REM *********************************************** REM Title: Radial Gradient REM Author: Phaelax REM Downloaded from: REM *********************************************** sync on repeat cls if mouseclick() = 1 mx = mousex() my = mousey() endif gradientFillCircle(150,150,50,mx,my,25,rgb(225,225,225),rgb(48,48,48)) rem draw outline of circle ink rgb(255,0,0),0 circle 150,150,50 sync until spacekey() REM ************************************************** REM Fills circle with center [cx1,cy1] and radius r1 REM with a radial gradient starting from [cx2,cy2] and REM a radius of r2. REM ************************************************** function gradientFillCircle(cx1,cy1,r1,cx2,cy2,r2,gradient1,gradient2) for x = cx1-r1 to cx1+r1 for y = cy1-r1 to cy1+r1 if (x-cx1)^2 + (y-cy1)^2 <= r1^2 p# = ((cx2-x)^2 + (cy2-y)^2+0.0) / r2^2 if p# > 1 then p#=1.0 ink getTransitionalColor(gradient1,gradient2,p#),0 box x,y,x+1,y+1 endif next y next x endfunction REM ************************************************** REM Returns a linear interpolated color between base REM color and target color. Percent ranges from 0 to 1 REM ************************************************** function getTransitionalColor(base, target, percent#) br = rgbr(base) bg = rgbg(base) bb = rgbb(base) tr = rgbr(target) tg = rgbg(target) tb = rgbb(target) tr = br + (tr-br)*percent# tg = bg + (tg-bg)*percent# tb = bb + (tb-bb)*percent# color = rgb(tr,tg,tb) endfunction color