Tilemap Tutorial (DBP/DBC) - Example of a pixel-scrolling tilemap
Purple Token example (AGK) - An example of implementing the Purple Token library.
Purple Token Library (AGK) - A library to make implementation of the Purple Token high-score web service easier in AGK Tier 1
Gamespace (AGK) - Example of how to submit and retrieve scores using the online GameSpace system.
Memblock drawing functions (DBP) - A set of anti-aliased drawing routines that write directly to an image memblock. This is useful for creating custom graphics while preserving background transparency.
The box and circle commands can draw either an outline or filled-in. The circle has a radial gradient function.
The preserveBackground option does just what it says. If turned off, the drawing routine will overwrite any pixel data currently in its pixels' positions. If turned on, it will use a form of alpha compositing to blend the drawing operation on top of any current data. It has a few quirks here and there, but works well in most situations.
Code which typically involves achieving specific graphical effects such as flood fill, texture generation, or 3D special effects like particles and bloom