vars$) endfunction http // Waits for response containing score data function getScoreResponse(scoreObject) res = getHTTPResponseReady(scoreObject) scores$ = "" if res = -1 // Error elseif res = 1 scores$ = GetHTTPResponse(scoreObject) endif if res <> 0 closeHTTPConnection(scoreObject) deleteHTTPConnection(scoreObject) endif endfunction scores$ // Waits for response after submitting score function getSubmissionResponse(scoreObject) res = getHTTPResponseReady(scoreObject) if res = -1 // Error elseif res = 1 res = val(GetHTTPResponse(scoreObject)) endif if res <> 0 closeHTTPConnection(scoreObject) deleteHTTPConnection(scoreObject) endif endfunction res